WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.269 --> 00:00:00.690 perfect. 2 00:00:37.440 --> 00:00:53.430 Sarah Carrier: Good evening everyone, I would like to welcome everyone to the march 23 special Board of education meeting to discuss our proposed transportation propositions and budget discussion. 3 00:00:54.180 --> 00:01:00.450 Sarah Carrier: So I would like to call that meeting to order and recommended action that the board of education approves the agenda. 4 00:01:01.440 --> 00:01:02.100 Joshua Diamond: So moved. 5 00:01:06.300 --> 00:01:07.140 Sarah Carrier: All in favor. 6 00:01:07.380 --> 00:01:08.220 Sarah Carrier: Aye Aye. 7 00:01:08.310 --> 00:01:19.890 Sarah Carrier: Aye opposed abstain motion Gary alright, so, as I mentioned the, the purpose of tonight's meeting is for us to for the board to be able to discuss and deliberate. 8 00:01:20.910 --> 00:01:34.080 Sarah Carrier: Our proposed propositions for transportation for the 2021 2022 budget and at first, I would really just like to take a moment to acknowledge. 9 00:01:34.500 --> 00:01:43.740 Sarah Carrier: The hard work of the bus electrification task force our Community, stakeholders and our administration, particularly Rochelle o'mara. 10 00:01:44.280 --> 00:01:56.340 Sarah Carrier: who's joining us this evening for providing the board with such an abundance of information and research and all of the hard work that you have put into taking a look at this. 11 00:01:57.210 --> 00:02:03.870 Sarah Carrier: So I think, to begin with, I think it would probably be it would be helpful for for us as a board to sort of. 12 00:02:04.860 --> 00:02:24.570 Sarah Carrier: Take a look at the big picture, make sure you know, make sure we are all in in consensus with regard to that sort of think about what it is, you know and where we, as a district want to be going with regard to electrifying our transportation and then from there, we can move into the how. 13 00:02:24.630 --> 00:02:25.740 Joshua Diamond: And, and what we. 14 00:02:25.800 --> 00:02:36.150 Sarah Carrier: What we will talk about to with regard to propositions so really tonight is an opportunity for us to to talk into deliberate. 15 00:02:36.870 --> 00:02:48.810 Sarah Carrier: So administration doesn't have a presentation prepared for us as such and really you know if there is anyone who wants to start jump in, and let us know your thoughts Andrea. 16 00:02:51.240 --> 00:02:54.210 Andrea Furey she/her: I was gonna say you know I saw your your. 17 00:02:55.260 --> 00:02:58.500 Andrea Furey she/her: email just prior to coming on line and. 18 00:03:00.120 --> 00:03:09.480 Andrea Furey she/her: I actually feel that I don't have enough of a grasp of everything to start deliberating and talking about it, I would like to hear. 19 00:03:10.020 --> 00:03:26.580 Andrea Furey she/her: A little bit from the administration, a little bit you have them kind of walk us through I mean I don't know if i'm in the minority, but I, you know that we've been talking about different ways of approaching this not, so to speak, and. 20 00:03:29.010 --> 00:03:37.830 Andrea Furey she/her: I i'm not any information kind of came to us pretty quickly so yeah Neil I know you're on the task at work, so if you. 21 00:03:37.830 --> 00:03:50.610 Neal Haber: could, if I may, I think there really are several steps to take which the big picture before we go on to discussing some of the specific as I certainly. 22 00:03:51.210 --> 00:04:07.950 Neal Haber: I have questions about certain specific before we decide what to do and whether to follow them the suggestion of multiple propositions or whatever um but the first, I think. 23 00:04:09.390 --> 00:04:20.280 Neal Haber: The first issue is, do we believe, has a board and do we therefore want that district to. 24 00:04:21.720 --> 00:04:28.800 Neal Haber: pursue a electrification of the bus fleet at this time. 25 00:04:30.150 --> 00:04:34.680 Neal Haber: as rapidly as we can reasonably do something. 26 00:04:35.700 --> 00:04:46.980 Neal Haber: that's really question number one and if our power determination is yes, we want to do it, and the reason i'll go for a second to say why I talk now. 27 00:04:47.790 --> 00:05:02.610 Neal Haber: Then our second question, I think, is going to be all right, do we want to do that, to the exclusion of purchasing any fossil fuel vehicle from this day forward. 28 00:05:04.200 --> 00:05:17.040 Neal Haber: And what are the ramifications of making that decision, if you know if we were to do that what are ramifications for the business that we need to. 29 00:05:17.970 --> 00:05:31.290 Neal Haber: Do as a school district, the third is if we've answered one and two, and the answer to could be you know it does not necessarily dependent on three what are some of the specific. 30 00:05:33.180 --> 00:05:41.400 Neal Haber: strategies in terms of presentation, or in terms of referenda that we wish to. 31 00:05:42.540 --> 00:05:55.470 Neal Haber: put before the voters hand in what order and with what contingents contingencies or conditions which is going to be dependent on on the probably the answer to two. 32 00:05:56.670 --> 00:06:10.830 Neal Haber: And certainly the answer to one if we don't want to go electric now then we're done so that's kind of how I see an approach and the import from administration would be helpful. 33 00:06:11.730 --> 00:06:24.900 Neal Haber: In each of those three questions or each of these these phases, so if that's kind of a roadmap on how to proceed with the and you know the big picture discussion. 34 00:06:26.070 --> 00:06:35.100 Neal Haber: At first, and Sarah I know you had proposed that I think perhaps we ought to we ought to get that done and have that discussion. 35 00:06:35.700 --> 00:06:36.540 Sarah Carrier: Well, and I think. 36 00:06:37.920 --> 00:06:47.610 Sarah Carrier: yeah I think that was that was my point, so I think our first you know, the first question to that we need to answer is to is that big picture question right, it is, is. 37 00:06:48.090 --> 00:06:57.570 Sarah Carrier: electrification the the you know trance to making the transition to electrification the way we want to want the district to be moving. 38 00:06:58.890 --> 00:07:11.550 Sarah Carrier: And and making sure that we are all on the same page on that on that sort of first essential question before we move on to the housing that's something that really, we have to answer as a board vs administration. 39 00:07:12.840 --> 00:07:27.390 Andrea Furey she/her: Right right right would say that we haven't answered that question we answered that question, over a year ago, and so that that's where we wanted to go, we were hoping that you know with the idea that we would do it as soon as possible. 40 00:07:29.190 --> 00:07:36.090 Andrea Furey she/her: I can't tell you which meeting it was, but I know it was over, over a year ago, maybe closer to two years ago. 41 00:07:36.660 --> 00:07:45.840 Sarah Carrier: Right, and so I mean like I said, essentially, I just want to make sure everyone is still like we are on the same page because to your point we really can't start to be to discuss the like. 42 00:07:46.320 --> 00:07:58.020 Sarah Carrier: The House, and so we are you know we know we're all on the same page, and this is the direction we're moving So what are the next steps we have to take and what are the and what are the ramifications of of taking those steps now. 43 00:07:59.070 --> 00:08:00.180 Neal Haber: And I just want to. 44 00:08:01.290 --> 00:08:15.060 Neal Haber: respond a little bit to what Andrea said because we made that decision, a year ago and in kind of a vacuum, to the extent that we had not really looked at. 45 00:08:15.990 --> 00:08:28.650 Neal Haber: The the subject in detail that's why we have a bustle expert dictation cast for us, we have a report that has been submitted to the board, it provides information about. 46 00:08:29.460 --> 00:08:42.240 Neal Haber: Technology and about finances, so we could conceivably look at that and say you know what it's just too expensive and it's on to on. 47 00:08:44.190 --> 00:08:55.170 Neal Haber: there's not enough evidence out there of other districts going in that direction we don't want to do it now i'm not saying that that's how I feel, but I think the touch point is. 48 00:08:56.370 --> 00:08:58.350 Neal Haber: After what we've learned in the last. 49 00:08:59.880 --> 00:09:03.870 Neal Haber: Six months or 12 months, do we want to go forward with. 50 00:09:04.950 --> 00:09:06.420 Neal Haber: focus on electrification. 51 00:09:06.600 --> 00:09:16.650 Andrea Furey she/her: This so so Neil, I would, I would just say I agree what you're saying, but I would just put it in the context and I don't know if everybody would be in agreement with me. 52 00:09:17.010 --> 00:09:26.580 Andrea Furey she/her: That after saying you know, based on the situation of climate change that as a board we said that's where we should go. 53 00:09:26.850 --> 00:09:37.110 Andrea Furey she/her: But it's really about the how and how fast that's up in the air, I don't you know after reading everything and getting all the information. 54 00:09:37.950 --> 00:09:49.650 Andrea Furey she/her: I think that's The one thing that's that's still open, I personally feel that you know the decision stays the same but it's it's just the how and how fast. 55 00:09:51.240 --> 00:09:51.450 Brian Loges: we're. 56 00:09:51.480 --> 00:09:52.830 Andrea Furey she/her: Looking at this point. 57 00:09:53.040 --> 00:09:54.540 Sarah Carrier: Other thoughts right. 58 00:09:56.160 --> 00:10:03.060 Brian Loges: yeah Can we just all decide if that's The thing that we would like, given the. 59 00:10:04.350 --> 00:10:09.210 Brian Loges: Given the contingency that it is possible and affordable. 60 00:10:10.200 --> 00:10:20.040 Brian Loges: Is that what we would like I don't know if that's where if we're circling around that sort of basic question, because we all did answer that question, yes, we think that that's where we want to go. 61 00:10:20.640 --> 00:10:39.090 Brian Loges: Depending on technology depending on availability of finances, you know, depending on the realistic possibility, so I think we all, if I remember correctly, we all said yeah, we think that we want to do that, of course, it's not finding a year ago, however, now. 62 00:10:39.390 --> 00:10:45.690 Brian Loges: We have lots of information, all of us have lots of information, but from both the administration and many other sources. 63 00:10:47.130 --> 00:11:02.070 Brian Loges: It are we ready at this point, I know I am, but are we ready at this point to say yes or no, we still think we want to do this now let's discuss the, is it possible, and how could we do it is that appropriate right now, because i'm. 64 00:11:02.520 --> 00:11:05.010 Sarah Carrier: More question on the table right now. 65 00:11:05.130 --> 00:11:05.370 yeah. 66 00:11:06.600 --> 00:11:16.770 Joshua Diamond: I could, I could say I think we're ready and and the thing that you know, I was you know, historically, I tend to be a very environmentalist thinker and. 67 00:11:17.580 --> 00:11:30.120 Joshua Diamond: I was in favor of this, but I was also super cautious about the risks involved, I I feel much better about the risks involved now than I did a year ago um. 68 00:11:31.290 --> 00:11:48.720 Joshua Diamond: And I feel that and and really one of the things that has swayed me over that now is the time now now is an okay time to get started, is the is some of the information that we've learned about total cost of ownership. 69 00:11:49.770 --> 00:11:55.830 Joshua Diamond: And that, yes, it's going to cost us more up front, but I think that in the in the long run, we come out ahead. 70 00:11:57.120 --> 00:12:03.420 Joshua Diamond: And that's that's sort of where you know where my thoughts are, and so I think we should move forward and. 71 00:12:04.770 --> 00:12:06.150 Joshua Diamond: That that's where I am on it well. 72 00:12:06.210 --> 00:12:21.090 Brian Loges: You get my vote to move forward with this discussion, as you know, get unless there is some compelling reason not to move along in this direction that, then I also want to do so. 73 00:12:23.490 --> 00:12:25.860 Neal Haber: i'm glad I reset no. 74 00:12:25.890 --> 00:12:27.420 Neal Haber: Well, I wish you want to go first. 75 00:12:28.680 --> 00:12:29.940 Neal Haber: No okay. 76 00:12:30.030 --> 00:12:30.990 Sarah Carrier: I was just pulling people. 77 00:12:32.730 --> 00:12:33.600 Neal Haber: One um. 78 00:12:34.680 --> 00:12:58.620 Neal Haber: I agree, we should move forward my concern it has always been that we and I continue to articulated that how our first responsibility in this discussion is to ensure that we are able to provide transportation to every student that we need to provide transportation. 79 00:12:59.730 --> 00:13:02.550 Neal Haber: Okay, and the second concern. 80 00:13:03.960 --> 00:13:18.600 Neal Haber: That I see is, we must make sure that we can do it within if we are going to move in this direction with without taking away from our core responsibility to provide. 81 00:13:19.710 --> 00:13:34.140 Neal Haber: instruction educational education for our students I don't want to do this if it means that we lose teachers and we lose on you know we our education suffers I. 82 00:13:34.440 --> 00:13:35.730 Brian Loges: am convinced. 83 00:13:36.210 --> 00:13:53.850 Neal Haber: The how is going to be the third part of that I am convinced that it is time to move forward in this endeavor and the first two are not insurmountable obstacle, the one concern that I have had. 84 00:13:55.140 --> 00:13:55.860 Neal Haber: Is that. 85 00:13:57.780 --> 00:14:02.280 Neal Haber: electrification of school buses is really in its infancy. 86 00:14:03.690 --> 00:14:16.470 Neal Haber: There are a demonstration projects that certain states have been doing some states have further along than us, but it's really not you know, we would be really leading there are no other. 87 00:14:17.640 --> 00:14:31.620 Neal Haber: districts in New York that i'm aware of who have said wholeheartedly, we want to go on the process by which in X years our fleet will be electrifying That being said. 88 00:14:33.030 --> 00:14:43.590 Neal Haber: A lot of things are changing and I looked at it, that as time goes on, we're probably going to be in a situation where costs are going to come down. 89 00:14:44.490 --> 00:14:54.090 Neal Haber: availability is going to come more people are going to join the bandwagon, if you want to call it that, and then you know we will be a leader, and I am. 90 00:14:55.530 --> 00:14:59.700 Neal Haber: I think it is appropriate for us to do that with the information that i've seen. 91 00:15:03.810 --> 00:15:04.290 Sarah Carrier: Andrea. 92 00:15:04.950 --> 00:15:11.010 Andrea Furey she/her: Well i'm definitely for it, I mean the one area that we haven't really talked about. 93 00:15:11.460 --> 00:15:12.180 Brian Loges: Is. 94 00:15:12.240 --> 00:15:19.770 Andrea Furey she/her: The reason why we are doing it, which is for the health and welfare of our students our Community of the planet. 95 00:15:20.160 --> 00:15:35.640 Andrea Furey she/her: I think it's really important that we look at it through the lens of sustainability that's that's really the driving force behind all of this um I also think that, as josh was saying that we. 96 00:15:37.080 --> 00:15:55.590 Andrea Furey she/her: It is it's not that it's it appears to be quite doable, especially because, as you know, Neil, you were saying that it's you know, of course, we wouldn't want to do it if we're losing a teacher, but this is outside of the tax CAP, this would not be affecting the tax CAP. 97 00:15:55.950 --> 00:15:57.240 Andrea Furey she/her: So it. 98 00:15:57.420 --> 00:15:58.920 Neal Haber: It can affect the tax. 99 00:15:59.160 --> 00:16:00.900 Neal Haber: rate we do borrowing more. 100 00:16:01.200 --> 00:16:02.790 Neal Haber: that's going to have an effect on. 101 00:16:03.900 --> 00:16:04.590 Neal Haber: will go for me. 102 00:16:04.740 --> 00:16:06.210 Neal Haber: To that, but that but. 103 00:16:07.320 --> 00:16:07.500 Brian Loges: But. 104 00:16:07.590 --> 00:16:09.240 Brian Loges: Before we get into the how. 105 00:16:09.720 --> 00:16:13.230 Brian Loges: I think we can at least default talk about. 106 00:16:13.560 --> 00:16:13.890 Andrea Furey she/her: Do. 107 00:16:14.010 --> 00:16:15.030 Brian Loges: We do we know we. 108 00:16:15.030 --> 00:16:15.510 Neal Haber: want to know. 109 00:16:16.230 --> 00:16:18.570 Andrea Furey she/her: I just wanted to address the fact that. 110 00:16:18.630 --> 00:16:28.020 Andrea Furey she/her: This isn't money that's coming out of program to pay for it, I just wanted to make that clear so i'm for it that's you know I definitely support it. 111 00:16:28.440 --> 00:16:30.030 Deborah O'Connell: I do applaud the the. 112 00:16:30.030 --> 00:16:45.750 Deborah O'Connell: board for beginning with your why and remembering why you started down this road, no try you no pun intended, but it's very important to revisit your why and then you move to your half. 113 00:16:46.170 --> 00:16:55.230 Deborah O'Connell: So thank you for doing that I think that's very important it links back to your goals and you were very articulate with your goals. 114 00:16:56.460 --> 00:17:03.540 Deborah O'Connell: This year, as in prior years but you really had honed in on those goals, so thank you for beginning with your why. 115 00:17:05.160 --> 00:17:05.490 Iris Bugliosi: and 116 00:17:06.120 --> 00:17:07.590 Iris Bugliosi: Dr cano actually. 117 00:17:07.590 --> 00:17:08.880 Iris Bugliosi: stole my line. 118 00:17:09.750 --> 00:17:10.920 Deborah O'Connell: Oh i'm so sorry. 119 00:17:12.660 --> 00:17:15.390 Iris Bugliosi: My my response was merely going to be. 120 00:17:16.650 --> 00:17:27.720 Iris Bugliosi: I think we have we created a smart goal in terms of the S m a R T goal, and I think we have. 121 00:17:30.330 --> 00:17:41.520 Iris Bugliosi: kind of completed that goal, which was to learn more about the electrification a portion of the sustainability was a broad goal but electrification was a part of that goal. 122 00:17:42.900 --> 00:17:53.730 Iris Bugliosi: And I think we have been able to gather information, so I did not think it was a question whether or not we were in favor of. 123 00:17:54.270 --> 00:18:08.280 Iris Bugliosi: Moving forward with electrification of the bus fleet, so the goal was meant to support that philosophy, and so my answer is yes, I am ready to move forward to our next step. 124 00:18:09.450 --> 00:18:18.480 Sarah Carrier: Okay, all right and that just leaves me and and, as with with the rest of the board, I am an agreement, you know we've we've gotten a lot of information. 125 00:18:18.870 --> 00:18:28.170 Sarah Carrier: And I think going through all that has made me feel a lot more comfortable you know, last year, and when we were working on our sustainability goal. 126 00:18:29.100 --> 00:18:48.180 Sarah Carrier: It was the transition to electrification was something that I thought was was important for the district, and what we've learned since then has has reinforced that and for me it's just making sure that we do it in a way that is smart and is sustainable and you know it. 127 00:18:49.530 --> 00:19:08.940 Sarah Carrier: is done in a in a responsible manner, so that we, we can roll it out, and if it is successful, and you know, is a long term contributor to bringing down our carbon emissions in the Community and providing that education and sustainability for our students so. 128 00:19:10.140 --> 00:19:19.110 Sarah Carrier: i'm all for the moving forward as well, so thank you all for going through all that you know I know for some it was probably like yep we were there already. 129 00:19:19.890 --> 00:19:30.870 Sarah Carrier: But yeah so you know from there, I think our next step really is to begin to talk about what some of these possibilities could be and I know you know. 130 00:19:32.340 --> 00:19:54.120 Sarah Carrier: To to neil's point you know his his second question was sort of that you know yet if we're moving if we've said yes to one did is question number two that we you know, we would be discontinuing the the purchase or, these are the purchase of fossil fuel vehicles going forward. 131 00:19:55.200 --> 00:19:59.100 Sarah Carrier: You know, and I think that is something that we need to consider in with. 132 00:20:00.600 --> 00:20:06.240 Sarah Carrier: With respect to the fact that you know to neil's point, our first responsibility is to make sure that we get our students. 