As required by California law 1. Review the student’s immunization record for the Tdap requirement. One dose of Tdap vaccine on or after the 7th birthday is required for: .. .. ¦ all students entering 7th through 12th grades in 2011-2012 school year .. .. ¦ all students entering 7th grade in 2012-2013 and future school years Acceptable vaccine abbreviations that meet the requirement: Tdap Adacel® Boostrix® D T aP or DTP Not accepatable: Td DECAVAC® TENIVAC® DT DTaP or DTP given before the 7th birthday (usual age limit) History of pertussis disease ¦Verify and check one of three options. The student has: . Proof of a Tdap vaccine on or after their 7th birthday . A medical exemption specifically for Tdap signed by the physician . A personal beliefs exemption specifically for Tdap (CDPH 8261) signed by the parent or guardian ¦ Does the vaccine abbreviation or trade name on the student’s record meet the Tdap requirement?