A weekly email update for the Conestoga Valley School District Community
Mark your calendars! CV's School Spirit Night at the Lancaster Stormers is coming up on Saturday, Sept. 14.
CV students and staff get in for free but extra tickets can be purchased for friends and family! A form will also be sent home with students this week or early next to reserve your free and paid tickets.
And be sure to stay to the end of the game for fireworks!
Board Meeting Information
Beginning with the Sept. 9 meeting, all CVSD school board meetings will be held in the new District Office located at 502 Mt. Sidney Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602. There is directional signage on campus to direct visitors to the new location.
Get Ready for the Bonfire!
CV's annual Community Bonfire is early this year - Sept. 25 at CVHS! The weather makeup date is Oct. 2.
Get ready for an evening of food, music, games and fun for the whole family. The event is free and open to the entire CV community, so we hope to see you there!
Attention CVHS Sophomores, Juniors!
The PSAT will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12 at 7:30 a.m. at CVHS for college-bound juniors (or sophomores advanced in math that have completed Geometry). Payment of $25 check payable to CVSD must be turned in to the guidance office by Sept 25.
A reminder! The test is digital - students must bring their iPad to the test.
Order your 2024-25 CVHS Yearbook!
CVHS Yearbooks are now on sale for the LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR. Order by September 13 to receive four free icons with personalization. Payment plans are also available at checkout.
Click here to order!
Conestoga Valley's online bulletin board is designed to assist community nonprofit groups in the CV area to communicate important information in an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective way. Throughout the school year, we'll highlight new announcements, registration information, and more in this newsletter.
Did you miss a week (or several) of the Buckskin Blast? Don't worry! Archives of this school year's newsletters can be found by clicking the button below!
CV Cares is a decades-old program designed to recognize CV employees who have gone above and beyond to make our students, parents and guardians, and community members feel welcome and supported. The recognition could be for a single extraordinary event or an ongoing pattern of positive interaction and support.
If you have had the opportunity to be on the receiving end of this type of engagement, take a moment to fill out the online form to recognize that special educator. Remember, an educator is anyone who has the opportunity to positively impact the life of a child. As such, an educator can be a bus driver, secretary, custodian, teacher, cafeteria worker, school counselor, administrator, or any other support or professional staff associated with CV.