133 00:20:07.410 --> 00:20:10.110 Sarah Carrier: You know that we are transforming our students, where they need to go so. 134 00:20:13.050 --> 00:20:15.630 Sarah Carrier: I know neal had had some thoughts on that what are what are other people. 135 00:20:16.830 --> 00:20:18.270 Brian Loges: Talking about are we going to. 136 00:20:19.770 --> 00:20:23.400 Brian Loges: Go all gas and diesel engines going forward is that what. 137 00:20:25.260 --> 00:20:27.930 Sarah Carrier: We would we not have a proposition that. 138 00:20:27.960 --> 00:20:37.530 Sarah Carrier: That hasn't that with with gas vehicles in the coming budget season understanding that we do have some that we have transportation needs that we. 139 00:20:37.860 --> 00:20:38.490 need to make sure. 140 00:20:39.750 --> 00:20:41.010 Iris Bugliosi: I just do it is. 141 00:20:41.250 --> 00:20:43.350 Iris Bugliosi: Sorry, can you just stay. 142 00:20:43.410 --> 00:20:45.600 Sarah Carrier: So yeah so actually i'm and. 143 00:20:46.290 --> 00:20:55.620 Sarah Carrier: Rochelle correct me if i'm wrong, but after further review of our replacement our fleet replacement schedule we've determined that what we need for. 144 00:20:56.940 --> 00:21:04.230 Sarah Carrier: Next year, is to 24 passenger many buses or i'm sorry 30 passenger minibuses. 145 00:21:05.430 --> 00:21:06.990 Sarah Carrier: Sorry i'll ever she'll jump in there. 146 00:21:15.690 --> 00:21:25.650 Sarah Carrier: i'm sorry 130 and 120, so we need to small vehicles, and we are not going we've determined that we do not need to replace a 66 passenger big bus. 147 00:21:25.680 --> 00:21:35.430 Rochelle.OMara: For an actual we we have not replaced any 66 passenger buses and to budget cycles, need to be aware of that. 148 00:21:36.390 --> 00:21:56.160 Rochelle.OMara: So i'm you, you know, in anticipation of this last year you replaced one Okay, so now you're still down to and you're not putting any in this budget, unless you go in for an electric big bus so it's good to catch up with you need to think about that. 149 00:21:56.220 --> 00:22:00.180 Neal Haber: Right and and so that's that's the reason why I wanted to have that. 150 00:22:00.180 --> 00:22:01.530 Brian Loges: discussion at. 151 00:22:01.560 --> 00:22:04.020 Neal Haber: This point because. 152 00:22:05.490 --> 00:22:06.900 Neal Haber: If, in fact. 153 00:22:08.310 --> 00:22:08.940 Neal Haber: We. 154 00:22:10.050 --> 00:22:13.050 Neal Haber: there's a couple of things that are in in the. 155 00:22:15.780 --> 00:22:24.240 Neal Haber: Information that we've gotten through the bus electrification Task Force and what my reading indication, the first is that. 156 00:22:25.830 --> 00:22:28.950 Neal Haber: The there is a longer lead time. 157 00:22:30.180 --> 00:22:32.670 Neal Haber: For the acquisition. 158 00:22:33.750 --> 00:22:37.290 Neal Haber: and delivery of an electric vehicle. 159 00:22:37.680 --> 00:22:49.890 Neal Haber: Correct Okay, and I know that when we spoke at our last meeting I think I think it was the needs, or perhaps it was even people from bluebird said it's 12 to 14 months. 160 00:22:52.200 --> 00:22:53.940 Rochelle.OMara: Bus for us. 161 00:22:54.180 --> 00:23:01.770 Neal Haber: For a big bus i'm talking about a big bus now and we're because will do will then get to that the other one, so if in fact. 162 00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:11.340 Neal Haber: We determine that we are never going to buy another fossil fuel bus. 163 00:23:12.840 --> 00:23:25.680 Neal Haber: And we have a need for a large 66 passenger bus because one is taken out of service fails inspection etc we're going to have to have a backup. 164 00:23:27.150 --> 00:23:28.560 Neal Haber: And that's you know and that. 165 00:23:29.040 --> 00:23:30.690 Neal Haber: does not necessarily. 166 00:23:31.050 --> 00:23:39.180 Neal Haber: and probably does not mean delivery of an electric vehicle it means having some kind of a police borrow. 167 00:23:39.720 --> 00:23:54.480 Neal Haber: By an old one from somebody, you know as we used to do from hand hide or something to meet that need so that is a point to consider, but for Shell for Rochelle has said, we do not see a. 168 00:23:57.540 --> 00:24:06.960 Neal Haber: Burning need to do you know, maybe a warm need, but not a burning need to add a bus 66 passenger now. 169 00:24:07.830 --> 00:24:14.910 Rochelle.OMara: I think, but I I don't think you should put it off if you're going to consider the electrification you should put that in the package. 170 00:24:15.630 --> 00:24:16.950 Brian Loges: Because my understanding. 171 00:24:17.520 --> 00:24:19.020 Rochelle.OMara: 12 months to get it. 172 00:24:19.680 --> 00:24:39.930 Neal Haber: Go I, I understand that saying don't put that in the package, but what i'm saying is that if we were in a situation where something you know, one of them died tomorrow we'd have to fill that need before we could get that delivery that's that's Point number one and with the smaller buses. 173 00:24:41.010 --> 00:24:42.750 Neal Haber: You know, there may be the same. 174 00:24:44.640 --> 00:25:07.680 Neal Haber: There may be the same timeframe for delivery 810 12 months so that if we had you know basically only when for electric buses, we might not be able to replace the 30 passion driven 20 passenger by September and we have to fill that gap so that's what I need to. 175 00:25:07.950 --> 00:25:08.880 Neal Haber: understand from. 176 00:25:08.940 --> 00:25:09.300 Neal Haber: Russia. 177 00:25:09.660 --> 00:25:16.260 Andrea Furey she/her: I was just gonna say Neil, but we did discuss at our last meeting one of the things we talked about was the fact that. 178 00:25:16.710 --> 00:25:31.440 Andrea Furey she/her: it's a couple companies both Highland and bluebirds so that they would Lisa bus if we ran into trouble if you know, so there is a backup we do have a plan B we don't really have to worry about another vehicle. 179 00:25:32.310 --> 00:25:34.500 Neal Haber: I, I understand that, but. 180 00:25:34.500 --> 00:25:43.110 Neal Haber: right they they're speaking both Highland and bluebird from the perspective typically Highland of if you sign up for a lease. 181 00:25:43.410 --> 00:25:48.090 Neal Haber: You know we'll we'll work with you obviously if we don't they're they're not so. 182 00:25:49.110 --> 00:25:53.370 Neal Haber: willing to work but that's fine, I just want to make sure we're covered with that. 183 00:25:53.430 --> 00:25:53.880 Right so. 184 00:25:55.200 --> 00:26:09.600 Andrea Furey she/her: The other thing i'm unclear about in this one of the questions I would like to have answered is i've been getting mixed information I from my understanding, we could get an electric bus in a more timely way. 185 00:26:11.100 --> 00:26:16.890 Andrea Furey she/her: From either bluebird or another company there's other companies other than bluebirds so i'm. 186 00:26:17.580 --> 00:26:32.220 Andrea Furey she/her: wondering, I would like more information about that is that something Denise that is a true, is it possible to get another to get an electric bus in a more timely way than 18 months or you know 12 to 18 months. 187 00:26:33.600 --> 00:26:33.870 Rochelle.OMara: Right. 188 00:26:36.000 --> 00:26:38.190 Andrea Furey she/her: Okay, so it is good okay so. 189 00:26:38.370 --> 00:26:44.040 Rochelle.OMara: Andrea we will, if we decide to move forward with this. 190 00:26:44.160 --> 00:26:55.260 Rochelle.OMara: mm hmm we would make a determination, of course, what then do we want to get our bus from the state education department recommends a uniform fleet. 191 00:26:56.820 --> 00:27:08.850 Rochelle.OMara: Our vendor preference to keep our fleet uniform and our vendor has made a commitment to work with us through this move things along as quickly as possible. 192 00:27:09.690 --> 00:27:29.040 Rochelle.OMara: Okay, so that would be bluebird so you, you can hang on that we won't have it by September, and this is also too big a decision to base this on your fleet, if you have to wait it out like maybe say till next spring to get the electric buses. 193 00:27:29.430 --> 00:27:41.970 Rochelle.OMara: You will last until then your fleet is in good enough shape to make it to that it's too big, of a decision to just say Oh well, they can have it here for September. 194 00:27:42.480 --> 00:27:56.280 Rochelle.OMara: let's go with somebody else, first of all Norman buys off the State did we get the best price there's no haggling there's nothing we have an established rapport there. 195 00:27:56.820 --> 00:28:06.330 Rochelle.OMara: So we should stick with what's going to give us the best bang for our buck and work with our danger who's going to work with us right through this. 196 00:28:06.750 --> 00:28:24.810 Rochelle.OMara: This process and they've given us a commitment that, if we want to go forward with this they're going to do anything and everything they can to support us to move things along to get us the buses, that we want as soon as possible. 197 00:28:26.370 --> 00:28:32.400 Neal Haber: So that would mean that my concern of if something goes down and we needed a. 198 00:28:33.420 --> 00:28:37.350 Neal Haber: rental for a period of time bluebird can work with us. 199 00:28:37.830 --> 00:28:41.490 Rochelle.OMara: they've already given us that commitment that they will work with us. 200 00:28:43.440 --> 00:28:49.470 Iris Bugliosi: Michelle i'm sorry i'm i'm I just need a little clarification. 201 00:28:50.910 --> 00:29:00.690 Iris Bugliosi: What do you i'm asking you, as the transportation director, what do you what are our needs because I hear the two smaller buses. 202 00:29:01.140 --> 00:29:11.100 Iris Bugliosi: And then I hear the discussion about the 66 passenger bus and that we haven't replaced the one i'm not i'm not going to base my decision on whether or not we have electric. 203 00:29:11.550 --> 00:29:21.330 Iris Bugliosi: And i'm not buying diesel ever again I want to know what my district needs that's what I want to base my decision on so, can you tell me. 204 00:29:22.350 --> 00:29:29.880 Iris Bugliosi: What electric aside what do we need to make sure we have our students safely transport it cool. 205 00:29:31.980 --> 00:29:35.070 Iris Bugliosi: For the next year for the budget cycle we're talking. 206 00:29:35.610 --> 00:29:41.280 Rochelle.OMara: Okay, ideally, you should replace a big boss, and the two bands. 207 00:29:42.960 --> 00:29:56.520 Rochelle.OMara: But the decision is it also goes back to what are you going to do, are you going to do, electric are you going to do the other which way you're going to go with that Okay, the consideration is when you've been the electric and. 208 00:29:57.960 --> 00:30:09.300 Rochelle.OMara: As you go electric you need to think about your bosses are not going to be exactly the same as what they then either you have to watch how the being dealt. 209 00:30:10.140 --> 00:30:14.400 Rochelle.OMara: With they're going to be capable of you know, I talked about the under loader thing. 210 00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:21.000 Rochelle.OMara: you're not going to be exactly the same you're not going to be able to send that bus out for the ski team or for this or that. 211 00:30:21.630 --> 00:30:28.080 Rochelle.OMara: But it's good to start with one if we have to replace a big boss, which we should because we didn't for two years. 212 00:30:28.950 --> 00:30:44.250 Rochelle.OMara: And i've got one that I would have gotten rid of this year, I can make it last until we get the next big bus because I anticipated that it is going to be electric but don't put it off, you need a big bus. 213 00:30:46.200 --> 00:30:50.400 Rochelle.OMara: Preferably electric if that's the way you want to go and get the two vans. 214 00:30:52.650 --> 00:31:04.200 Rochelle.OMara: And and stick with stick with bluebird I have you know only because we have a good relationship they make a good good product that they stand behind. 215 00:31:04.650 --> 00:31:17.370 Rochelle.OMara: And they're going to change in the middle on the middle of all of this, the dealers in ellsberg they're going to walk us through this it's to their benefit to to work with us. 216 00:31:17.820 --> 00:31:21.480 Iris Bugliosi: And when you say two vans you're talking about the 20 to 30 or something. 217 00:31:22.770 --> 00:31:23.580 Iris Bugliosi: Okay, thank you. 218 00:31:23.610 --> 00:31:26.220 Rochelle.OMara: or it could go a 2427. 219 00:31:26.520 --> 00:31:27.810 Rochelle.OMara: But yeah that's what you need. 220 00:31:28.170 --> 00:31:28.650 Iris Bugliosi: Thank you. 221 00:31:29.280 --> 00:31:31.170 Brian Loges: Those are the class for. 222 00:31:31.770 --> 00:31:38.310 Rochelle.OMara: Yes, Okay, yes, so they'll qualify they'll qualify for those grants also. 223 00:31:40.350 --> 00:31:41.070 Brian Loges: Alright, so that's. 224 00:31:41.610 --> 00:31:48.570 Rochelle.OMara: Possibly qualify for additional money to but we won't know that, until we go through the grant process. 225 00:31:49.290 --> 00:32:02.580 Brian Loges: Right so you've just said, I think what I understood you to say before which is get the two vans for sure we really do need a bus, but not September one necessarily if it's not available, it can wait a little bit. 226 00:32:03.180 --> 00:32:04.800 Brian Loges: And that was my understanding as well. 227 00:32:05.160 --> 00:32:05.550 Sarah Carrier: But. 228 00:32:05.640 --> 00:32:06.930 Sarah Carrier: Once you begin this. 229 00:32:06.960 --> 00:32:08.250 Sarah Carrier: budget cycle right. 230 00:32:08.280 --> 00:32:11.310 Sarah Carrier: I should be working on the opposition, for this budget cycle. 231 00:32:11.430 --> 00:32:18.660 Brian Loges: yeah we're not kicking it to next year we're just we're just saying we do want it this year when they can get us a bus. 232 00:32:18.810 --> 00:32:25.860 Rochelle.OMara: Well, what you have to do is, you have to give them a purchase order for those buses in order for them to start building. 233 00:32:27.300 --> 00:32:33.330 Rochelle.OMara: These these are very expensive so they have a process, they have to go through also. 234 00:32:33.930 --> 00:32:34.620 Brian Loges: Sure yeah. 235 00:32:34.680 --> 00:32:41.130 Brian Loges: we're just we're just assessing the what the need is with your expertise, what is our need, and we now know. 236 00:32:41.190 --> 00:32:41.520 Joshua Diamond: Right. 237 00:32:41.610 --> 00:32:42.060 Brian Loges: So that's. 238 00:32:42.840 --> 00:32:57.120 Andrea Furey she/her: It can I just have a clarification on, so what we're talking about is, we can hang in there, so we would put it in this budget cycle, but let's say the electric bus was ready in November, we could start in November it's not that. 239 00:32:57.510 --> 00:33:07.740 Andrea Furey she/her: The actual we don't have when we get the bus isn't dependent upon the budget cycle it's just when that budget cycle is in that's where we get our money from so. 240 00:33:08.100 --> 00:33:09.600 Andrea Furey she/her: You keep saying it's camber. 241 00:33:09.780 --> 00:33:27.360 Rochelle.OMara: But you in your proposition, you also have to guess power advance, so you have to make a determination, do you want, and I would never vote and say that you never gonna buy another fossil fuel vehicle again because you don't know what the future holds. 242 00:33:28.140 --> 00:33:29.970 Brian Loges: Right that's not part of the proposal that. 243 00:33:31.140 --> 00:33:37.770 Andrea Furey she/her: is something that Neil kind of brought up for discussion, but we've never really said that as a board before. 244 00:33:37.830 --> 00:33:41.880 Brian Loges: And i'm i'm fairly certain that we wouldn't vote to get to promise never to do something. 245 00:33:42.240 --> 00:33:44.760 Iris Bugliosi: And what can we can't bind other boards. 246 00:33:45.150 --> 00:33:45.630 Sarah Carrier: Right. 247 00:33:45.870 --> 00:33:47.730 Iris Bugliosi: We cannot buy another word so. 248 00:33:47.760 --> 00:33:49.290 Andrea Furey she/her: yeah future door right. 249 00:33:49.620 --> 00:34:07.260 Sarah Carrier: Well, and then in terms of this budget cycle as Rochelle mentioned, I think one of the you know what what we've discussed was that you know, we would have a proposition that does include to that gas vehicles for those those smaller vehicles, the 20 in the 30. 250 00:34:09.060 --> 00:34:22.710 Sarah Carrier: Because the we're also have propositions on those same 20 and 30 electric vehicles right those those propositions are contingent on our grant funding. 251 00:34:23.010 --> 00:34:40.080 Sarah Carrier: on making sure on sort of getting all of those things lined up because, if something doesn't fall through there, then that proposition is we can't work with it we can't bond for something and then we then we would really be in a bind, so I think that's sort of our first. 252 00:34:41.580 --> 00:34:43.680 Sarah Carrier: First, the first off right so. 253 00:34:44.820 --> 00:34:49.410 Sarah Carrier: A proposition that does include those two gas vehicles. 254 00:34:51.030 --> 00:35:00.750 Andrea Furey she/her: I don't understand that can you explain it right, because I saw the one that said that the two small vehicles would be electric vehicles, but why would they be gas vehicles. 255 00:35:00.810 --> 00:35:02.100 Sarah Carrier: So right so. 256 00:35:03.240 --> 00:35:04.470 Sarah Carrier: i'm sorry Rochelle I don't want to. 257 00:35:05.250 --> 00:35:05.730 Sarah Carrier: bother you. 258 00:35:06.030 --> 00:35:11.730 Rochelle.OMara: If you know if you don't get the funding Andrea you're still gonna have to replace a vehicle. 259 00:35:11.880 --> 00:35:20.100 Andrea Furey she/her: So what we're saying is is that we're aiming towards electric vehicles, but if we can't get there, then we'll we would do yes yeah okay. 260 00:35:20.130 --> 00:35:32.130 Brian Loges: Right, basically, the Community would be voting do we agree that we need these two bands and that has to be a yes, and then the next proposition is okay, which one do you want. 261 00:35:32.670 --> 00:35:40.950 Brian Loges: You know, like the first the first yes says, well, these are gas means the second yes says, these are we're actually going to bump it up to an electric. 262 00:35:42.120 --> 00:35:50.160 Neal Haber: But, but the other thing about that, and I think the way it's structured and it is may be confusing to the public, but what we're trying to do is say. 263 00:35:51.390 --> 00:36:02.160 Neal Haber: If you say yes, on one that is a gas vehicle and then you say yes on each of the electric vehicles we don't have to buy the gas vehicle. 264 00:36:02.880 --> 00:36:15.750 Neal Haber: You have given us authorization to permit us to buy it like if we go and find that we've got the funding and we can get it to the electric vehicles in the timeframe, we just don't. 265 00:36:16.200 --> 00:36:34.590 Neal Haber: Use the authorization that the public has given us to buy a gas vehicle and it just sits there and either expires after five years, or we may be kill another board users at no point, but we have that option if we do not include that. 266 00:36:36.750 --> 00:36:42.570 Neal Haber: First proposition by to gas vehicle and the voters. 267 00:36:43.710 --> 00:36:52.290 Neal Haber: Do we just put propositions for electric field and the voters voted down, for we can't do it with the subsidies, and we have no authority to buy anything. 268 00:36:52.650 --> 00:37:04.950 Neal Haber: Then we're in a bind which is Rochelle has talked about is a serious fine now one of the things that i'm wondering about in that regard is if we were to. 269 00:37:08.820 --> 00:37:22.470 Neal Haber: Just have, and this is really getting 2.3 9.2 of my analysis but it's Okay, if we were to just have a resolution to purchase a 30 passenger van. 270 00:37:23.730 --> 00:37:38.310 Neal Haber: With the voters authorizing up to X dollars, which would be inclusive of any grants, should it be electric or any you know, and these are the structures and we don't. 271 00:37:39.510 --> 00:37:59.970 Neal Haber: we're not able to do that could we use such a resolution to then purchase a gas vehicle or must we specify, you know resolution and so legal question is, you know when Denise may know about veal answer this whether we have to say gas vehicle is option A. 272 00:38:01.380 --> 00:38:11.160 Neal Haber: And electric field goal is option B and we need option A but we can't just have you know we can't just have a general proposition. 