Regular Meeting Poland Board of Education held March 21, 2022 The Regular meeting of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, March 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., in the Dobbins Board Room, 3030 Dobbins Road, Poland, Ohio 44514 President, Mr. Polis called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Mrs. Elia, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, and Mr. Warren. Pledge of Allegiance PRESENTATIONS: Brian Banfield, Athletic Director – Winter Sports Awards/Accomplishments (2021-2022) Performance by PSHS Vocal Ensemble - Jeffrey Penney, Director - Five (5) students from the PSHS Vocal Ensemble performed, “Poland Alma Matter”, “Freeze Your Brain” (Solo), and “Homeward Bound” PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Michael Peters – 14 Meadow Lane – Regarding North Elementary Playground – Expressed concerns about the current condition of the North Playground and would like to see something done. Approval of Consent Agenda – Resolution #2022-30 Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by Ms. Colucci to approve the following consent agenda items: Treasurer/CFO Requests of Consent: Janet Muntean 1. The Board approve the Minutes of February 28, 2022, the Board Retreat Meeting of March 7, 2022 and Board Work Session Meeting of March 14, 2022. 2. The Board approve the Financial Report of February 2022 as submitted. 3. The Board authorize the Treasurer to Establish Fund 507 revenue and expenditure accounts for ESSER Supplement State Activity Grant Award. 4. The Board approve the following resolution authorizing the Treasurer to Issue Blanket Purchase Order Certificates up to a maximum of $50,0000.00 Pursuant to Section 5705.41 of the Ohio Revised Code and Board Policy 6320. Superintendent’s Requests of Consent: Craig Hockenberry 1. The Board approve the supplemental pupil activity contract to the following non-teaching personnel for the 2021-2022 school year as per salary schedule for the assignment designated pursuant to O.R.C. 3313.53; all required reports are on file: Kasie Serich - Assistant Softball Coach 2. The Board approve a supplemental contract to the following certified personnel for the 2021-2022 school year as per salary schedule for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: Richard DiNunzio - National Honor Society 3. The Board approve adjusted the contracted hours for Pam Kampfer, Prep/Server/Cashier effective March 7, 2022 from 2.5 hours per day to 4.0 hours per day. 4. The Board approve the following classified substitute personnel for the 2021-2022 school year: Rayanne Prestopine - Custodial Substitute: effective as of 3/7/22 Joshua Orr - Custodial/Grounds Substitute (upon receipt of required reports) 5. The Board approve the following classified retirements: Jeffrey Geltz - Mechanic: Effective as of July 1, 2022 END OF CONSENT AGENDA Roll call, all members voted yes, consent agenda approved. Motion passed 5-0. TREASURER’S REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Approval to accept Amounts and Rates for Calendar Year 2022 – Resolution #2022-31 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve a resolution accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor for the Tax Year 2021 - Calendar Year 2022. Motion passed 5-0. Category CY22 Operating General Fund 43.60 P.I. Fund 1.00 Total Mills 44.60 Approval to Award Softball Bid – Resolution #2022-32 Mr. Warren moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to award the lowest responsible bid for the Poland Local Schools’ softball field construction project to Integra Excavating. Integra Excavating was the lowest of five (5) bids at $318,290. Motion passed 5-0. Approval for Services of Canter & Associates – Resolution #2022-33 Ms. Colucci moved and Mrs. Elia seconded with all members present voting aye to approve Canter & Associates for services related to Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) on the Medicaid School Program (MSP) Cost Report as established by the Ohio Department of Education for FY21. Motion passed 5-0. SUPERINTENDENT’S REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Approval to Recall Charlene Frazier – Resolution #2022-34 Ms. Colucci moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to recall classified employee, Charlene Frazier, from Reduction in Force beginning March 7, 2022 for the 21-22 school year. Mrs. Frazier will return to Cafeteria Team Lead at PSHS from Middle School Cafeteria worker due to employee resignation. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of FY23 Open Enrollment Policy – Resolution #2022-35 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Poland Local School District Open Enrollment Policy for the 2022-2023 School year. The Board of Education Policy Prohibits the Enrollment of students from adjacent districts or other districts unless tuition is paid in accordance with Section 3317.08 of the Revised Code. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Audiology Services – Resolution #2022-36 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the agreement with Summit Educational Service Center for one additional day of Educational Audiology Services for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Agreement with Poland Education Association – Resolution #2022-37 Mr. Warren moved and Mrs. Elia seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Tentative Agreement between the Board of Education and the Poland Education Association, ratified by the Poland Education Association on March 14, 2022, and previously presented and reviewed by the Board, effective September 1, 2022, through August 31, 2025. Motion passed 5- 0. Approval of Agreement with Village of Poland for School Security – Resolution #2022-38 Ms. Colucci moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the agreement with the Village of Poland to accept the services of a Poland Village Police Officer to provide additional in-school security services to the school district at all sites within the boundaries of the Village of Poland for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year through Fiscal 2025. Motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEM Facilities Master Plan Deadline – May, 2022 – Dr. Dinopoulos explained the goal is to come up with a facilities master plan. Grade bans were discussed. Vacant buildings were discussed. Ultimately, after discussion different grades bans and locations a few option remained for possible new building configurations. Possible facility options that were discussed will be used to determine approximate cost and a plan moving forward. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Foundation Liaison – Mr. Polis reported the teacher mini grants are still available. The Foundation banquet will be May 19, 2022 at the Embassy. Legislation Liaison – Ms. Colucci reported on the following: - SB9 – Reduction of Regulatory Restrictions by 30% by 2025 - SB11 – Regarding Juneteenth - HB583 – Temporary Short Term Substitute License - HB497 – Modification of English language arts - HB403 – Regarding reporting of teachers who retire under disciplinary investigation Student Achievement Liaison – Dr. Dinopoulos reported testing is beginning at various levels and the 3rd annual exceptional art show is April 12, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. Adjourn – Resolution #2022-39 Mr. Warren moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Treasurer President 3/21/2022