273 00:38:13.260 --> 00:38:15.180 Sarah Carrier: Denise you're on mute yeah. 274 00:38:17.640 --> 00:38:25.440 denise.cohen: I think it's imperative that there's transparency and the resolution, so we need to, we need to specify. 275 00:38:26.010 --> 00:38:39.090 Neal Haber: Okay, so if we are going to be specify, then the way we can do it one of two ways one we can have alternate propositions, none of which are contingent on. 276 00:38:40.170 --> 00:38:43.050 Neal Haber: The gas vehicle or we can say. 277 00:38:44.190 --> 00:39:02.340 Neal Haber: It is contingent on the gas vehicle, because we know we can get that delivered by September, if we need it, and we know that the alternative of an electric 30 passenger van or 20 passenger van would be preferable option if we can do it in a timely manner. 278 00:39:02.550 --> 00:39:13.140 Neal Haber: We have to do it that way, I understand, if I understand you correctly, to be transparent to the public that we are going to buy a gas vehicle if we have no alternative. 279 00:39:14.580 --> 00:39:19.320 Andrea Furey she/her: So I just have a question, though, because this is one thing I don't understand. 280 00:39:20.400 --> 00:39:26.310 Andrea Furey she/her: i'm not I don't I shouldn't say don't understand it, but it's not clear to me, is. 281 00:39:27.330 --> 00:39:31.830 Andrea Furey she/her: What is the likelihood because you're saying we could get these two electric. 282 00:39:33.090 --> 00:39:47.040 Andrea Furey she/her: Vans if if if the funding comes through so I would just like to hear about you know from administration where's the money coming from how much what's the likelihood of us getting that funding. 283 00:39:48.060 --> 00:40:03.570 Andrea Furey she/her: I just you know, is this are we just covering our are you know, is this just to cover us or because we most likely will be getting the funding or is that really up in the air, so happy we find out what's the likelihood is. 284 00:40:06.900 --> 00:40:07.770 denise.cohen: So. 285 00:40:08.940 --> 00:40:11.490 denise.cohen: You want to start out and then I can conclude. 286 00:40:13.140 --> 00:40:25.710 denise.cohen: So, no one to date has received the funding, so we really don't have that information, I will tell you that, because of our size and our mileage. 287 00:40:27.240 --> 00:40:31.530 denise.cohen: We are very close to. 288 00:40:33.360 --> 00:40:38.610 denise.cohen: To not meeting the requirements, but we're also close to. 289 00:40:38.610 --> 00:40:39.390 denise.cohen: meeting them. 290 00:40:39.450 --> 00:40:53.400 denise.cohen: So there are requirements as far as scrappage which we believe that we meet those requirements, at least for the 66 passenger bus, we have a vehicle within the age range that we can use for scrap it. 291 00:40:54.180 --> 00:41:12.450 denise.cohen: The the mileage requirements we've been told from individuals who are poor familiar and in conversation with nicer data, and they have expressed that that there, there is a potential to have those mileage requirements waived. 292 00:41:14.220 --> 00:41:26.610 denise.cohen: There is also with regard to the to the smaller vehicles, there is they, the possibility of both the. 293 00:41:27.750 --> 00:41:28.410 denise.cohen: The. 294 00:41:30.120 --> 00:41:37.830 denise.cohen: The grant for disadvantaged communities, which would increase that amount by by $10,000 because. 295 00:41:38.130 --> 00:41:59.370 denise.cohen: We travel to one of our districts, we travel through a disadvantaged community, we would be eligible for additional funding so for the the 27 passenger vehicle, which is a class for wait we there is a potential $400,000 nicer to grant. 296 00:42:00.960 --> 00:42:21.330 denise.cohen: The the $100 is a $90,000 grant plus the additional 10,000 for the disadvantaged community with regard to the 66 passenger bus, we, the potential there for the Q map grant is 200,000. 297 00:42:23.220 --> 00:42:31.200 denise.cohen: Again, no one to date has received this funding, we are not a shoo in by any stretch, we have. 298 00:42:32.730 --> 00:42:43.920 denise.cohen: You know, we have some limitations, because of the mileage generally they with these grants, they want to reduce the the most carbon possible in order to. 299 00:42:44.520 --> 00:42:51.660 denise.cohen: You know, to get the most out of the grant because we travel so few miles, it could be an issue for us. 300 00:42:52.260 --> 00:43:01.020 denise.cohen: However, we have a very strong community and advocacy group within croton through croton 100 mothers out front. 301 00:43:01.500 --> 00:43:16.650 denise.cohen: And they have been in conversation with nicer data and have assured us that that they are doing everything that they can to to support us with with grant funding that's a long, long answer, but. 302 00:43:17.040 --> 00:43:19.500 Sarah Carrier: What essentially that's why the propositions would be. 303 00:43:19.500 --> 00:43:23.610 Sarah Carrier: contingent on on making sure that that funding is important that's why I think. 304 00:43:24.060 --> 00:43:24.360 Andrea Furey she/her: I would. 305 00:43:24.660 --> 00:43:36.390 Andrea Furey she/her: I just would like to know is i've been told you know by these groups that we could find out really quickly like in a matter of weeks, whether we would get the funding or not. 306 00:43:38.220 --> 00:43:50.040 denise.cohen: I have not, there is another district to other districts, who applied years ago and they have they have not yet received any any grants. 307 00:43:50.100 --> 00:43:55.200 Neal Haber: I, I think the bottom line of it is, if you don't have the money. 308 00:43:56.760 --> 00:43:58.620 Neal Haber: I don't have this scholarship. 309 00:43:58.950 --> 00:43:59.190 Neal Haber: I. 310 00:43:59.520 --> 00:44:01.980 Neal Haber: can't really rely on it and. 311 00:44:02.040 --> 00:44:04.710 Andrea Furey she/her: Through you, Neil, but what i'm hearing is that. 312 00:44:05.010 --> 00:44:05.790 Andrea Furey she/her: If we did an. 313 00:44:05.820 --> 00:44:19.680 Andrea Furey she/her: rfp if we went you know is that if we file that that we would be hearing back really quickly you know so i'm just wondering if that's actually the case and also. 314 00:44:22.650 --> 00:44:34.290 Andrea Furey she/her: Having had conversation with you know I know I just wants to chime in I not to speak for you, but she brought something up when we were having a conversation that I thought was is very important, I was. 315 00:44:34.830 --> 00:44:35.640 denise.cohen: Okay, if I could. 316 00:44:36.600 --> 00:44:38.970 denise.cohen: If I could just respond to that. 317 00:44:38.970 --> 00:44:46.080 denise.cohen: angie so still be rfp has nothing to do with the nicer to funding. 318 00:44:46.560 --> 00:44:48.570 denise.cohen: hope that is. 319 00:44:49.290 --> 00:44:53.820 Andrea Furey she/her: In the wrong technology it's like the wrong word, but how do we apply for that Sunday. 320 00:44:54.270 --> 00:44:54.510 Andrea Furey she/her: So. 321 00:44:54.960 --> 00:44:55.710 Andrea Furey she/her: I heard that. 322 00:44:56.940 --> 00:44:59.280 Andrea Furey she/her: We put in whatever it was necessary. 323 00:45:00.030 --> 00:45:04.140 Andrea Furey she/her: For paper purchase order that we could hear in a matter of weeks. 324 00:45:04.230 --> 00:45:30.450 Rochelle.OMara: Okay, wait wait Okay, yes it's a very complicated process that your vendor walk you through because you can't go through the process, unless you have your vendor and your vendor has a big responsibility in this because they're the ones that will submit the voucher for that $200,000. 325 00:45:30.870 --> 00:45:42.180 denise.cohen: So and and just let me interrupt and that's why it also serves us to go through the state contract in the arduous process of expediting an rfp. 326 00:45:42.210 --> 00:46:03.690 Rochelle.OMara: and your vendor is providing you with a grant writer to walk you through this process nicer to has made this very, very difficult people much brighter than us are taking this whole thing apart and it depends upon who is he asking what day. 327 00:46:04.830 --> 00:46:12.060 Rochelle.OMara: will get a different answer so don't believe everything you've heard, because there are people more experienced that us. 328 00:46:12.510 --> 00:46:29.940 Rochelle.OMara: who have gone through this process has been accepted and still do not have that money in the end, and at the last minute we're told Oh yes, you getting the money, but no, you can't submit this boss we've disqualified that you need to give us another bus. 329 00:46:34.140 --> 00:46:34.470 Neal Haber: So. 330 00:46:36.840 --> 00:46:37.560 Iris Bugliosi: I just want to say. 331 00:46:38.880 --> 00:46:46.800 Iris Bugliosi: One of the things I I had a chance to do is I did a little bit of research and with the disadvantage Community grants i'm extremely uncomfortable. 332 00:46:47.160 --> 00:47:00.090 Iris Bugliosi: With pushing forward, because that grant is meant for disadvantaged communities who had suffered extremely at the hands of the Volkswagen, causing the Volkswagen settlement. 333 00:47:00.840 --> 00:47:11.640 Iris Bugliosi: If our Community is an affluent Community that's not technically in that I don't think we should be grabbing $10,000 out of that fun to supplement ourselves. 334 00:47:12.270 --> 00:47:24.450 Iris Bugliosi: In disadvantaged communities carry the burden even more we drive through it from my understanding we have one bus that goes through there currently because we have one child. 335 00:47:25.200 --> 00:47:40.740 Iris Bugliosi: I feel complete it's a philosophical thing with me I don't like taking from communities that are in need, if I don't fit the criteria so that's my objection to okay and it's $10,000. 336 00:47:41.370 --> 00:47:50.850 Iris Bugliosi: I object to taking that the question, I do have is my understanding is that we can do a partial payment where we would pay. 337 00:47:51.450 --> 00:48:02.580 Iris Bugliosi: And then the company agrees to take we repay what comes out of our bond, and then the company waits to get payment from the voucher and if it never comes through. 338 00:48:03.150 --> 00:48:13.080 Iris Bugliosi: I guess they don't take the pain, they don't get paid I don't know that that part wasn't explained, we can you touch upon whether or not that's accurate we don't have to pay. 339 00:48:15.810 --> 00:48:18.840 Rochelle.OMara: From nicer data you're not getting the bus. 340 00:48:20.520 --> 00:48:39.390 Rochelle.OMara: they're not going to give you the bus and wait for the rest of the money because nicer is providing the bigger amount of that money nicer to his upline is supplying the $200,000 you're only selling a big bus you're only supplying 150,000. 341 00:48:40.410 --> 00:49:01.110 denise.cohen: And that's just referring to how the transaction is is transacted for lack of a better term so that's just saying that the grant is provided and the vendor is getting that 200 it's not it's not a pass through, and then we would pay our portion. 342 00:49:01.590 --> 00:49:13.050 Neal Haber: So, so another way to look at this is we buy it will take the big bus, we have 180 $6,000 whatever that number is to pay the vendor. 343 00:49:13.620 --> 00:49:19.050 Neal Haber: And the vendor has a coupon that the vendor got from somebody worth $200,000. 344 00:49:20.010 --> 00:49:34.380 Neal Haber: And so what the vendor is saying is I got 186,000 from us and I got the coupon which they have redeemed they've got the money in the bank account, and I can, in essence, draw upon that when I send the bus pro. 345 00:49:35.340 --> 00:49:48.330 Neal Haber: And so they're not as Michelle said they're not going to give us anything, unless they have the guarantee of that 200,000 in their hands, so to speak, that's the show what you're saying and what did he say right. 346 00:49:49.110 --> 00:49:57.750 Neal Haber: Correct so, so we need to know before we purchase we actually write the purchase order and. 347 00:49:58.020 --> 00:49:58.620 Neal Haber: You know well. 348 00:49:59.550 --> 00:50:01.830 Neal Haber: Well right the purchase order buckwalter we actually. 349 00:50:01.830 --> 00:50:02.670 Neal Haber: Have the bus. 350 00:50:03.480 --> 00:50:04.050 Sarah Carrier: We I. 351 00:50:04.380 --> 00:50:11.970 Neal Haber: know that they've given us, you know that the state is given the money and I just want to say one of the things I agree totally with what I said about this and. 352 00:50:12.930 --> 00:50:20.730 denise.cohen: And that's at That said, our discretion that was just recommended by by a quote 100 as an as an additional. 353 00:50:21.780 --> 00:50:29.760 denise.cohen: You know cost saving measure, but we, we have the discretion, not to apply for those funds okay right. 354 00:50:30.300 --> 00:50:50.760 Brian Loges: We are spending an awful lot of time now it's a 3025 we've been an hour we're talking a lot about what could go wrong here, however everything's contingent, so if everything goes wrong, then we buy gas bosses I don't know why we have to dwell on this, to be honest it's it's it's so exhausting. 355 00:50:53.850 --> 00:50:54.300 Neal Haber: It well. 356 00:50:54.360 --> 00:51:02.850 Andrea Furey she/her: You know, only the only thing Brian that I want to clarification on is what's the likelihood what because not really being in the. 357 00:51:03.150 --> 00:51:21.390 Andrea Furey she/her: trenches if people have been doing a lot more research than I have, I wanted to get a feeling is just for transparency purpose, when we go out is this a 5050 chance is it likely, you know, we need to have always as a school district, to be able to cover ourselves. 358 00:51:22.530 --> 00:51:22.950 Brian Loges: I. 359 00:51:23.700 --> 00:51:24.720 Brian Loges: Think what that first I. 360 00:51:24.720 --> 00:51:26.040 Brian Loges: Think what does. 361 00:51:26.550 --> 00:51:32.610 Brian Loges: I think we're covered right, we are, we are going out and saying we do not know if we're going to get this money. 362 00:51:32.850 --> 00:51:43.530 Brian Loges: We don't even know if we're eligible we don't know if they're going to pay us, however, if they do, then we'll buy electric buses if we if we do not get the money we will not break, so the likelihood. 363 00:51:44.430 --> 00:51:49.650 Brian Loges: it's zero to 100 I you know, I have no idea because apparently nobody's gotten any money so. 364 00:51:50.670 --> 00:51:56.610 Brian Loges: And if that's the case if nicer is just a total fraud and they don't give us the money then we're not getting any electric buses this year. 365 00:51:56.970 --> 00:52:07.500 Brian Loges: So that's that's really what my point like we can keep saying what if what if what if what if what if, but if we do not put this on on the proposition, nobody can vote on it, and nothing can ever happen. 366 00:52:08.850 --> 00:52:12.420 Sarah Carrier: Just to clarify, we know nicer does not a fraud but. 367 00:52:13.410 --> 00:52:14.640 Neal Haber: Bureaucratic in terms of. 368 00:52:14.640 --> 00:52:20.430 Sarah Carrier: taking the time to get spelt I need to get it out there, but to brian's point I think you. 369 00:52:20.490 --> 00:52:21.690 Sarah Carrier: You know, we do have a. 370 00:52:21.690 --> 00:52:35.550 Sarah Carrier: Few right we there are some in terms of now moving on to sort of the concrete of what are some possible propositions right we I think there is this the first proposition that would. 371 00:52:36.330 --> 00:52:49.440 Sarah Carrier: provide for the purchase of two small gas vehicles right we're not proposing be a proposition that would include a gas or a diesel big vehicle. 372 00:52:50.100 --> 00:53:02.820 Sarah Carrier: We recognize that we do need to, we will need to replace a larger bus, and I think that is something that we should that that's we should look at as far as the electric propositions. 373 00:53:03.480 --> 00:53:21.870 Sarah Carrier: But in terms of a proposition, so that we know we have we've met to neil's point that first need of getting our students transported where they need to go when school starts in September, we have that first proposition, which is 424 820 passenger and a 30 passenger bus. 374 00:53:23.190 --> 00:53:25.020 Sarah Carrier: Is everyone in agreement on that. 375 00:53:28.800 --> 00:53:29.340 Neal Haber: I am. 376 00:53:31.770 --> 00:53:38.340 Brian Loges: Are you asking if we should not put a gas a diesel 66 passenger bus on this as a proposition. 377 00:53:38.610 --> 00:53:43.170 Sarah Carrier: We are not yeah that is not the plan, the plan is just to do the 20 to 30 gas. 378 00:53:43.800 --> 00:53:44.850 Brian Loges: Okay, the proposition. 379 00:53:46.770 --> 00:53:53.340 Brian Loges: And then, but but, but according to transportation we we probably need that yeah. 380 00:53:54.840 --> 00:53:55.320 denise.cohen: We do. 381 00:53:55.350 --> 00:54:08.820 Sarah Carrier: We do to your point we need we needed but we don't need it for Sep tember the US, we might be better off if we are if we as we've we said at the beginning we're committed to moving in this direction of electrification. 382 00:54:09.720 --> 00:54:17.130 Sarah Carrier: And that is a large grant amount that isn't going to be around forever, I think we might be better off putting our. 383 00:54:18.090 --> 00:54:20.460 Sarah Carrier: Oh, I see waiting for opposition for eight. 384 00:54:20.550 --> 00:54:22.200 Sarah Carrier: update so electric big bus. 385 00:54:22.290 --> 00:54:23.520 Brian Loges: versus what we're okay. 386 00:54:24.210 --> 00:54:40.770 Brian Loges: I think I understand, so the past of the for the for whatever they are a class for bus is mandatory the 66 plus six passenger, we are only proposing electric and because we, we are confident that it's going to be available within the coming school year. 387 00:54:41.940 --> 00:54:42.840 denise.cohen: Correct and and. 388 00:54:43.440 --> 00:54:45.060 Neal Haber: And we don't really remember. 389 00:54:45.840 --> 00:54:48.570 Brian Loges: What I said okay yeah yeah then i'm I agree with it. 390 00:54:48.990 --> 00:54:49.440 Okay. 391 00:54:50.910 --> 00:54:51.240 Andrea Furey she/her: and 392 00:54:52.770 --> 00:55:09.000 Andrea Furey she/her: Just to ask quickly, because the reason why we do this is just sort of keep our expenses on like a plane, so it does seem to make sense from a financial perspective to do it that way to Am I correct okay. 393 00:55:10.470 --> 00:55:11.730 Sarah Carrier: i'm dyers do you have a question. 394 00:55:12.780 --> 00:55:19.020 Iris Bugliosi: i'm just curious there's like three propositions here, though, if it's only one bus. 395 00:55:20.250 --> 00:55:29.970 denise.cohen: So iris what I what I tried to do is to try to provide as much information as I possibly could so that the board could make a decision about. 396 00:55:30.390 --> 00:55:49.650 denise.cohen: How rapidly they they want to move forward with this, so what I provided was the cost of the the 66 passenger vehicle and the potential to have the 27 and the 24 passenger vehicle in the electric model now, as you can see. 397 00:55:50.520 --> 00:56:02.100 denise.cohen: The funding is is considerably less for for those vehicles and the purchase price is considerably more compared to the gas powered vehicles so. 398 00:56:03.570 --> 00:56:17.460 denise.cohen: The option is to bundle them all together and have them as a contingent proposition, to take one of them, for example, the 66 passenger bus and make that as a contingent proposition. 399 00:56:17.820 --> 00:56:27.000 denise.cohen: or two separate all three of them and have them all, as contingent propositions so it's just a matter of how how much the Ward. 400 00:56:27.360 --> 00:56:48.300 denise.cohen: Is you know how fast, you want to go, how much risk, you want to take how much you want to put on the ballot for for the Community to to consider it is a lot of propositions I, but I did want to put it all out there, so that the board could make the best decision. 401 00:56:48.720 --> 00:56:51.150 Deborah O'Connell: It was just a prompt provide you with options. 402 00:56:51.180 --> 00:56:51.420 Right. 403 00:56:53.010 --> 00:57:01.170 Sarah Carrier: Denise correct me if i'm wrong part of the reason, in terms of the considering splitting them out is because they all have. 404 00:57:02.430 --> 00:57:11.940 Sarah Carrier: grant funding attached to them that, if we combined it all and say one of those didn't end up qualifying for the grant funding. 405 00:57:12.300 --> 00:57:19.740 Sarah Carrier: This the whole proposition, then you can't bond for it at all right, that would sort of wipe out the entire proposition, if you. 406 00:57:20.040 --> 00:57:30.630 Sarah Carrier: have them is as individual then, if something doesn't work out with one of them, the other two and and everything works fine with the other two then then you're good right. 407 00:57:31.290 --> 00:57:31.800 Sarah Carrier: And I. 408 00:57:32.250 --> 00:57:42.150 Sarah Carrier: appreciate and understand that it does add you know a lot of propositions on to the ballot which will require much more extensive voter education but. 409 00:57:43.230 --> 00:57:47.760 Sarah Carrier: I think the right, I think that's one of those things were to weigh the benefits of. 410 00:57:48.150 --> 00:57:54.720 Deborah O'Connell: It was to put safety nets in place so that one thing didn't going down been abolished the others. 411 00:57:54.810 --> 00:57:55.230 Sarah Carrier: mm hmm. 412 00:57:57.000 --> 00:57:57.570 Sarah Carrier: Brian. 413 00:57:58.680 --> 00:58:08.340 Brian Loges: Okay, I might change my answer um if we need a 66 passenger bus and we don't know that we can guarantee a grant. 414 00:58:09.630 --> 00:58:17.220 Brian Loges: Then, despite the fact that they electric bus may be available, it may be unaffordable. 415 00:58:18.540 --> 00:58:27.180 Brian Loges: Am I right, so we have the same problem in all three cases, if we do not get funding then it's a very expensive thing. 416 00:58:27.690 --> 00:58:41.940 Brian Loges: And I don't know if i'm not sure we shouldn't have a diesel 66 passenger there that says Okay, we all agree, we need a big bus at some point, this year. 417 00:58:42.840 --> 00:58:52.470 Brian Loges: However, if we get funding, we would rather have an electric bus, I actually think that all three vehicles, probably need the same thing because. 418 00:58:54.510 --> 00:59:11.160 Brian Loges: Rochelle says that we need that bus sometime before next September, meaning 22 and if we just say well we're going to put on there and electric 66 passenger contingent upon funding and we don't get funding then we'd also don't get a bus. 419 00:59:12.540 --> 00:59:13.020 Deborah O'Connell: Right. 420 00:59:13.470 --> 00:59:15.000 Brian Loges: at all, no, no, bus. 421 00:59:15.150 --> 00:59:16.140 Deborah O'Connell: That is to manage. 422 00:59:16.680 --> 00:59:19.410 Brian Loges: And I it sounds like we need that bus. 423 00:59:19.530 --> 00:59:21.480 Deborah O'Connell: We need that bus within the year. 424 00:59:21.900 --> 00:59:36.840 Neal Haber: yeah so so really what you're talking about is packaging, if you will, and then explanation because I was looking back and saying why would the 66 passenger class seven bucks contingent on proposition in. 425 00:59:39.000 --> 00:59:46.680 Neal Haber: The on on the gas because they they're really not connected as Brian rightly points out, so really what we probably would want to. 426 00:59:46.680 --> 00:59:48.990 denise.cohen: say you know but but Neil just. 427 00:59:49.110 --> 00:59:49.350 Neal Haber: got. 428 00:59:49.410 --> 00:59:50.310 denise.cohen: To that point. 429 00:59:53.730 --> 01:00:06.840 denise.cohen: If we if we have them as separate non contingent propositions it's someone that we could have every one vote on the electric bus and not have the two guests. 430 01:00:06.960 --> 01:00:08.070 Neal Haber: powered smart oh. 431 01:00:08.130 --> 01:00:22.620 Neal Haber: No, no, no, no, I, I understand that, but what i'm saying is probably the best way to do it, based on brian's point is to say proposition a gas powered class for vehicle proposition be. 432 01:00:24.420 --> 01:00:28.860 Neal Haber: Class for vehicle electric contingent on proposition a. 433 01:00:29.910 --> 01:00:53.910 Neal Haber: proposition see gas 27 or 30 or 24 passenger class for vehicle contingent on a proposition D a gas powered 66 passenger bus took to deal with michelle's point that we're or every form we're going to need it in the next year proposition he. 434 01:00:54.930 --> 01:01:17.220 Neal Haber: contingent on acid or proposition D would be a electric 66 absences but because you don't have to buy you don't have to actually execute on the propositions right you did you have five years, I think you said to us before to actually do something once if a resolution staff so we add. 435 01:01:18.420 --> 01:01:38.160 Neal Haber: A gas powered 66 passenger bus and then link that to the electric 66 passenger, but what we're saying we've got you know the smaller buses, gas or preferably electric if we get our funding again get our brand. 436 01:01:39.600 --> 01:01:48.240 Neal Haber: 66 passenger bus gas, but preferably electric can you you set it up in parallel Denise you understand what I mean. 437 01:01:48.750 --> 01:01:50.250 Neal Haber: I did everybody else. 438 01:01:50.760 --> 01:02:00.690 denise.cohen: I do I, however, I have some concerns about just about the communication and Community education around that I feel that. 439 01:02:01.200 --> 01:02:06.720 denise.cohen: You know angie had asked about what is the percentage, I feel that the electric bus. 440 01:02:07.650 --> 01:02:21.240 denise.cohen: Is is a risk willing to take, we could always go out if we were short the vehicle and we didn't get the funding, we could always go back out to the Community for. 441 01:02:21.540 --> 01:02:32.100 denise.cohen: For a bond proposition later in you know, on an off time during the school year if we didn't get the funding, I feel if it were eligible for anything. 442 01:02:33.060 --> 01:02:44.910 denise.cohen: That is the is the vehicle that were most likely eligible for so just to I mean that's a lot of I was confused while you were talking that's a lot more. 443 01:02:45.090 --> 01:02:56.670 Joshua Diamond: yeah I agree with, I agree with Denise on this, I think that we need to go the way we get this past and and the way we get it done is, we have to go. 444 01:02:57.780 --> 01:02:59.880 Joshua Diamond: We have to go for it right. 445 01:03:01.140 --> 01:03:15.870 Joshua Diamond: I if we know the more with for every additional proposition, the more complicated it gets and the more likely we are to get people who vote for the trustees and then just skip voting yeah they don't vote yes or no. 446 01:03:17.100 --> 01:03:19.950 Joshua Diamond: On the on the on the propositions. 447 01:03:20.190 --> 01:03:20.790 Joshua Diamond: Because they gave. 448 01:03:21.030 --> 01:03:21.750 Joshua Diamond: US by it. 449 01:03:22.170 --> 01:03:24.210 Neal Haber: Right, one question though i'm saying. 450 01:03:25.020 --> 01:03:25.740 Neal Haber: yeah Brian you go. 451 01:03:26.730 --> 01:03:32.550 Brian Loges: So prop a right now has two vehicles in can't we just put the third vehicle in there and say. 452 01:03:33.540 --> 01:03:40.650 Brian Loges: The district needs three vehicles community, this is how it's been working, you have to vote that we're going to need three vehicles. 453 01:03:41.190 --> 01:03:52.020 Brian Loges: Property CD are what they are and they are basically upgrades to vehicle 123 in in the first proposition, so instead of six that makes it for. 454 01:03:52.470 --> 01:04:02.790 Brian Loges: And so that's not entirely confusing and not understandable to most people, and we do have partners out there who are like they are just gearing up to like. 455 01:04:02.790 --> 01:04:03.900 Joshua Diamond: promote this thing there. 456 01:04:04.170 --> 01:04:05.100 Joshua Diamond: and explain to. 457 01:04:05.190 --> 01:04:05.940 Sarah Carrier: Everybody. 458 01:04:06.180 --> 01:04:10.740 Brian Loges: and say you have to vote on this and you must vote yes on blah blah so. 459 01:04:12.270 --> 01:04:24.960 Brian Loges: I think it could be very much like what the proposal you know that I see on on the email but, but the third vehicle the 66 passenger is in profit. 460 01:04:25.500 --> 01:04:36.990 Deborah O'Connell: to bundle the three vehicles that are gas vehicles in the first one, and then separate out the three in terms of three separate so. 461 01:04:37.470 --> 01:04:38.580 Neal Haber: electro contingent. 462 01:04:39.240 --> 01:04:41.040 Deborah O'Connell: Right and the angels are already so. 463 01:04:41.730 --> 01:04:52.470 Brian Loges: yeah those three are already separated I think neil's confusion was also mine, I think the bus was in prop eight initially, which is why they may all say antigen done properly. 464 01:04:53.250 --> 01:05:02.220 Brian Loges: And so yeah I think that that's pretty clear and basically you know you can number them or do whatever you want to do to say vehicle one is a 20 passenger. 465 01:05:02.730 --> 01:05:14.370 Brian Loges: Vehicle two is a 30 passenger vehicle three is a 66 and then probably has to do with vehicle one prophecy has to do with vehicle to property has to view vehicle three. 466 01:05:15.480 --> 01:05:17.010 Brian Loges: Right, so now we've done. 467 01:05:17.130 --> 01:05:18.060 Neal Haber: One yeah. 468 01:05:18.300 --> 01:05:19.410 Brian Loges: we've gotten approval. 469 01:05:19.410 --> 01:05:31.140 Brian Loges: From the Community that says we know we need buses, we must get our kids to school and, if approved by the Community, we also know that if we then get funding we're going to get electric buses. 470 01:05:33.420 --> 01:05:34.020 Sarah Carrier: iris. 471 01:05:34.380 --> 01:05:36.630 Iris Bugliosi: i'm gonna kill questions i'm confused. 472 01:05:39.450 --> 01:05:47.100 Sarah Carrier: So, Brian is proposing is a change from what the what I had sent you before of proposition a in which you would have. 473 01:05:47.160 --> 01:05:58.680 Sarah Carrier: Two vehicles vehicle one being a 20 passenger van and vehicle to being 30 passenger van making that a proposition that includes three vehicles, a 20 passenger van a 30 passenger van and a 66 passenger bus. 474 01:06:01.080 --> 01:06:07.230 denise.cohen: The only concern that I have is that that the bus will not get past. 475 01:06:09.030 --> 01:06:10.260 Neal Haber: It will not get. 476 01:06:11.070 --> 01:06:16.680 denise.cohen: That that be they're going to see the gas powered boss, and then. 477 01:06:18.150 --> 01:06:26.490 denise.cohen: Then the electric bus and when the electric bus is really what we're going for because that's going to get us the greatest funding. 478 01:06:27.840 --> 01:06:28.470 denise.cohen: and 479 01:06:29.520 --> 01:06:44.970 denise.cohen: going to serve our fleet best because we have, because we need that that boss, ideally, so my only concern is that people may say you know Oh, we don't want the Bot, nobody we don't want a boss we're just going to get the two smaller vehicles. 480 01:06:45.870 --> 01:06:46.080 Andrea Furey she/her: Right. 481 01:06:46.170 --> 01:06:49.440 Sarah Carrier: So I guess then bottom line, do we. 482 01:06:50.640 --> 01:06:51.870 Sarah Carrier: In terms of the. 483 01:06:52.110 --> 01:06:54.360 Sarah Carrier: In terms of the replacement rate. 484 01:06:56.160 --> 01:07:04.290 Sarah Carrier: If that if that the 66 passenger electric either a doesn't pass or be we don't get the contingent. 485 01:07:05.760 --> 01:07:06.600 Sarah Carrier: grant funding. 486 01:07:08.760 --> 01:07:19.410 Sarah Carrier: Can we make it until the 2223 budget cycle to then bond for a 66 passenger bus or is that putting our fleet at risk. 487 01:07:21.180 --> 01:07:24.300 Deborah O'Connell: I would imagine we have no idea what the risk is. 488 01:07:24.510 --> 01:07:28.290 Brian Loges: Right right it's a toss up just like getting the funding. 489 01:07:28.560 --> 01:07:30.630 Brian Loges: We don't really manage risk now. 490 01:07:30.780 --> 01:07:33.210 Deborah O'Connell: This is our way of trying to manage risk yeah. 491 01:07:33.600 --> 01:07:34.680 denise.cohen: So Rochelle, what do you. 492 01:07:34.680 --> 01:07:40.920 denise.cohen: feel about about that proposal to put all three in prop a. 493 01:07:42.150 --> 01:07:51.750 denise.cohen: And then have prop up the electric boss prop see the electric fan and property, the electric down. 494 01:07:53.970 --> 01:08:18.270 Rochelle.OMara: The first thing that you're going to be asked, though, is is a diesel, or is it gas, so we are sure I had I was getting to diesels I had to drop a diesel, I had to change my bus to gas, what do you what they're going to ask you, I is it a 66 passenger gas is a 66 passenger diesel. 495 01:08:19.500 --> 01:08:21.090 Brian Loges: We have our diesel now right. 496 01:08:21.660 --> 01:08:24.810 Rochelle.OMara: We have one gas that will force to get last year. 497 01:08:25.920 --> 01:08:28.170 Brian Loges: We we bought a gas one last year. 498 01:08:28.590 --> 01:08:38.010 Rochelle.OMara: yeah I would prefer to get a diesel if we're gonna wind up with another big bus and we don't get electric i'd rather get diesel but i'll go either way. 499 01:08:38.580 --> 01:08:44.790 Brian Loges: I think it's a bit of a I think it's a bit of a cell, you know actually diesel is a better engine. 500 01:08:45.510 --> 01:08:55.500 Brian Loges: In general, and I think I think that people are just misinformed about what diesel actually is, so I think that that may be a bit of a marketing problem. 501 01:08:56.580 --> 01:08:58.980 Brian Loges: people think that gas is somehow better, but it isn't. 502 01:09:00.210 --> 01:09:14.670 Brian Loges: So, but I think, from a from a conceptual standpoint, I think we have to make sure that the community agrees that we need three new vehicles, at some point in the year, we need three and three new vehicles, two of them immediately and one later. 503 01:09:16.710 --> 01:09:29.640 Brian Loges: And you know what honestly if the bus fleet looks fantastic and in February or March, well, we don't actually have to buy another bus until next year, you know but but we won't know that until March so. 504 01:09:31.260 --> 01:09:32.790 Brian Loges: there's there's that possibility to. 505 01:09:32.820 --> 01:09:47.910 Sarah Carrier: clarifying question for Denise with regard to that if if all three of those vehicles are included on that one bond proposition and we then realize in February that we don't need to buy that diesel that third the big bus. 506 01:09:49.890 --> 01:09:58.590 Sarah Carrier: Do we just don't use that purchase order and we don't use that portion of the bond or because we will have already had to bond for that full amount correct. 507 01:09:58.950 --> 01:10:01.320 Sarah Carrier: Well, we don't bond for an until we actually purchase them. 508 01:10:01.410 --> 01:10:03.180 denise.cohen: We bond in October. 509 01:10:03.300 --> 01:10:03.720 Sarah Carrier: Right. 510 01:10:03.960 --> 01:10:04.710 denise.cohen: We bought enough. 511 01:10:04.800 --> 01:10:05.970 Sarah Carrier: Okay, so that that was. 512 01:10:06.630 --> 01:10:10.680 Neal Haber: So so so so we understand that if we bond in October. 513 01:10:11.760 --> 01:10:15.150 Neal Haber: For all three buses, the full amount that we're talking about. 514 01:10:16.440 --> 01:10:24.900 Neal Haber: 220,000 and we end up not using the money for the diesel bus. 515 01:10:26.190 --> 01:10:26.970 Neal Haber: What happens. 516 01:10:29.040 --> 01:10:29.790 Rochelle.OMara: Well you'd be. 517 01:10:30.990 --> 01:10:34.110 Rochelle.OMara: If you weren't getting the diesel wouldn't you be getting the electric. 518 01:10:34.830 --> 01:10:41.010 Neal Haber: Well, no, no, I know what we're saying what we're saying is okay so, but the nice it and said we've already borrow the money. 519 01:10:41.460 --> 01:10:54.360 Neal Haber: we've gone to the you're going to the Bank was taken out $220,000 we're only spending 113 on the two small bands and we keep them the other one in an account until we need and we decided we don't need it. 520 01:10:55.560 --> 01:11:02.850 Neal Haber: Okay we've already borrowed it because we find in October we don't need that money we don't have to spend it what happens to that money. 521 01:11:03.840 --> 01:11:09.750 denise.cohen: Honestly, Neil I don't think that we would bond for the full amount we would find, for what we expect to. 522 01:11:09.750 --> 01:11:11.460 Neal Haber: expect so but. 523 01:11:11.520 --> 01:11:19.890 Neal Haber: So that would mean them and this if you said we bond in October, that would mean if it came to be January and we said oh. 524 01:11:20.730 --> 01:11:35.550 Neal Haber: We need to buy that diesel bus and we're not getting the electric, so we need to spend that called $110,000 whatever number that is for the diesel 66 passenger bus, we would bond bond anticipation, though. 525 01:11:35.850 --> 01:11:43.950 Neal Haber: In January of 2022 for the money we need to buy the diesel 66 passenger bus. 526 01:11:45.060 --> 01:11:46.230 Neal Haber: Mike Am I right on that. 527 01:11:47.160 --> 01:11:52.050 denise.cohen: Yes, but so so let's just say we have the first proposition. 528 01:11:53.100 --> 01:12:05.340 denise.cohen: Two and one more gas powered or diesel powered, then we have let's say proposition two is pass for the electric vehicle. 529 01:12:06.420 --> 01:12:07.410 denise.cohen: Electric bus. 530 01:12:09.330 --> 01:12:12.300 denise.cohen: We I believe we would have the authority. 531 01:12:13.500 --> 01:12:29.370 denise.cohen: Within proposition a to spend up to let's say 250,000 for the three vehicles right, but we would not utilize that full authority, we would bond for. 532 01:12:30.210 --> 01:12:46.740 denise.cohen: let's say the 113 too small for vehicles and then on proposition be we would bond for the amount of the vehicle less the grant funding once we received approval for the. 533 01:12:46.740 --> 01:12:49.200 Joshua Diamond: Green have a separate box right. 534 01:12:49.380 --> 01:13:07.830 Neal Haber: I said fine but, but we could go in January, if we realize the state is not coming through with the grant on the electric and we can't go to the end of the year, we need to get a bus i'd ask the question about borrowing leasing getting a bus from. 535 01:13:09.390 --> 01:13:15.300 Neal Haber: You know short term lease from bluebird so that we don't have to worry about bonding something. 536 01:13:16.800 --> 01:13:36.270 Neal Haber: Okay, and if, in fact, we can do that, to deal with the situation that Brian has raised, we would be able to get something to fill out the fleet for the remainder of the year, but we couldn't find anything and so now, so if if that's where we're at. 537 01:13:37.560 --> 01:13:50.010 Neal Haber: And then the question may be better not to include the 66 passenger bus in proposition a as long as we know, we can get. 538 01:13:50.910 --> 01:14:01.050 Neal Haber: A loner i'll call it that, if we need to during the year while we're either waiting for you know the state to come through. 539 01:14:01.650 --> 01:14:10.470 Neal Haber: And the bus to the bill, or we realize that's never going to come to pass, and we can you know deal with the rest of the year and will. 540 01:14:11.100 --> 01:14:24.120 Neal Haber: You know we'll do something in spring of 22 so my question really is talking about option and protecting ourselves who we need to ask the voters to give us the authority, we may not be using. 541 01:14:26.130 --> 01:14:35.010 Neal Haber: Or do we have another source to get a vehicle if we need one during the year and we're really Rochelle that's a question for you. 542 01:14:36.000 --> 01:14:47.580 Neal Haber: You had said bluebird will work with us, and if Bloomberg will work with us and bluebird will be able to loan us apostle Lisa bus for four months if we need it. 543 01:14:48.480 --> 01:15:01.080 Neal Haber: That covers it better, I think, than saying to the voters, give us authority for a big bus and give us a quarter million dollar profit prop pay was something that we might not use. 544 01:15:01.980 --> 01:15:12.180 Neal Haber: But if we have to we're going to use it, the other issue about, that is, if we do use it, and by that bus we've got it for 12 years. 545 01:15:13.440 --> 01:15:18.990 Neal Haber: Right right, we have the 66 passenger class seven bus that we. 546 01:15:20.280 --> 01:15:23.310 Neal Haber: don't really want to have but we've got it for 12 years or. 547 01:15:23.400 --> 01:15:24.600 Neal Haber: Whatever its useful life. 548 01:15:25.230 --> 01:15:30.180 Neal Haber: As opposed to be able to borrow while we pursue electrification. 549 01:15:31.560 --> 01:15:33.270 Neal Haber: or get a loner yeah. 550 01:15:33.870 --> 01:15:43.710 Iris Bugliosi: My Jonathan i'm i'm really afraid that our Community, if anyone watches this they're going to really get confused because at least i'm confused. 551 01:15:45.840 --> 01:15:48.060 Iris Bugliosi: I just succinctly. 552 01:15:49.230 --> 01:15:54.090 Iris Bugliosi: With these four propositions right this form them. 553 01:15:55.290 --> 01:15:55.800 Brian Loges: ABC. 554 01:15:55.860 --> 01:15:57.300 Sarah Carrier: Essentially yeah yeah. 555 01:15:57.600 --> 01:15:59.010 Brian Loges: Right now there's for your. 556 01:16:00.120 --> 01:16:08.610 Iris Bugliosi: Are we talking about is there any scenario where we're getting 166 and two than all electric. 557 01:16:09.690 --> 01:16:09.870 Rochelle.OMara: Yes. 558 01:16:10.140 --> 01:16:15.570 Brian Loges: Yes, if everything is a yes and the funding comes through then all three are electric. 559 01:16:15.780 --> 01:16:23.220 Iris Bugliosi: And then, what is the band financing costs for that, because I don't get that from what's one is paper. 560 01:16:25.050 --> 01:16:25.470 denise.cohen: So. 561 01:16:25.530 --> 01:16:26.430 Iris Bugliosi: Because it says. 562 01:16:26.520 --> 01:16:33.810 Iris Bugliosi: It says a and a is a is the 113 that's a constant and then you can add in or. 563 01:16:34.200 --> 01:16:34.920 Brian Loges: Not a constant. 564 01:16:36.330 --> 01:16:37.320 Brian Loges: Take the number. 565 01:16:37.770 --> 01:16:39.900 Brian Loges: goes away if if. 566 01:16:39.990 --> 01:16:53.010 Brian Loges: A if a is accepted, and nothing else than 113 is the number eight is accepted, everything else is also accepted, then the 113 is not included in the remainder of the numbers. 567 01:16:53.100 --> 01:17:01.470 Iris Bugliosi: Right let's Take for example proposition D, the 286 buys you the two electric and the one bus. 568 01:17:01.740 --> 01:17:02.700 Neal Haber: Now, if I. 569 01:17:03.150 --> 01:17:03.750 Neal Haber: Do one. 570 01:17:03.810 --> 01:17:12.600 Neal Haber: Is one electric vehicle, which is going to be a 2427 44 passenger view. 571 01:17:13.350 --> 01:17:15.600 Iris Bugliosi: So where are we paying for the other two vehicle. 572 01:17:16.230 --> 01:17:17.700 Sarah Carrier: And the or an. 573 01:17:17.760 --> 01:17:18.540 Neal Haber: enemy and. 574 01:17:18.660 --> 01:17:21.000 Sarah Carrier: Those are all individual amounts. 575 01:17:21.060 --> 01:17:21.870 Iris Bugliosi: So so. 576 01:17:22.080 --> 01:17:23.700 Sarah Carrier: that's not a rolling total. 577 01:17:23.760 --> 01:17:25.320 Iris Bugliosi: Though I was thinking. 578 01:17:26.460 --> 01:17:30.090 Iris Bugliosi: So we're talking about bonding 246. 579 01:17:31.530 --> 01:17:34.470 Iris Bugliosi: Approximately $700,000 at one point. 580 01:17:35.670 --> 01:17:36.690 Iris Bugliosi: We go even under. 581 01:17:36.690 --> 01:17:37.980 Neal Haber: 50,000 right. 582 01:17:38.460 --> 01:17:54.780 Iris Bugliosi: And that's what i'm saying is not clear and that's what can cause confusion, because I thought I was wrong, but I think if we're saying Oh, we might bond up to $750,000 to get three electric vehicles. 583 01:17:56.160 --> 01:18:06.810 Iris Bugliosi: that's a different scenario than we might bond 260 3000 for just one vehicle and one electric and to gas. 584 01:18:07.530 --> 01:18:10.830 denise.cohen: But it's it's three separate proposition so. 585 01:18:11.010 --> 01:18:19.830 Iris Bugliosi: I you know I I understand this, what i'm saying is I was sitting here thinking we're talking about anywhere from 217 to 26. 586 01:18:20.340 --> 01:18:38.190 Iris Bugliosi: But we really aren't we're talking about anywhere from 217 to 750,000 so there has to be a different financial calculation, as a result of that, for our budget if we were to bond 750 as opposed to bonding to 50. 587 01:18:40.020 --> 01:18:40.170 Iris Bugliosi: and 588 01:18:40.500 --> 01:18:41.640 Brian Loges: it's a big big difference. 589 01:18:42.420 --> 01:18:44.040 Brian Loges: Reality is that the. 590 01:18:44.610 --> 01:18:50.760 Brian Loges: pay is yes, then the minimum is 130 but yes, we could go all the way up to 750 from there. 591 01:18:51.540 --> 01:19:02.250 Iris Bugliosi: And so my question is that what we're saying we want to do as a board, we want to go that high or do we and present that to the Community Community or would it make more sense to clean this out and just say. 592 01:19:02.850 --> 01:19:19.740 Iris Bugliosi: We want one electric bus and we want to minivans to start that's our starting point, or you want 400 $500,000 to get maybe two electric vehicles and one non electric, for I think. 593 01:19:20.880 --> 01:19:25.380 Iris Bugliosi: Hearing up to $750,000 to get three electric vehicles. 594 01:19:26.520 --> 01:19:28.530 Iris Bugliosi: that's with with grant. 595 01:19:30.210 --> 01:19:44.460 Iris Bugliosi: scares me and I understand the total cost of ownership and you get paid back in other ways, but I would want to know how does that we're spending those dollars today How does that impact my budget. 596 01:19:45.870 --> 01:19:47.370 Iris Bugliosi: Going you know going forward. 597 01:19:48.990 --> 01:19:53.700 Andrea Furey she/her: And what is it sorry I don't have it in front of me right now, but what is the. 598 01:19:54.930 --> 01:19:59.580 Andrea Furey she/her: First, is how much would it total with the total be for all the. 599 01:20:00.690 --> 01:20:03.270 Andrea Furey she/her: The fossil fuel vehicles. 600 01:20:05.070 --> 01:20:17.250 denise.cohen: So, so the if we went with the diesel and to have the other vehicles, it would be about 251 as opposed to 767. 601 01:20:18.180 --> 01:20:24.180 Neal Haber: Words it's about 100 another hundred and 40 835 $240,000 for for 66. 602 01:20:25.530 --> 01:20:27.720 Iris Bugliosi: million only point is transparency because. 603 01:20:27.900 --> 01:20:29.730 Iris Bugliosi: That wasn't transparent to me. 604 01:20:30.090 --> 01:20:35.070 Iris Bugliosi: A transparent, the Community needs to understand what they actually are voting to do. 605 01:20:36.240 --> 01:20:53.100 Neal Haber: yep yep and the question then comes when you look at the total cost of ownership right and how much is saved and you know, like everything else it's saved in the later years. 606 01:20:54.330 --> 01:21:05.520 Neal Haber: Right, the other question that comes to this is all right it's $750,000 but it's like a mortgage can that it is spread out over 15 years. 607 01:21:06.570 --> 01:21:08.610 Neal Haber: Okay, with a certain rate of interest. 608 01:21:08.910 --> 01:21:09.480 denise.cohen: Five years. 609 01:21:09.510 --> 01:21:23.970 Neal Haber: Okay, I said, Sir No five years so that would mean that we would be let's say we're at a 2% interest rate i'm guessing with i'm bands come out that would mean that in the next five years, we will be paying back. 610 01:21:25.380 --> 01:21:29.880 Neal Haber: Whatever that amount is so that's going to hit our deck. 611 01:21:31.110 --> 01:21:36.900 Neal Haber: In a certain manner which is going to have other implications for our budget. 612 01:21:38.370 --> 01:21:38.790 Iris Bugliosi: So. 613 01:21:39.600 --> 01:21:41.340 Neal Haber: What you're asking what is that. 614 01:21:41.580 --> 01:21:43.620 Neal Haber: What does that really hasn't really affected. 615 01:21:44.190 --> 01:21:58.860 Iris Bugliosi: Well, what i'm also thinking is if the prices are going to go down this, it makes sense to put such a big investment and now, maybe go smaller now with you know, a smaller price tag I don't know. 616 01:21:59.250 --> 01:22:01.710 Brian Loges: Andrea, then I would okay. 617 01:22:02.580 --> 01:22:09.300 Andrea Furey she/her: I was just going to say The thing is, though, is what you'll just pointed out, is interest rates are really low and. 618 01:22:10.770 --> 01:22:17.580 Andrea Furey she/her: It could even if the price went down, it could end up costing us more down the road it sorry Brian you can go. 619 01:22:17.850 --> 01:22:29.370 denise.cohen: If I could just jump in, though, though the prices of those vehicles are dropping quickly, so we could be paying for those vehicles, at the height of the market that's the other side. 620 01:22:29.490 --> 01:22:29.880 So. 621 01:22:30.930 --> 01:22:43.920 Brian Loges: The reason to do it sooner than later, potentially is these grants go away at some point and it's probably not long from now, so our prices on $250,000 vehicle. 622 01:22:44.280 --> 01:22:54.390 Brian Loges: really going to go down by a lot more than $100,000 anytime soon chances are very, very tiny that that actually happens so it's, it is a chance. 623 01:22:55.350 --> 01:23:06.600 Brian Loges: But, but you know it's it's highly unlikely, I mean yeah so, so I would say that the price being high minus the grant. 624 01:23:07.380 --> 01:23:19.650 Brian Loges: Is that that I don't think that we're going to come out behind just because prices may drop by 10 or 15% the year over the next couple of years, you know because there won't be grants for very long. 625 01:23:20.130 --> 01:23:24.750 Deborah O'Connell: That is a good point list, especially the worry of the state funding. 626 01:23:28.560 --> 01:23:29.010 Sarah Carrier: By that you. 627 01:23:29.430 --> 01:23:38.850 Rochelle.OMara: know I i've studied the industry i've talked to everybody and the projection is that the prices are going to come down substantially. 628 01:23:39.240 --> 01:23:55.050 Rochelle.OMara: Because the government is going to subsidize this because they want to do it, I and under the new administration supposedly they're supposed to be a lot more grant money supposed to be coming towards this so. 629 01:23:56.520 --> 01:24:04.770 Rochelle.OMara: You, you may be spending your money now and then a year, you can save it it's that's what the industry is predicting. 630 01:24:07.620 --> 01:24:13.470 denise.cohen: And there's there's a lot on the table there's a lot on the table and also technology is advancing quickly. 631 01:24:13.890 --> 01:24:16.620 denise.cohen: You know, at least for the smaller vehicles. 632 01:24:17.370 --> 01:24:23.190 denise.cohen: The technology is not even as van as advanced as the buses is that. 633 01:24:23.190 --> 01:24:25.050 denise.cohen: Correct no it's. 634 01:24:25.920 --> 01:24:32.820 Rochelle.OMara: The changes are happening just since we started this the changes are happening very, very rapidly. 635 01:24:33.900 --> 01:24:35.370 Rochelle.OMara: Very rapidly it. 636 01:24:37.050 --> 01:24:39.780 Rochelle.OMara: it's a big decision to make because. 637 01:24:40.920 --> 01:24:45.450 Rochelle.OMara: it's improving all the time and you're going to pay a lot of money now. 638 01:24:46.500 --> 01:24:49.380 Rochelle.OMara: And next year could be a completely different story. 639 01:24:50.670 --> 01:24:53.040 denise.cohen: that's risk with you know easy. 640 01:24:53.430 --> 01:24:55.530 denise.cohen: to blame first responder. 641 01:24:56.700 --> 01:24:57.150 Joshua Diamond: yeah. 642 01:25:02.760 --> 01:25:20.760 Joshua Diamond: I had a question about the first proposition um do we actually need to include I mean to my reading the proposition a there's nothing there that says gas in it, or diesel in it it's just we're buying a van buying a boss. 643 01:25:21.000 --> 01:25:24.930 Neal Haber: Right, which costs in the total no more than. 644 01:25:25.860 --> 01:25:26.370 Joshua Diamond: Which costs. 645 01:25:26.580 --> 01:25:27.540 Joshua Diamond: searching and. 646 01:25:28.500 --> 01:25:32.280 Joshua Diamond: In the end, the further proposition in the further propositions are. 647 01:25:33.000 --> 01:25:40.770 Joshua Diamond: upgrade vehicle one two electric upgrade vehicle today electric upgrade vehicle three to electric. 648 01:25:42.870 --> 01:25:43.290 Neal Haber: Electric. 649 01:25:43.590 --> 01:25:44.490 Neal Haber: Right yeah. 650 01:25:44.640 --> 01:25:46.020 Joshua Diamond: right we don't absolutely need by. 651 01:25:46.020 --> 01:25:46.650 upgrade. 652 01:25:47.730 --> 01:25:59.490 Sarah Carrier: yeah I want to be clear on the upgrade thing because we we don't necessarily want to say, like right because all of those other things, that the funding and everything needs to fall into place right we. 653 01:26:01.740 --> 01:26:05.490 Sarah Carrier: We may be in a position where we need to purchase those gas vehicles. 654 01:26:06.360 --> 01:26:06.990 Joshua Diamond: understood. 655 01:26:07.410 --> 01:26:16.170 Sarah Carrier: Under me then right and we might be able to then add to with the electric vehicles and if everything lines up perfectly we might be able to get the electric vehicle. 656 01:26:16.200 --> 01:26:35.250 Sarah Carrier: Due to smaller electric vehicles, instead of the gas vehicle, but that is not a given and I don't want anyone to look at it as a given like if if a N and C and D pass right, then we don't we just forget about a and we move for, for you know the two electric vehicles right. 657 01:26:35.850 --> 01:26:36.990 Joshua Diamond: I want to think about this. 658 01:26:36.990 --> 01:26:38.070 Sarah Carrier: stars align that is. 659 01:26:38.070 --> 01:26:38.370 Sarah Carrier: The way. 660 01:26:39.090 --> 01:26:39.450 Joshua Diamond: I think. 661 01:26:39.630 --> 01:26:41.970 Sarah Carrier: We would all love to do it, but. 662 01:26:42.960 --> 01:26:49.200 Joshua Diamond: I want to think about this from the point of view of how it gets done right and. 663 01:26:51.090 --> 01:26:59.640 Joshua Diamond: We have a very strong organization that is pushing very hard for electrification in our Community and. 664 01:27:00.960 --> 01:27:08.340 Joshua Diamond: The reason we are looking at doing these propositions this way is specifically because they have asked us to do it. 665 01:27:10.530 --> 01:27:10.980 Sarah Carrier: No. 666 01:27:11.610 --> 01:27:13.380 Sarah Carrier: No way Well now, I think. 667 01:27:15.570 --> 01:27:27.480 Joshua Diamond: Because they've helped quite a bit, but I don't think we would be discussing this if there had not been this big push in the Community, I don't think we would be discussing the side I think we'd be talking about it like a year and a half from now not now. 668 01:27:28.200 --> 01:27:33.300 Joshua Diamond: And we so we wouldn't have been talking about a year ago if if we hadn't had the strong push. 669 01:27:33.750 --> 01:27:48.060 Joshua Diamond: and be caught this, let me finish, and the reason i'm suggesting this that that that i'm discussing that is because you know, fundamentally, what we're doing here is yes, you the public. 670 01:27:49.110 --> 01:27:56.610 Joshua Diamond: have told us that this is what you would like to do we agree, hence we are putting forth these propositions. 671 01:27:58.620 --> 01:28:01.260 Joshua Diamond: Now balls in your court. 672 01:28:03.120 --> 01:28:04.680 Joshua Diamond: You said you wanted this. 673 01:28:07.530 --> 01:28:08.790 Joshua Diamond: You have to vote for it. 674 01:28:09.150 --> 01:28:10.140 Brian Loges: get people to vote for. 675 01:28:10.680 --> 01:28:30.180 Neal Haber: Well, I would say, this is the other issue a segment of the public has advocated for this, and so it really what it says even worth to your point josh is it, then, is up to the public, all of the public to decide if this. 676 01:28:30.210 --> 01:28:31.020 Joshua Diamond: Is it yes. 677 01:28:31.650 --> 01:28:33.030 Joshua Diamond: To them exactly. 678 01:28:33.630 --> 01:28:34.860 Neal Haber: With the understanding. 679 01:28:35.070 --> 01:28:40.020 Neal Haber: That has I was pointed out the costs are going to be a lot more, they may go down. 680 01:28:40.590 --> 01:28:52.740 Neal Haber: You know, it may be like you know what is it like computed the cost of computer chips microchips went down, you know, like 99% from you know, but we don't know what's going to happen. 681 01:28:53.340 --> 01:29:01.350 Neal Haber: And certainly if we are focused on electrification of the fleet, over time, a year from now. 682 01:29:02.250 --> 01:29:16.080 Neal Haber: In two years from now, in three years from now, there will be more buses that are going to need to be replaced because they've ended their useful cycle and we will enhance the advantage of those lower prices, if they do, in fact. 683 01:29:17.160 --> 01:29:19.230 Neal Haber: A PR has you know its retail is. 684 01:29:19.260 --> 01:29:19.890 Neal Haber: willing to that. 685 01:29:20.220 --> 01:29:22.080 Joshua Diamond: will really be a waste. 686 01:29:22.140 --> 01:29:30.900 Neal Haber: To wait until you know if you wait until a sale comes down or do you become a leader, because you want to kind of you know, make a statement and. 687 01:29:32.010 --> 01:29:33.180 Neal Haber: Help the process along. 688 01:29:33.450 --> 01:29:35.070 Neal Haber: I know you're willing to spend that money. 689 01:29:35.130 --> 01:29:41.460 Deborah O'Connell: Right, I think we also need to go back to a recommendation from the bus electrification Task Force. 690 01:29:41.850 --> 01:29:54.540 Deborah O'Connell: That had said, will examine ways to take advantage of the funding grant funding that is available at this time, so, whereas I appreciate community groups and their their input. 691 01:29:55.140 --> 01:30:07.200 Deborah O'Connell: We convene to task force, as per the board's goal and that was one of the things they said to recommend it to do and that's what you're doing you're examining ways to. 692 01:30:07.200 --> 01:30:21.750 Deborah O'Connell: take advantage of grant opportunities that are before us and which way you decide to do that, of course, is the board's decision, but I don't want to forget the work and good work of the electrification Task Force yeah. 693 01:30:22.470 --> 01:30:35.070 Joshua Diamond: yeah I totally agree totally agree, so I think that you know we're sort of at the point where we know that there's we know what we want to do. 694 01:30:36.210 --> 01:30:51.720 Joshua Diamond: We serve tinkering around the tinkering around the edges about wording of propositions but, but I think we know what we want to do, and I think we have a sense that there's a a significant segment of the part of our public that wants to do that. 695 01:30:54.000 --> 01:30:54.450 Joshua Diamond: and 696 01:30:54.510 --> 01:30:55.020 Joshua Diamond: i'm sort of. 697 01:30:55.170 --> 01:30:56.400 Joshua Diamond: The opinion that we ought to move. 698 01:30:57.810 --> 01:31:03.960 Joshua Diamond: We have a proposition eight, we have a a proposed set of propositions before us. 699 01:31:05.520 --> 01:31:10.410 Joshua Diamond: modulo a few adjustments and I think it's time to move forward. 700 01:31:10.710 --> 01:31:19.200 Brian Loges: Right so just one final thing you know they're, there is the question of the various types of chargers and I understand that they're. 701 01:31:19.290 --> 01:31:20.730 Joshua Diamond: The next level below. 702 01:31:21.030 --> 01:31:22.830 Brian Loges: Making may not live forever. 703 01:31:23.940 --> 01:31:31.650 Brian Loges: But apparently they're in more in the range of the 10 ish thousand and so, if if you know. 704 01:31:32.130 --> 01:31:43.800 Brian Loges: To be leaders in this it doesn't mean we have to get the best of everything always so we can lead and get Level two chargers and we've we've saved ourselves in the neighborhood of $150,000 off of the top. 705 01:31:45.270 --> 01:31:59.520 Brian Loges: And so, that is a potential, you know I don't know the technology and I don't I don't know enough about it, but from people that that I think know they said that the Level two charger are entirely adequate. 706 01:32:00.240 --> 01:32:05.100 Brian Loges: Well, if they are not ideal and and they're not great, for the buses five years from now. 707 01:32:05.730 --> 01:32:18.090 Neal Haber: So I looked did some research right before the meeting and I got an article that was in school transportation review, I think it's called in November 2020. 708 01:32:18.630 --> 01:32:20.970 Neal Haber: And what he said and Rochelle i'll ask you with. 709 01:32:26.520 --> 01:32:39.780 Neal Haber: Sorry i'll ask yourself, this is accurate or not accurate it reads, technically speaking, electric school buses are charged by electric vehicle supply equipment which either uses level to. 710 01:32:41.370 --> 01:32:44.160 Neal Haber: alternating current current current level three. 711 01:32:45.330 --> 01:33:01.500 Neal Haber: AC Level two systems are less expensive, but then DC system for AC Level two systems charge buses more slowly conversely EC charging systems charge electrolysis more quickly, but to cost more upfront. 712 01:33:02.580 --> 01:33:13.410 Neal Haber: Standard Sae you know those standards say that though those plugs can be used for both Level two and Level three Level two says provides. 713 01:33:14.070 --> 01:33:29.580 Neal Haber: On 30 to 80 amps of current with 19.2 kilowatt next most school buses can be partially charged in 46 hours and fully charged in eight hours via AC power. 714 01:33:30.660 --> 01:33:40.950 Neal Haber: For additional charging power some elected school buses manufacturers fit their buses with two connections or two bi directional chargers to decrease charging time. 715 01:33:41.580 --> 01:33:57.360 Neal Haber: A DC SAS charger Level three delivers high powered directly into an electric vehicle batteries system by converting AC power into direct current using an inverter and it's up to 90 kilowatts and could charge a bus in two or three hours. 716 01:33:58.560 --> 01:34:00.690 Neal Haber: i'm with the arm. 717 01:34:01.920 --> 01:34:12.330 Neal Haber: And then, it talks about PR Tara and Thomas bill pluses has providing options, so the question really is to brian's point in his mind and my question is well. 718 01:34:13.980 --> 01:34:33.690 Neal Haber: What the proposal is to use a level three Direct Current charging system at $65,000 per charger as opposed to a $10,000 15 or whatever it is level to charge. 719 01:34:34.410 --> 01:34:39.030 Rochelle.OMara: Well, first of all it's $65,000 once not for each. 720 01:34:39.450 --> 01:34:40.320 Neal Haber: Oh no, no, I understand. 721 01:34:40.380 --> 01:34:41.550 Neal Haber: it's it's once for. 722 01:34:41.940 --> 01:34:52.830 Rochelle.OMara: One charger is going to work for three vehicles you're gonna go by the charger that the manufacturer of the vehicle recommends as best. 723 01:34:53.400 --> 01:34:53.700 Neal Haber: Okay. 724 01:34:53.760 --> 01:35:13.560 Rochelle.OMara: we're also looking to invest in this, because this is your future going forward there's funding available for these charges and the infrastructure now, so you can take advantage of that, so the recommendation is to go through the level three charger. 725 01:35:15.630 --> 01:35:15.990 Neal Haber: Now. 726 01:35:16.050 --> 01:35:24.450 Sarah Carrier: So, then we could adjust these proposed amounts because it wouldn't you wouldn't need to 65 times three you just need the 65. 727 01:35:24.870 --> 01:35:38.400 Sarah Carrier: And if the vendor comes back and says to us you're fine with the Level two charger for an hour, then, then that would be each that would you need a charger for each vehicle um. 728 01:35:38.460 --> 01:35:43.770 Rochelle.OMara: If you go in that if you going with the fish charger you can share the charger. 729 01:35:45.150 --> 01:35:45.690 Rochelle.OMara: Okay. 730 01:35:45.750 --> 01:35:48.030 denise.cohen: Because of the because of the day, charged. 731 01:35:51.810 --> 01:35:53.910 Brian Loges: In somebody's got to be there for him right. 732 01:35:57.240 --> 01:35:58.320 Brian Loges: On a snow day. 733 01:35:59.340 --> 01:36:00.750 Brian Loges: Okay somebody's going to be there at. 734 01:36:01.260 --> 01:36:04.590 Brian Loges: 10pm and then one 1am and then for you. 735 01:36:05.400 --> 01:36:07.260 Deborah O'Connell: In order to usually they're. 736 01:36:09.150 --> 01:36:10.170 Neal Haber: retiring so. 737 01:36:10.650 --> 01:36:11.430 Neal Haber: Well, work you. 738 01:36:11.940 --> 01:36:29.580 Rochelle.OMara: still be there right, these are things that's why you get the people that know about this to advise us of this, and how best to proceed with that to also maintain the integrity of your vehicle you're not going to cheap out at any point with this. 739 01:36:30.120 --> 01:36:31.950 Brian Loges: Okay buddy no and I wouldn't. 740 01:36:32.640 --> 01:36:40.980 Brian Loges: I wouldn't want to buy something that bluebird absolutely would would not recommend that would push perhaps void some kind of a battery warranty or anything like. 741 01:36:40.980 --> 01:36:47.790 Brian Loges: That, however, you know if if bluebird says Level two is perfectly fine get three of them for $30,000. 742 01:36:48.960 --> 01:36:50.310 Brian Loges: I think i'm going to go with that. 743 01:36:50.940 --> 01:37:09.660 Sarah Carrier: And then we just don't see that I think part of the putting in the higher estimate into the bond propositions right is because the bond propositions are always written as a not to exceed amount, and so, if what comes back and says we didn't we we just we don't balmforth them. 744 01:37:09.750 --> 01:37:09.990 Rochelle.OMara: We don't. 745 01:37:10.470 --> 01:37:11.250 Sarah Carrier: spend that money. 746 01:37:11.850 --> 01:37:13.050 Joshua Diamond: Maybe we need to put in. 747 01:37:13.050 --> 01:37:13.890 denise.cohen: There as. 748 01:37:14.070 --> 01:37:17.700 Brian Loges: We need to put in there $65,000 for chargers. 749 01:37:18.810 --> 01:37:20.160 Brian Loges: Total right. 750 01:37:20.730 --> 01:37:21.180 well. 751 01:37:22.980 --> 01:37:24.960 Joshua Diamond: i'm sorry now now i'm confused. 752 01:37:25.200 --> 01:37:33.750 denise.cohen: Let me just say that the way we are very limited with regard to the bond propositions so if. 753 01:37:34.110 --> 01:37:50.400 denise.cohen: let's say we only put the charger with the bus if the others were and the bus went down if the others were there separately, without a charger then and they were voted in they wouldn't have sufficient funds. 754 01:37:50.490 --> 01:37:53.670 Brian Loges: Okay, we need like 100 propositions. 755 01:37:54.690 --> 01:37:58.080 Joshua Diamond: understood, so my question on this is. 756 01:37:59.370 --> 01:38:10.440 Joshua Diamond: Am I correct and understanding that even though all three propositions B, C and D list a level three charger $65,000 in reality we're only going to buy one level three charger. 757 01:38:11.760 --> 01:38:12.660 Joshua Diamond: Is that correct. 758 01:38:13.470 --> 01:38:19.860 Brian Loges: is somebody at the bus depot all night long, I mean that's a serious question, because if it takes three hours to charge a bus. 759 01:38:20.220 --> 01:38:33.420 Brian Loges: That means that every three hours somebody's got to go unplug a bus and move it and and I don't want to add people's work to people's day so that's why, if Level two works fine and in the end bluebird is perfectly happy with that. 760 01:38:33.870 --> 01:38:40.530 Brian Loges: As far as their buses and not breaking them, then we might as well just get three chargers and then plug them in at four and be done. 761 01:38:42.630 --> 01:38:42.900 Andrea Furey she/her: and 762 01:38:42.960 --> 01:38:43.620 Neal Haber: Wait wait wait. 763 01:38:43.980 --> 01:38:45.990 Neal Haber: Okay, so Andrew asked you a question. 764 01:38:48.000 --> 01:38:52.470 Andrea Furey she/her: Because, at one point we were talking about funding this through. 765 01:38:53.760 --> 01:38:57.270 Andrea Furey she/her: Our capital reserve and that we could get building aid, you know what. 766 01:38:58.860 --> 01:39:00.510 Andrea Furey she/her: Or is this the best way. 767 01:39:00.780 --> 01:39:01.530 Brian Loges: Still there. 768 01:39:01.680 --> 01:39:06.840 Brian Loges: Although we don't necessarily know for getting building it that's why I don't think it can be in the preposition. 769 01:39:08.190 --> 01:39:17.580 denise.cohen: Yes, I would be done this would be done through a transportation bond anticipation note similar to our other two are other. 770 01:39:17.940 --> 01:39:21.720 Andrea Furey she/her: The infrastructure, the infrastructure should be done this way. 771 01:39:22.260 --> 01:39:22.680 Andrea Furey she/her: And then. 772 01:39:22.710 --> 01:39:41.910 Andrea Furey she/her: Also question came up about how this debt would affect the district, I know, sometimes with the tax CAP or debt rolling on and rolling off makes a difference, I was just wondering if you could give us some sense of of how it looks in terms of the timing of it. 773 01:39:42.540 --> 01:39:51.090 denise.cohen: Well, we would have we would have to factor it in depending upon how much we were talking, I mean this would be an additional debt of 700,000. 774 01:39:52.260 --> 01:40:02.490 denise.cohen: And that would have to be factored in, we have some flexibility and our in our debt schedule, when this when this would roll on so this would roll on in. 775 01:40:04.380 --> 01:40:19.500 denise.cohen: This debt and we have some flexibility in there, but this would come and the debt would be financed through our general fund, I just want to make that very clear that the the cost of the debt is financed through our general fund by. 776 01:40:19.530 --> 01:40:29.010 Neal Haber: Sure sure, so the question that Brian had asked and Rochelle you perhaps can you fill us in on this is. 777 01:40:30.120 --> 01:40:43.590 Neal Haber: If we, it would be great if you had one charger that three buses could attach to and when one bus was done right it turned off and bus to started charging. 778 01:40:44.100 --> 01:40:58.320 Neal Haber: Nobody had to be there to you know to to make the change that you know pull out the wire and put it in a in the next you know into the next bus is that technology is that technology does not exist, am I right. 779 01:40:59.460 --> 01:41:01.500 Rochelle.OMara: I don't know i'm an expert on it. 780 01:41:02.040 --> 01:41:10.680 Neal Haber: Okay, fine so If not, then we would have to do you know we really wouldn't need three chargers whether they are. 781 01:41:11.070 --> 01:41:23.040 Neal Haber: Level two or Level three because we got to have all the buses charger we're not going to have somebody come in at one o'clock every in the morning, you know Sunday night through Thursday night to try drop the bus. 782 01:41:23.520 --> 01:41:23.940 But. 783 01:41:24.960 --> 01:41:33.900 Rochelle.OMara: There are other ways to do that okay you got to remember all of your buses are not out all of the time all day all night. 784 01:41:34.860 --> 01:41:47.220 Rochelle.OMara: that's up to the Supervisor to educate themselves and the dealer will teach you that how to manage your charging that's the heart of the experience with the selected busting. 785 01:41:47.700 --> 01:41:48.690 denise.cohen: And Rochelle. 786 01:41:49.770 --> 01:42:05.790 denise.cohen: wasn't that for the purpose of recharging a boss mid day, so you have a morning run and you had an afternoon run at when the temperatures get colder and you have to have heat on in the bus the batteries drain significantly. 787 01:42:05.940 --> 01:42:06.330 denise.cohen: So. 788 01:42:06.360 --> 01:42:16.920 denise.cohen: Fast charger would allow a midday recharge for that vehicle, as opposed to having to go the full you know six hours or so. 789 01:42:18.270 --> 01:42:18.780 Sarah Carrier: Brian. 790 01:42:19.470 --> 01:42:31.440 Brian Loges: And we're also talking about two smaller buses and one large bus, so I guess those those vans don't need the full whatever whatever you said you know I forget four hours. 791 01:42:32.550 --> 01:42:44.220 Brian Loges: And so you know, maybe that's adequate and i'm not against it, you know i'm just thinking like you know as far as what this looks like so we're not really talking about $750,000. 792 01:42:44.730 --> 01:43:04.050 Brian Loges: Because we we literally are only going to buy one charger at this point, and so that's minus 130 so maybe we're talking about $620,000 were all gas is about 250 so it's still a big difference, but it's not nearly the difference that it sounded like. 793 01:43:05.700 --> 01:43:14.610 Brian Loges: Now, and very quickly, I mean, and this is not in the proposition or anything but very quickly the payoff starts to happen. 794 01:43:15.120 --> 01:43:26.130 Brian Loges: In the lower fuel costs and lower operating costs and the lower maintenance costs and the selling back of electricity in some number of years I don't know when that's going to happen so. 795 01:43:27.450 --> 01:43:41.850 Brian Loges: It literally is yes it's a fair amount of front, but it's not all up front, because we're borrowing it in and you're paying for it over five years, and then the payback though it it it comes relatively quickly. 796 01:43:43.920 --> 01:43:44.580 Neal Haber: to other thing. 797 01:43:45.510 --> 01:43:47.580 Sarah Carrier: I think josh has his hands raised and then. 798 01:43:47.580 --> 01:44:04.740 Sarah Carrier: I got i'll take your question neal and then I do want to segue into a quick conversation i'm not quick, but I do want to remind us all that we are also on the table is a leasing proposition in is that is is that something that that we want to consider so. 799 01:44:05.130 --> 01:44:05.490 denise.cohen: The other. 800 01:44:05.850 --> 01:44:07.860 Sarah Carrier: thing about that well josh goes, and then you. 801 01:44:08.430 --> 01:44:25.530 Joshua Diamond: I think it may actually be not 65 well not 130,000 I think it's like 150,000 blessed, and the reason is because i'm pretty sure that that infrastructure cost is also the that's the infrastructure for the charger right. 802 01:44:27.180 --> 01:44:27.720 denise.cohen: Yes. 803 01:44:28.140 --> 01:44:32.640 Joshua Diamond: So that means that it's actually $150,000 less. 804 01:44:34.560 --> 01:44:36.630 Brian Loges: Right, I agree okay. 805 01:44:37.050 --> 01:44:53.550 denise.cohen: Now, because the infrastructure for the chargers could cost considerably more, we have to we may have to trench for electric we may have to go across the driveway so the infrastructure costs could be considerably more than that. 806 01:44:53.550 --> 01:44:54.360 10,000. 807 01:44:56.640 --> 01:45:01.410 Joshua Diamond: But we've listed the infrastructure costs at 10,000 we're bonding for 10,000. 808 01:45:01.860 --> 01:45:09.600 denise.cohen: Correct because we're we're considering potential grants for that and. 809 01:45:09.690 --> 01:45:10.350 Deborah O'Connell: So supposed. 810 01:45:10.380 --> 01:45:17.100 Joshua Diamond: To be Pat, let me, let me, let me play a scenario suppose be passes and C and D fail. 811 01:45:19.980 --> 01:45:28.200 Joshua Diamond: Now we need to buy a charger for six $5,000 up to $65,000 and we don't have the money to pay for the infrastructure. 812 01:45:28.950 --> 01:45:31.110 Joshua Diamond: right because it may cost more than 10,000. 813 01:45:32.070 --> 01:45:51.540 denise.cohen: Well, most likely to have one fast charger in one station in in one station, we probably could, if we had to have more than one depending upon where it's located we looked at, to get we took looked at two. 814 01:45:51.540 --> 01:45:53.220 denise.cohen: options as far as. 815 01:45:54.510 --> 01:46:12.390 denise.cohen: Where would be positioned and the bus depot and that that will change, I mean that that will be decided based on how many vehicles, because we we looked at one vehicle we looked at potentially two vehicles if it goes to three vehicles that would increase the cost. 816 01:46:13.320 --> 01:46:21.240 Joshua Diamond: Okay, now the follow up question is, what if see so it sounds like we're talking about a single level three charger, though. 817 01:46:22.620 --> 01:46:27.990 Joshua Diamond: Even though we're going out where for authorization for three level three chargers right. 818 01:46:28.200 --> 01:46:29.250 denise.cohen: Because they're separate. 819 01:46:29.250 --> 01:46:41.490 Joshua Diamond: proposition because they're separate propositions that suppose all three paths now we've got authorization for three level three chargers we don't actually have to buy fuel level features, we could buy one level three charger and one level two charger. 820 01:46:43.710 --> 01:46:57.240 Joshua Diamond: save a little money, then we have the fast, we have the fast charging option when we need it and we have the slow charging option that we can put on a bus overnight, so we you know, we have the it gives us a little more flexibility just something about. 821 01:46:57.360 --> 01:47:00.360 Deborah O'Connell: is structured as not to exceed. 822 01:47:00.480 --> 01:47:09.300 Joshua Diamond: I understand, so you know, this is a place, I think we're bike shedding to an extent here where we're you know we're you know we're building a nuke plant but we're arguing over the color of the bike shed. 823 01:47:09.600 --> 01:47:15.780 Joshua Diamond: I think that we've gotten we've gotten down in the weeds a little bit too much, and you know these are all things we are authorizing it. 824 01:47:16.620 --> 01:47:22.560 Joshua Diamond: And it's important that we do, but there's going to be details that we work out after the proposition right. 825 01:47:23.220 --> 01:47:35.040 Joshua Diamond: The the actual execution they're off, which you know, to a certain extent, we have to you know we understand it's rapidly moving and we're going to get authorization, up to and then we're going to use that as effectively as we can. 826 01:47:36.810 --> 01:47:48.150 denise.cohen: We do need to be I I need to be clear on the proposition, because this is very legal language, and there are a lot of. 827 01:47:48.840 --> 01:47:57.990 denise.cohen: Laws around this and our bond Council will need to craft this and time for us to vote on on Thursday. 828 01:47:58.500 --> 01:48:11.100 denise.cohen: So I do need some direction as far as what we would like to do, are we going to bundle them, are we going to do that, independently, are we going to do all of them are we going to do one of them. 829 01:48:12.450 --> 01:48:22.500 Neal Haber: Okay i'm josh joshua's discussion answered a number of questions that I had um I. 830 01:48:24.840 --> 01:48:49.020 Neal Haber: I will tell you that I think that the proposition A and B contingent on a C contingent on a decongestant are a after our discussion even though it's somewhat confusing and will need to explain why it's written that way is something that I would support. 831 01:48:51.120 --> 01:48:51.810 Neal Haber: I. 832 01:48:52.920 --> 01:48:58.110 Neal Haber: Think as we've gone through this and we've talked about different permutations and combinations. 833 01:48:59.040 --> 01:49:07.170 Neal Haber: I there were a lot of different ways, you can do it, but we want to do things that are transparent, but also not confusing that are clear. 834 01:49:07.650 --> 01:49:19.440 Neal Haber: I just this one other thing I want to say josh since we are talking, you know you said we've got a little bit into the weeds but since it's we're trying to figure out a number a not to exceed number. 835 01:49:20.460 --> 01:49:20.880 Neal Haber: To. 836 01:49:21.930 --> 01:49:29.670 Neal Haber: Tell the needs to go forward with bond Council and for us to vote, our priority, we have to go through this level of discussion to understand. 837 01:49:30.270 --> 01:49:44.070 Neal Haber: What we're doing because we don't want to say oh charger 10,000 charger 10,000 and that's not going to work, we can decide later on we're only going to spend 10,000, but we need that done now and i'm glad we've had that discussion. 838 01:49:44.970 --> 01:49:59.610 Deborah O'Connell: No, no, to your to your clarity that you you've just shared on proposition a, though, was the 66 in your thinking was the 66 passenger bus bundled in that. 839 01:50:00.600 --> 01:50:11.010 Neal Haber: I don't think I would, and I would say, I would not fumbling because it makes that number larger and if we are sure. 840 01:50:12.510 --> 01:50:15.330 Neal Haber: That we have the ability. 841 01:50:16.560 --> 01:50:17.130 Neal Haber: To. 842 01:50:18.630 --> 01:50:33.810 Neal Haber: Lisa boss if we need to for the balance of the year until the either the electric or if electric can't be done till the next years folders get that was only we can fill that gap, I prefer not to put it in there. 843 01:50:34.020 --> 01:50:36.090 Deborah O'Connell: So you are a was the to. 844 01:50:36.600 --> 01:50:37.920 Deborah O'Connell: Correct one, and the third. 845 01:50:38.010 --> 01:50:44.640 Neal Haber: Guy and the and the other reason is because, if we do buy it, as I said, we've got it for 12 years. 846 01:50:44.880 --> 01:50:45.240 Deborah O'Connell: mm hmm. 847 01:50:45.840 --> 01:50:46.410 Neal Haber: I here and. 848 01:50:46.440 --> 01:50:48.540 Deborah O'Connell: Thank you, I just want to have that clarity yeah. 849 01:50:48.600 --> 01:50:49.680 Neal Haber: that's how I feel. 850 01:50:50.460 --> 01:50:50.790 Brian Loges: But I. 851 01:50:50.820 --> 01:50:55.860 Brian Loges: Can I clarify something there then then property is not contingent on the passage of a. 852 01:50:59.430 --> 01:51:01.920 Brian Loges: We would go ahead and remove that because you wouldn't need it. 853 01:51:03.060 --> 01:51:03.180 Brian Loges: This. 854 01:51:04.440 --> 01:51:06.870 Brian Loges: Is not contingent on the two vans. 855 01:51:09.960 --> 01:51:12.150 Brian Loges: If the 66 passenger is not in a. 856 01:51:13.950 --> 01:51:17.940 Brian Loges: Then it doesn't need to be does not need to be contingent on it. 857 01:51:18.420 --> 01:51:27.510 denise.cohen: It does, because if everyone voted on be, then we would not have the two vehicles that we need to transport. 858 01:51:28.890 --> 01:51:33.600 denise.cohen: So it's an either or scenario, so if if let's say. 859 01:51:34.230 --> 01:51:34.860 denise.cohen: I don't okay. 860 01:51:36.420 --> 01:51:40.050 Brian Loges: So we need to make sure that people say yes to a. 861 01:51:40.170 --> 01:51:41.100 Sarah Carrier: Yes, right. 862 01:51:41.130 --> 01:51:42.540 Deborah O'Connell: So that we had some articles. 863 01:51:42.750 --> 01:51:43.830 Sarah Carrier: Right okay. 864 01:51:43.920 --> 01:52:02.070 Sarah Carrier: Okay, now, if I could just for a moment and I know we're we're sort of still trying to drill down on what exactly these the propositions would be, it is worth considering that you know, we have heard about the possibility of leasing and of having that in as a proposition as well. 865 01:52:03.090 --> 01:52:13.650 Sarah Carrier: And I think I want to hear what people's thoughts are in regard to leasing as a concept right because the proposition would be. 866 01:52:14.190 --> 01:52:22.590 Sarah Carrier: Just that it would be a proposition for us to enter into a five year lease agreement that would not exceed X amount, but we would we would need to bid for that. 867 01:52:22.860 --> 01:52:33.420 Sarah Carrier: it's not a you know, none of none of that is set in stone, we need to figure out the details of that, but just the outline of it would be a five year lease not to exceed X total amount. 868 01:52:35.130 --> 01:52:35.730 Sarah Carrier: But I think. 869 01:52:37.320 --> 01:52:44.370 Sarah Carrier: philosophically to a certain extent, the board needs to think about whether leasing is is a. 870 01:52:45.960 --> 01:52:47.550 Sarah Carrier: Is a route we want to move in. 871 01:52:48.660 --> 01:52:51.000 Sarah Carrier: versus owning our buses. 872 01:52:53.130 --> 01:53:16.800 Andrea Furey she/her: One thing that's good about leasing is that with a new technology, it gives you the opportunity to sort of swap out the buses, as they change instead of buying it for 12 years if it's a five year lease, then you know you can upgrade the vehicles after that it's not as long a commitment. 873 01:53:22.440 --> 01:53:24.120 Sarah Carrier: anyone else with thoughts on leasing. 874 01:53:25.110 --> 01:53:25.980 Sarah Carrier: Are all quiet all about. 875 01:53:26.460 --> 01:53:35.760 Brian Loges: trouble with the numbers as far as buying and and you know with with the payback that it gives us and the grants that are potentially available to us. 876 01:53:36.900 --> 01:53:38.670 Brian Loges: i'm comfortable with those and. 877 01:53:40.530 --> 01:53:54.690 Brian Loges: I you know the lease yeah it does it basically we just keep paying what we're paying now right, I mean they're gonna they're gonna build some kind of a payment plan that's kind of like similar to what we're paying now. 878 01:53:55.950 --> 01:54:07.410 Brian Loges: And so there's no long term there's no financial difference to us, which I guess is sort of Nice and risk free but but I actually I like the future of this. 879 01:54:08.700 --> 01:54:11.490 Brian Loges: As far as actually reducing our costs. 880 01:54:13.110 --> 01:54:13.800 Brian Loges: If we buy. 881 01:54:15.750 --> 01:54:16.230 Sarah Carrier: meal. 882 01:54:16.710 --> 01:54:31.110 Neal Haber: yeah I mean I originally was excited about the proposition of leasing, and then I have had second thoughts first off as Brian said um you will. 883 01:54:32.250 --> 01:54:47.730 Neal Haber: You know you're going to pay about the same and then at the end it was like leasing a car, you know you might have an option to buy you might not have an option to buy, but you they take the car back you've got nothing, and they also take the infrastructure that. 884 01:54:48.900 --> 01:55:04.560 Neal Haber: They will take the chargers back because it's their chargers and I don't know what they do about the pipes in the ground so that's a that is a concern um I also you know, am impressed with what Rochelle said. 885 01:55:05.640 --> 01:55:11.910 Neal Haber: With regard to maintaining a fleet with all one manufacturer. 886 01:55:13.980 --> 01:55:33.750 Neal Haber: Because this is not, is it different than leasing a car, because you know you're going to get you're going to have a number of years of a number of vehicles, whether it's eight 910 15 that you're going to get from the leasing company and that's going to raise your costs pretty substantially. 887 01:55:36.150 --> 01:55:43.650 Neal Haber: You know I think one of the things that we might have seen was perhaps leasing would be $130,000 a year. 888 01:55:45.570 --> 01:55:48.480 Neal Haber: Okay, so you think about that five years you spent. 889 01:55:49.770 --> 01:56:02.820 Neal Haber: What is that $650,000 in lease payments, and you have nothing but you know you've had that for five years, if we really knew that five years from now, you could buy. 890 01:56:03.300 --> 01:56:12.780 Neal Haber: The equivalent thing for $50,000 and say bye bye lease yeah but I don't know that's going to work, the last thing is, I think it's going to be very confusing. 891 01:56:13.440 --> 01:56:31.440 Neal Haber: You got proposition ABC and D talking about buying buses and you're saying proposition he given us authority to lease and people going to look at it and be very confused about what they're asking for they're not getting direction from the board, which is our job to do. 892 01:56:32.550 --> 01:56:46.200 Neal Haber: And so i'm have thought about all of it, I am not, I mean I can be convinced, otherwise, but at the moment i'm not in favor of adding this as an additional proposition okay. 893 01:56:47.550 --> 01:56:48.540 Sarah Carrier: Is josh. 894 01:56:48.840 --> 01:56:56.700 denise.cohen: It Sarah If I could just, I just wanted to speak to that total cost of ownership is i'm uneasy with it so. 895 01:56:58.680 --> 01:57:11.130 denise.cohen: At this point, even with the funding the total cost of ownership will be greater with the electric vehicles, if we if we held on to them for 10 years I just I just want to make that clear so. 896 01:57:11.610 --> 01:57:23.010 denise.cohen: So estimates say that the total cost of ownership, or at least the maintenance and the fuel costs are between 25 and 30% less than then. 897 01:57:23.490 --> 01:57:36.270 denise.cohen: A gas powered vehicle or diesel so are our annual cost is let's say 8000 so over the life of the vehicle, it would be tops let's say 20,000. 898 01:57:36.870 --> 01:57:52.380 denise.cohen: We would we would reduce our maintenance and and fuel costs the vehicle is still costing 168 more than that so spread out over the LIFE I just wanted to just to make that clear. 899 01:57:56.220 --> 01:58:08.040 denise.cohen: However, there are there are environmental benefits, and it is a decision that you know, being a first mover is going to cost more money, obviously. 900 01:58:08.670 --> 01:58:22.500 denise.cohen: And then, with regard to the lease I understand neil's point and just so that everyone else is aware, in order to enter into ELISE you need board authorization providing it's over one year. 901 01:58:24.090 --> 01:58:36.120 denise.cohen: By placing this on the ballot, it gives it gives the board authority if their financing models are changing and are becoming more lucrative. 902 01:58:36.480 --> 01:58:48.180 denise.cohen: and are more beneficial it gives us the option of entering into the lease and, of course, the lease option is faster implementation, because we could never purchase the vehicles. 903 01:58:48.690 --> 01:59:05.130 denise.cohen: At this rate, and have an implementation of five vehicles, at a time or 10 vehicles, at a time, and it also is that turnkey solution with regard to the training and the infrastructure, etc. 904 01:59:05.550 --> 01:59:25.800 denise.cohen: It financing models a hybrid models are going to be popping up like wildfire now with everything that's going on in New York state and the initiative to to advance ev technology so that was just giving us the option should something. 905 01:59:27.090 --> 01:59:38.430 denise.cohen: Either through Highland or another leasing company after a full bid, it would just give us that option, I just want to make it clear it's not about entering into ELISE. 906 01:59:38.730 --> 01:59:53.070 Neal Haber: No, I, I understand that, but it's still a question of confusion yeah I think voters will have if they see everything on the ballot and they're going to say why are you buying or leasing, what are you doing I can't vote for I don't know what i'm working on. 907 01:59:54.090 --> 02:00:09.270 Neal Haber: And that's really a concern, because if you're right that things will be popping up, and we should decide as we've got got maybe zero maybe one maybe two maybe three vehicles we if we decide, you know what. 908 02:00:10.560 --> 02:00:12.120 Neal Haber: we'll ask the voters a year from now. 909 02:00:13.320 --> 02:00:21.900 Neal Haber: We can do it, then when that when the landscape is a lot clearer for the leasing options, and then we have vehicles that perhaps other districts will buy from us. 910 02:00:23.190 --> 02:00:24.840 Neal Haber: If we want to go lease. 911 02:00:25.950 --> 02:00:27.780 Neal Haber: So there were there are you know yeah. 912 02:00:28.380 --> 02:00:38.790 Rochelle.OMara: You mentioned in the lease you determine what vehicles, you want you, you pick your vendor and you determine how you want to go. 913 02:00:40.500 --> 02:00:44.130 Neal Haber: You can pick bluebird and you can pick a 24 yes. 914 02:00:48.210 --> 02:00:49.020 Sarah Carrier: Sir josh. 915 02:00:50.850 --> 02:00:53.160 Iris Bugliosi: i'm fine with leasing or not leasing. 916 02:00:55.980 --> 02:00:57.240 Sarah Carrier: really helped me one way or the other. 917 02:00:58.650 --> 02:00:59.430 Joshua Diamond: I have to admit. 918 02:01:01.140 --> 02:01:05.190 Iris Bugliosi: i'm fine with Lisa I thought it was I thought it was a there are. 919 02:01:06.960 --> 02:01:15.390 Iris Bugliosi: Our administration and our administrators are spending a lot of time and those costs are not measurable and. 920 02:01:16.410 --> 02:01:19.710 Iris Bugliosi: If we had someone else managing this entire process. 921 02:01:20.910 --> 02:01:22.140 Iris Bugliosi: i'm fine with it. 922 02:01:24.570 --> 02:01:38.490 Joshua Diamond: I agree to a certain extent with iris on this um I think there's a certain advantage and having somebody else manage it, for us, on the other hand, I know that the companies that manage things like that are always taking a profit. 923 02:01:39.840 --> 02:01:40.680 Joshua Diamond: and 924 02:01:41.070 --> 02:01:42.870 Joshua Diamond: Nothing you don't get anything. 925 02:01:42.990 --> 02:01:43.590 Joshua Diamond: for free. 926 02:01:44.820 --> 02:01:48.450 Joshua Diamond: The question is whether I mean if we're making a bet on leasing really what we're. 927 02:01:48.450 --> 02:01:57.660 Joshua Diamond: Doing is we're making a bet that they can provide it at a better economy of scale and that, frankly, we can reduce our own staff expense. 928 02:01:59.400 --> 02:02:02.190 Joshua Diamond: By doing that that's really what the bed is. 929 02:02:03.420 --> 02:02:04.770 Joshua Diamond: No, because what you do. 930 02:02:05.040 --> 02:02:11.610 denise.cohen: they're not servicing hours they reimburse us for our staff to service to be. 931 02:02:11.880 --> 02:02:25.200 Joshua Diamond: I agree we don't lose it we're not saving on maintenance staff what we're saving on is on the institutional knowledge we're basically blease what we're getting from them is their institutional knowledge. 932 02:02:25.830 --> 02:02:31.770 Joshua Diamond: Right, but they are building the institutional knowledge, rather than us building the institutional knowledge. 933 02:02:32.070 --> 02:02:39.300 Joshua Diamond: And this is okay there's a reason why we've never gone with leasing for our buses before why we don't why we have an in house transportation system. 934 02:02:39.660 --> 02:02:50.640 Joshua Diamond: And we don't you know contract out and it's because, frankly, we think we have we think our use cases sufficiently unusual when we think that our use K, and we think that. 935 02:02:51.060 --> 02:03:00.900 Joshua Diamond: it's worth investing in in our in house knowledge of this, and so that sort of leads me back towards the the purchasing side of things. 936 02:03:02.190 --> 02:03:04.020 Joshua Diamond: versus the leasing side of things. 937 02:03:05.340 --> 02:03:15.360 Joshua Diamond: If the Board has a whole wanted to go with leasing, you know I could align behind it, but I I i'm more inclined to own them to buy that. 938 02:03:16.050 --> 02:03:16.650 Sarah Carrier: Right now. 939 02:03:17.190 --> 02:03:29.700 Sarah Carrier: i'm hearing there too, to know don't know i'm not really you know I don't think we should go in the direction of leasing let's not put that proposition on the ballot. 940 02:03:31.170 --> 02:03:34.410 Sarah Carrier: Right i've heard i've heard that I think from from me and from Brian. 941 02:03:35.520 --> 02:03:38.910 Sarah Carrier: And iris and josh didn't really give me an answer. 942 02:03:42.840 --> 02:03:43.530 Joshua Diamond: To give you that. 943 02:03:44.520 --> 02:03:45.090 Joshua Diamond: i'm going to say. 944 02:03:45.210 --> 02:03:54.810 Joshua Diamond: don't put it on, and the reason i'm going to say don't put it on is because it's yet one more piece of confusion for our public um you know I think if we want to do this, we do it. 945 02:03:57.690 --> 02:04:12.660 Neal Haber: And i'm not ready to do it, I think they leasing market is to underperform to be able to do it now, and I, and I think the confusion issue that john that I pointed out in joshua breezes is very significant. 946 02:04:13.050 --> 02:04:17.490 Joshua Diamond: They seem like I gotta be honest with you, they seem like very slick salesman. 947 02:04:21.150 --> 02:04:21.840 Sarah Carrier: Clear. 948 02:04:24.450 --> 02:04:29.160 Sarah Carrier: agreements would go to bed, we are not we're not discussing a nice. 949 02:04:30.180 --> 02:04:30.810 Joshua Diamond: I understand. 950 02:04:31.020 --> 02:04:36.330 Sarah Carrier: I understand the idea of going to bid for at least not on a specific. 951 02:04:37.410 --> 02:04:40.260 Sarah Carrier: any sort of a specific agreement with any specific company. 952 02:04:40.440 --> 02:04:41.220 Joshua Diamond: totally agree. 953 02:04:42.900 --> 02:04:43.890 Sarah Carrier: debbie you are muted. 954 02:04:43.950 --> 02:04:48.930 Deborah O'Connell: Yes, i'm sorry, thank you for clarifying that that's very important, it is about the leasing concept. 955 02:04:49.080 --> 02:04:55.590 Sarah Carrier: exactly right and Andrea your thoughts on I know you would said noted the benefits of the of the. 956 02:04:55.590 --> 02:05:04.470 Andrea Furey she/her: concepts are a benefit I i'm leaning towards purchase because I really believe what. 957 02:05:06.060 --> 02:05:09.690 Andrea Furey she/her: josh just brought up that it is part of our our. 958 02:05:11.730 --> 02:05:19.290 Andrea Furey she/her: of our culture to have to own our vehicles and to really know them, and since the whole leasing. 959 02:05:20.010 --> 02:05:33.570 Andrea Furey she/her: service is being sort of sorted out as Neil said we could use it for future vehicles, but I think starting out with an electric vehicle that we can really have hands on with and and build that institutional knowledge that would be important. 960 02:05:34.380 --> 02:05:45.840 Neal Haber: If you're just to one thing that I think we were told or i've heard this from somebody is if we had our own if we had all our own vehicles and leasing vehicles. 961 02:05:46.740 --> 02:05:51.480 Neal Haber: Vehicles you would not be able to use their infrastructure. 962 02:05:52.290 --> 02:06:02.460 Neal Haber: So that you're leasing, for your own vehicles, they pay because they're making the money on the electricity that saves and they don't want you know, so you can essence have two. 963 02:06:03.060 --> 02:06:12.360 Neal Haber: parallel systems, you know, a charger over there that we own and a charger over there, on the other side that they provide that the leasing company provides. 964 02:06:12.990 --> 02:06:26.730 Neal Haber: It becomes complicated but that's why you could conceivably if you went to a lease you could say, well, we got vehicles to sell those people out there who want to buy him if we go to the leasing down the road. 965 02:06:27.090 --> 02:06:33.840 Andrea Furey she/her: it's sort of like doing a pilot with these you know, hopefully three vehicles to see how it goes. 966 02:06:35.010 --> 02:06:36.390 Joshua Diamond: Right so. 967 02:06:36.510 --> 02:06:50.220 Sarah Carrier: I think, so now i've heard from everyone at for for what it's worth mo I think we've got four people who have clearly said no to the concept I tend to me to get away from leasing currently. 968 02:06:51.390 --> 02:07:00.750 Sarah Carrier: You know I think they're there will be a lot more financing models that are going to probably start popping up as this becomes a little bit more. 969 02:07:01.230 --> 02:07:10.980 Sarah Carrier: mainstream, and so I think we'd be better served if that's something that we decide, we want to do in the in you know to round out or to fill out our fleet at some point. 970 02:07:11.430 --> 02:07:20.100 Sarah Carrier: We maybe reconsider it but right now I think we're better off going the purchase route and making that commitment and moving in that direction so. 971 02:07:21.510 --> 02:07:32.880 Sarah Carrier: I think we've settled that proposition and we don't, we will not have a losing proposition on the ballot we've settled that and that brings us then back to our ABC and D. 972 02:07:35.130 --> 02:07:51.420 Sarah Carrier: And so I heard from Neil with regard to a in that he would view your you would prefer to keep it at those two vehicles, the 20 and the 30 so that would be a not to exceed $113,000. 973 02:07:53.790 --> 02:07:54.630 Or the two. 974 02:07:56.940 --> 02:08:09.420 Neal Haber: yep they are my only other question would be do we want to put be as the 66 passenger bus and C and D has the smaller bands for. 975 02:08:11.010 --> 02:08:15.000 Neal Haber: Put the the large bus at the bottom. 976 02:08:15.840 --> 02:08:20.790 Sarah Carrier: I think let's get settled on a first before okay let's get settled on a. 977 02:08:21.690 --> 02:08:29.280 Iris Bugliosi: iris Denise a quick question that before we go into the propositions Denise I know we had other. 978 02:08:30.690 --> 02:08:39.510 Iris Bugliosi: Specifically i'll just talk about the turf field, and that was going to be something we were going to bond how's that going to impact if we bond over 700 now. 979 02:08:43.140 --> 02:08:47.070 denise.cohen: I believe was looking at something here. 980 02:08:47.340 --> 02:08:54.120 Iris Bugliosi: Is that was about a million dollars and we We said we made a conscious effort that we weren't kind of bond that high this year. 981 02:08:54.570 --> 02:09:13.740 Iris Bugliosi: So i'm just curious if we end up bonding that high this year, what happens to something like that project, because I am concerned that we are, we have been somewhat lobby on this issue that the other organizations may not have been lobbying us on and I don't want to move priorities around. 982 02:09:18.630 --> 02:09:20.130 understood irs. 983 02:09:21.960 --> 02:09:27.150 denise.cohen: It would depend on it would depend, of course, on the the cost of the turf field. 984 02:09:27.900 --> 02:09:30.150 Iris Bugliosi: yeah it was about a million, I thought they were talking. 985 02:09:30.720 --> 02:09:31.200 yeah. 986 02:09:32.580 --> 02:09:36.690 denise.cohen: And I think that numbers probably very different now, two years later. 987 02:09:38.310 --> 02:09:49.770 denise.cohen: We again, we also have we also have the APC The energy performance contract, so that that is financing as well. 988 02:09:50.310 --> 02:09:50.880 denise.cohen: You know. 989 02:09:51.000 --> 02:09:55.140 denise.cohen: factoring in this large ban. 990 02:09:56.820 --> 02:10:09.900 denise.cohen: Future ban ban purchases because remember this is going to cover us for next fiscal year, but we have a fleet replacement plan that we have implemented so that. 991 02:10:10.650 --> 02:10:22.080 denise.cohen: The Community doesn't get hit with you know no buses this year and then next year, they have five buses so so that is going to be an ongoing cost. 992 02:10:23.160 --> 02:10:25.680 denise.cohen: In addition to the PC which will. 993 02:10:28.740 --> 02:10:31.560 denise.cohen: i'm just looking at our our. 994 02:10:33.000 --> 02:10:48.090 Iris Bugliosi: Specific number, I just want an understanding a general knowledge with what does bending this much do to future projects that might require bondi bullet hamper us, or we have enough things rolling off that we don't need to worry about something like that. 995 02:10:50.460 --> 02:11:00.450 denise.cohen: We have the potential we have potential for additional an additional bonding for a turf field depending depending upon. 996 02:11:01.890 --> 02:11:25.200 denise.cohen: You know the full financing of the etc, we are crafting that financing now so that it falls within our tax CAP and and balances the the the debt with our building aid so all of that it's there's a lot of different factors but yes, I believe we have the capacity. 997 02:11:25.620 --> 02:11:40.110 Deborah O'Connell: The Nice, if I could add to what iris is saying, because, again, I know I don't want to complicate the evening, but the Board has engaged in an in depth study review of a future turf. 998 02:11:40.650 --> 02:11:59.730 Deborah O'Connell: We said that in 2223 my understanding that there was i'll say use the word considerable amount dropping off that that might be a target for the board to focus on turf, and that is why. 999 02:12:00.420 --> 02:12:26.280 Deborah O'Connell: We wanted to if the budget would allow now to start doing some investigative work on the the location and what else might be involved when the Board is ready to make that move, we would have all of this background stuff done to position us well when that that dropped off. 1000 02:12:27.900 --> 02:12:45.060 Neal Haber: So what I was going to ask and I guess this really follows through with what you've just said is if we had kind of a five year or 10 year projection based on the borrowing, we have now, and when different. 1001 02:12:47.700 --> 02:13:05.070 Neal Haber: bonding will drop off, so we can see, as you, as you said, is you know we understand that there's a lot a large amount of debt that will be dropping off in 2223 which goes to irises question. 1002 02:13:06.180 --> 02:13:14.010 Neal Haber: But is that something that is available and easy for you to circulate to Nice, in other words, you know. 1003 02:13:14.460 --> 02:13:25.710 denise.cohen: Not at not at this point meal, because we are still developing the Energy Performance contract bonding so once we incorporate that, of course. 1004 02:13:26.190 --> 02:13:27.990 Neal Haber: That will be available okay. 1005 02:13:28.110 --> 02:13:51.810 denise.cohen: It will be available also once this is determine because, if this is 113,000 it's very different than if it were 650,000 or 700,000 so and also the rates that we're getting we're trying to refinance the existing etc, that we have until the new one, you know we have. 1006 02:13:53.940 --> 02:13:55.800 denise.cohen: We, there are a lot of things that play. 1007 02:13:56.130 --> 02:14:04.140 Deborah O'Connell: No Irish to your point, although we know we've tabled this, this is the turf referring to what you were referring to. 1008 02:14:05.160 --> 02:14:12.240 Deborah O'Connell: We have continued to dialogue internally to see when that opportune time would be. 1009 02:14:13.260 --> 02:14:18.390 Deborah O'Connell: And perhaps the next steps and the look at even capital. 1010 02:14:18.750 --> 02:14:37.410 Deborah O'Connell: M and so again I don't want to promise anything right because their ongoing conversations that I know the Board was extremely interested in, and we have not really stopped internally looking at ways that that might and could come to fruition. 1011 02:14:41.790 --> 02:14:46.080 denise.cohen: So the the quick answer to your question iris. 1012 02:14:46.260 --> 02:14:47.040 Deborah O'Connell: is never a quick. 1013 02:14:47.070 --> 02:14:47.160 and 1014 02:14:49.470 --> 02:14:57.870 denise.cohen: That even with these unknowns there is still capacity within our debt schedule. 1015 02:14:58.650 --> 02:15:05.550 Andrea Furey she/her: Because to Nice it it's true that if we don't have a certain level of debt it actually affects the tax CAP. 1016 02:15:06.090 --> 02:15:14.100 Andrea Furey she/her: Yes, so it's almost like preferable, it sounds crazy but it's always preferable to keep your level debt, at a certain level. 1017 02:15:14.880 --> 02:15:16.530 Joshua Diamond: We have because that's. 1018 02:15:16.560 --> 02:15:19.830 denise.cohen: Where else are tax CAP would be head considerably yes. 1019 02:15:20.280 --> 02:15:21.450 Deborah O'Connell: And you remember the. 1020 02:15:21.480 --> 02:15:25.020 Deborah O'Connell: turf Task Force did make that as a recommendation. 1021 02:15:26.070 --> 02:15:37.110 Deborah O'Connell: I know the I shouldn't say I know because I haven't seen the recommendations our athletic Council is examining all things athletics, and you know so. 1022 02:15:38.190 --> 02:15:44.640 Deborah O'Connell: You know it's very much on our minds on how to hit that sweet spot and when that is. 1023 02:15:48.090 --> 02:16:01.020 denise.cohen: yeah so just so that i'm clear because i'm not at this point so are we, including the 66 passenger gas or diesel powered vehicle. 1024 02:16:01.080 --> 02:16:04.560 denise.cohen: In the first proposition or not. 1025 02:16:05.460 --> 02:16:07.620 Deborah O'Connell: We only heard from meals so far. 1026 02:16:07.620 --> 02:16:09.450 Sarah Carrier: says know Brian know and. 1027 02:16:10.500 --> 02:16:12.420 Sarah Carrier: iris know Andrea no. 1028 02:16:12.900 --> 02:16:15.060 Joshua Diamond: Jobs, so I could you repeat that question. 1029 02:16:15.510 --> 02:16:24.120 Sarah Carrier: The 66 passenger vehicle, would you include that in proposition a or would you just keep it at the two small gas vehicles. 1030 02:16:31.560 --> 02:16:32.370 Brian Loges: There, what do you think. 1031 02:16:32.730 --> 02:16:37.530 Brian Loges: I say you say know that it doesn't matter if I say no, but just still gets to. 1032 02:16:38.460 --> 02:16:38.820 Sarah Carrier: still get. 1033 02:16:42.390 --> 02:16:45.990 Joshua Diamond: I just wonder if that, if not including it there, confuses matters even more. 1034 02:16:46.770 --> 02:16:48.840 Sarah Carrier: I don't think it confuses matters. 1035 02:16:50.730 --> 02:16:58.530 Sarah Carrier: That that mean that's my view I don't think it confuses matters because I think it shows, these are the vehicles that we need to. 1036 02:16:59.190 --> 02:17:07.680 Sarah Carrier: maintain our fleet to get our kids to school when school starts, this is, this is what we need right, this is our critical need, and we need for the Community and understand that. 1037 02:17:08.670 --> 02:17:14.010 Joshua Diamond: And so I think we've also just talked about how we really don't want to go another 12 months with it. 1038 02:17:14.670 --> 02:17:17.700 Neal Haber: right but josh we also said that. 1039 02:17:17.730 --> 02:17:25.800 Neal Haber: If we need a replacement rather than fighting a bus, we can loan. 1040 02:17:27.120 --> 02:17:37.380 Neal Haber: get a short term loan lender or lease from the manufacturer from uber and so that we're saying through the public. 1041 02:17:38.670 --> 02:17:44.010 Neal Haber: Where you know we've got that option and and and that's what Michelle has as. 1042 02:17:44.940 --> 02:17:52.170 Neal Haber: Okay, that commitment, because how that's that's why I feel it gets more confusing if you put it in that if you leave it out. 1043 02:17:52.530 --> 02:17:53.100 Andrea. 1044 02:17:55.470 --> 02:17:55.770 Brian Loges: New. 1045 02:17:56.130 --> 02:17:56.700 Sarah Carrier: you're on mute. 1046 02:17:58.350 --> 02:17:59.520 tracey borges: you're muted Andrea. 1047 02:18:00.360 --> 02:18:02.130 Neal Haber: Andrea Andrea. 1048 02:18:02.520 --> 02:18:03.540 tracey borges: Andrea muted. 1049 02:18:03.570 --> 02:18:14.070 Andrea Furey she/her: Sorry sorry I just got the message okay um but there's additional funding that's available now that's The thing is possibly likely maybe you know. 1050 02:18:14.370 --> 02:18:14.970 Sarah Carrier: I don't know. 1051 02:18:15.510 --> 02:18:25.410 Sarah Carrier: If you're talking about taking the electric bus out of the equation i'm saying we don't want to put a 66 passenger gas or diesel bus in that proposition. 1052 02:18:26.340 --> 02:18:28.710 Andrea Furey she/her: Oh OK sorry I misunderstood. 1053 02:18:29.910 --> 02:18:31.650 Sarah Carrier: So we're all probably. 1054 02:18:32.340 --> 02:18:37.770 Sarah Carrier: not to exceed 113,000 for the purchase of a 20 passenger and a 30 passenger vehicle. 1055 02:18:38.700 --> 02:18:44.430 denise.cohen: Okay, I just would caution everyone that we don't want to label these propositions yeah. 1056 02:18:44.520 --> 02:18:53.730 Sarah Carrier: These are not going yeah and so those are these are not necessarily the numbers for them, but the purpose of our discussion, right now, a is is that okay. 1057 02:18:54.210 --> 02:18:55.050 Sarah Carrier: So then. 1058 02:18:55.230 --> 02:19:12.390 Sarah Carrier: Then it comes down to sort of it comes to B, C and D are respectively the 66 passenger electric vehicle a 27 passenger electric vehicle and 24 passenger electric vehicle. 1059 02:19:16.920 --> 02:19:24.930 Sarah Carrier: Okay, so and understanding that inclusive of each of those because we are separating them out into separate propositions. 1060 02:19:25.200 --> 02:19:33.240 Sarah Carrier: There is charging and infrastructure costs that are built into that because because they're separate, we need to build it into each one of them. 1061 02:19:33.810 --> 02:19:50.760 Sarah Carrier: But again, the propositions are all written as not to exceed amounts, so they are not saying this is specifically the amount we are bonding for there's it's a we we won't we had bond for more than this amount, but those numbers can fluctuate and go lower depending on. 1062 02:19:53.370 --> 02:19:54.600 A lot of things right. 1063 02:19:55.890 --> 02:20:08.670 Sarah Carrier: And each of those would also would one be contingent upon the passage of proposition A and B also be contingent on the funding the grant funding. 1064 02:20:11.760 --> 02:20:12.870 Sarah Carrier: Okay, everybody. 1065 02:20:12.900 --> 02:20:14.550 Sarah Carrier: Everybody under swallowing so far. 1066 02:20:15.000 --> 02:20:24.480 Iris Bugliosi: is slow, I will go on a record, because I think i'm going to be the only one that will say this so I have no problem with the electric bus 66 passenger. 1067 02:20:25.440 --> 02:20:38.310 Iris Bugliosi: I am not in favor of the other two it's just too much too much money so i'm i'm not in favor of putting out a bond total of over 600 or $700,000 so. 1068 02:20:38.910 --> 02:20:51.960 Iris Bugliosi: As the 66 passenger bus which is okay with me the other two i'm not in favor of the alternative proposition, but I don't think anyone else has that position, so you could probably go much quicker with everyone. 1069 02:20:54.990 --> 02:21:01.650 Sarah Carrier: All right does anyone have any questions with regard to each of those individual propositions. 1070 02:21:03.030 --> 02:21:03.900 Brian Loges: yeah okay. 1071 02:21:04.410 --> 02:21:18.960 Sarah Carrier: I Neil, you had mentioned something about whether you you question whether that 66 passengers should go first or should go last I actually like where it is as the second placement given it is our largest grant funding potential. 1072 02:21:21.030 --> 02:21:24.150 Sarah Carrier: I prefer to keep it in that second. 1073 02:21:24.240 --> 02:21:26.190 Neal Haber: Okay, I was just. 1074 02:21:26.220 --> 02:21:27.960 Sarah Carrier: Thinking but that's fine no. 1075 02:21:28.380 --> 02:21:31.650 Deborah O'Connell: Sorry, you were in support of B, C and D. 1076 02:21:32.010 --> 02:21:44.280 Sarah Carrier: I am in support a B, C and D and with the understanding that that it will require some you know it will require some voter education on our heart to make sure, everything is understandable. 1077 02:21:46.080 --> 02:21:52.560 Deborah O'Connell: and the rest of the board, I want to make sure we're clear, so that we're preparing everything properly for Thursday night. 1078 02:21:53.790 --> 02:21:56.310 Deborah O'Connell: everybody else B, C and D okay. 1079 02:21:57.210 --> 02:21:59.280 Brian Loges: There, and in favor of those yes. 1080 02:21:59.370 --> 02:22:00.210 Sarah Carrier: Okay alrighty. 1081 02:22:00.540 --> 02:22:01.440 Deborah O'Connell: So that everybody. 1082 02:22:01.530 --> 02:22:19.710 Sarah Carrier: And everyone else also just so we can get clear to with regard to the grant funding, I would like to do iris is point to adjust that I think it is listed right now in our hypotheticals under prophecy adjust that grant funding amount down to. 1083 02:22:20.040 --> 02:22:20.730 Deborah O'Connell: $19. 1084 02:22:20.940 --> 02:22:21.510 And 90. 1085 02:22:23.160 --> 02:22:23.430 Deborah O'Connell: I don't. 1086 02:22:24.780 --> 02:22:25.350 Sarah Carrier: Everyone. 1087 02:22:25.380 --> 02:22:26.910 Sarah Carrier: is good, with that Brian are good with that. 1088 02:22:27.000 --> 02:22:29.220 Deborah O'Connell: All right, Denise did you get that. 1089 02:22:29.550 --> 02:22:40.860 Sarah Carrier: Yes, okay now with That said, have we addressed all of Have we given the the administration, all the recommendations that you were looking for from us this evening. 1090 02:22:42.720 --> 02:22:45.990 Deborah O'Connell: I believe so Denise are you in a good in good shape. 1091 02:22:46.410 --> 02:22:54.180 denise.cohen: I believe so, yes, we will get this to our bond Council first thing in the morning. 1092 02:22:55.020 --> 02:23:14.310 denise.cohen: and providing there are no other questions or concerns what I would like to do is once we get the propositions written up I like to send them to the board for review just to make sure there are a lot of components here just want to make sure that the implications are clear and. 1093 02:23:15.750 --> 02:23:17.850 denise.cohen: everyone's on board with that okay. 1094 02:23:18.120 --> 02:23:18.870 Absolutely. 1095 02:23:20.010 --> 02:23:24.390 Neal Haber: So there is one person who hasn't said a word in two and a half hours. 1096 02:23:26.070 --> 02:23:27.870 Sarah Carrier: Johnny has been taking it all in. 1097 02:23:28.080 --> 02:23:30.300 Neal Haber: yeah I don't know if he has anything he wants to. 1098 02:23:30.300 --> 02:23:33.240 Deborah O'Connell: Say that's just a picture of him he's. 1099 02:23:35.700 --> 02:23:41.250 John Griffiths: You see, the copious notes that I have everything is verbatim that's a kid was keeping me so busy. 1100 02:23:42.240 --> 02:23:59.640 John Griffiths: No, I concur, I think we're we're landing, you know we were had a pre meeting and my feelings were are aligned with where the Board is hitting so i'm actually i'm actually quite aligned with with the proceedings, so I think we're in a good spot. 1101 02:24:02.460 --> 02:24:15.810 Deborah O'Connell: And iris, thank you for bringing up to her, because I wouldn't want people to think that that's not on our minds, just because we are having a discussion about other items, so I appreciate that, thank you very much. 1102 02:24:19.110 --> 02:24:26.430 denise.cohen: And I would just like to say thank you to Rochelle Rochelle has been all consumed with this. 1103 02:24:26.850 --> 02:24:44.130 denise.cohen: Last year, I mean the amount of learning and the amount of information that she's acquired, to make sure that she's educated on this, I mean she has been all in since the beginning and I just really want to thank her. 1104 02:24:44.730 --> 02:24:46.530 Andrea Furey she/her: And that's michelle's mo. 1105 02:24:46.590 --> 02:24:47.730 Andrea Furey she/her: she's always like that. 1106 02:24:49.410 --> 02:24:51.900 Neal Haber: Even though, even though she does all that chicken. 1107 02:24:51.900 --> 02:24:53.400 Neal Haber: Still bake Irish order. 1108 02:24:53.580 --> 02:24:54.600 Sarah Carrier: that's fine now. 1109 02:24:55.980 --> 02:24:57.150 Deborah O'Connell: At least I know when I. 1110 02:24:58.140 --> 02:24:59.640 Deborah O'Connell: Am in the morning she's up. 1111 02:24:59.700 --> 02:25:02.250 Deborah O'Connell: Doing electric bus stuff so she's up in oh. 1112 02:25:02.670 --> 02:25:05.610 Rochelle.OMara: No, no, I go to sleep thinking about it. 1113 02:25:08.040 --> 02:25:12.660 Rochelle.OMara: Yesterday morning with your article for the newspaper joke it up you don't want to see this. 1114 02:25:14.580 --> 02:25:19.560 Rochelle.OMara: whole thing is it's a team i've been on the phone hours with Denise. 1115 02:25:19.920 --> 02:25:31.470 Rochelle.OMara: i've hunted down everywhere, I called in every favor to get people to sit and talk, I just want to know that we've done our due diligence, we have a great operation. 1116 02:25:32.070 --> 02:25:43.110 Rochelle.OMara: We want to make sure that we're taking care of it and making the best decision for the taxpayers for the kids for everything and that we're going to be sustainable. 1117 02:25:43.680 --> 02:26:05.070 Rochelle.OMara: that's all that's All I want and and i'm comfortable to stay with bluebird I know they're going to get us through this so you know what everybody's pitched in nobody operates by themselves we're all together here, we all suffer equally Denise suffer a little more. 1118 02:26:06.330 --> 02:26:07.410 Rochelle.OMara: Dr Carl. 1119 02:26:08.040 --> 02:26:09.060 Rochelle.OMara: i'm going to miss you in the. 1120 02:26:09.060 --> 02:26:09.990 Rochelle.OMara: middle of the night. 1121 02:26:15.090 --> 02:26:15.450 Rochelle.OMara: The. 1122 02:26:15.510 --> 02:26:27.660 Rochelle.OMara: Old the old supervisor every time it snowed he would call up and leave a message for us that I would get up at four o'clock in the morning i'm thinking about up safe up there. 1123 02:26:29.610 --> 02:26:31.170 Neal Haber: that's nice oh. 1124 02:26:31.200 --> 02:26:43.050 Rochelle.OMara: yeah George Morgan did that, for years, all right, thank you, everybody, I know that this has been very, very difficult you've gotten a ridiculous amount of pressure from the Community. 1125 02:26:43.740 --> 02:27:05.640 Rochelle.OMara: don't fold now you've made up your mind you've set your sale you're on your course don't let anybody push you and say Oh, it can be done tomorrow it's going to be done we're gonna do it right, and if it's done right it's worth taking more time Okay, thank you. 1126 02:27:05.910 --> 02:27:07.140 Thank you very much. 1127 02:27:10.470 --> 02:27:14.400 Sarah Carrier: All right, are there any other questions anything else. 1128 02:27:16.050 --> 02:27:16.470 Sarah Carrier: or. 1129 02:27:17.820 --> 02:27:18.300 Deborah O'Connell: No, but. 1130 02:27:21.420 --> 02:27:23.970 Brian Loges: I want to know about hydrogen school buses. 1131 02:27:26.550 --> 02:27:27.150 Brian Loges: looked into this. 1132 02:27:28.500 --> 02:27:28.980 Joshua Diamond: Actually. 1133 02:27:29.370 --> 02:27:30.510 Rochelle.OMara: I actually did some. 1134 02:27:30.570 --> 02:27:31.800 Joshua Diamond: Research on this. 1135 02:27:33.030 --> 02:27:35.160 Joshua Diamond: The problem is that hydrogen is a. 1136 02:27:35.160 --> 02:27:39.000 Joshua Diamond: very, very small molecule. 1137 02:27:39.960 --> 02:27:45.810 Joshua Diamond: Which means that storing hydrogen is really, really, really hard it leaked the way. 1138 02:27:46.650 --> 02:27:48.990 Brian Loges: Okay, I didn't mean I didn't want to introduce. 1139 02:27:50.370 --> 02:27:51.690 Sarah Carrier: entirely ingest. 1140 02:27:51.960 --> 02:27:54.030 Deborah O'Connell: I didn't mean to split but let's. 1141 02:27:54.030 --> 02:27:54.540 Deborah O'Connell: get moving. 1142 02:27:55.710 --> 02:27:57.060 Sarah Carrier: With that said Ben. 1143 02:27:58.080 --> 02:28:04.320 Sarah Carrier: recommended action that the board of education or journey, the meeting at 10:04pm. 1144 02:28:04.770 --> 02:28:05.550 Joshua Diamond: So moved. 1145 02:28:06.180 --> 02:28:08.070 Sarah Carrier: Second, all in favor. 1146 02:28:08.310 --> 02:28:09.360 Neal Haber: Aye Aye. 1147 02:28:09.540 --> 02:28:12.540 Sarah Carrier: Post abstain motion carrie Thank you all. 1148 02:28:12.570 --> 02:28:14.100 Sarah Carrier: very much for anchor. 1149 02:28:14.100 --> 02:28:15.600 Andrea Furey she/her: You Thank you so much. 1150 02:28:16.560 --> 02:28:17.220 Deborah O'Connell: Thank you. 1151 02:28:19.470 --> 02:28:19.800 Sarah Carrier: debbie. 1152 02:28:22.560 --> 02:28:27.120 Iris Bugliosi: Dr cano I have a question for you can I call you in the morning because it's too late, right now, to ask you. 1153 02:28:27.360 --> 02:28:29.610 Deborah O'Connell: Sure, you could call me right now.