Regular Meeting Poland Board of Education held July 20, 2020 The Regular meeting of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, June 20, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. President, Mr. Riddle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, Mr. Riddle and Mr. Warren Mr. Riddle explained anyone wishing to address the Board during Public Participation to email Mark Zura at Approval of Consent Agenda Ð Resolution #2020-121 Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by Ms. Colucci to approve the following consent agenda items: Treasurer/CFO Requests of Consent: Janet Muntean 1. The Board approve the Minutes of June 22, July 14 and July 15, 2020. 2. The Board approve the Financial Report of June 2020 as submitted. 3. The Board approve the donation of $500.00 to Mary HernonÕs Classroom from Tolga & Dawn-Marie Icli. 4. The Board approve the renewal membership between Poland Local Schools and the Ohio Schools Council for the 2020-2021 school year for the purpose of carrying out cooperative programs. Cost for FY21 is $1211.40. This includes the district membership and safety program. SuperintendentÕs Requests of Consent: David Janofa 1. The Board approve the following non-teaching personnel to be placed on the approved list for the 2020-21 school year, substitute basis only, according to the wage rate for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file. Bus Driver Substitutes Lawn Crew Substitutes Richard Szmara Larry Griffis John Martin, Jr. David Smercansky Porter/Custodial Substitutes Cafeteria Substitutes Ashley Buck Ashley Buck David Smercansky Joanie Balog Mary Chaszeyka Janet Donnadio Secretarial and Monitor Substitutes Nurse Substitute Susan DePerro Teresa Rapp 2. The Board re-employ the current certified contract personnel at Holy Family for the 2020-2021 school year. ? Debra Fisher - Special Education Teacher ? Jeneane Beato - School Nurse ? Anne Marie Raymer - Speech Language Pathologist 3. The Board approve the following certified personnel for the 2020-2021 school year. ? Cynthia Smotzer - College Credit Plus (CCP) Instructor for 1 period at Poland Seminary High School (pending certification/licensure) 4. The Board accept the following supplemental resignations for the 2020-21 school year: ? Heather Ramsey - Spanish club ? Richard DiNunzio, Jr. - 7th Grade Girls Head Basketball Coach 5. The Board accept the following certified retirement/resignations for the 2020-2021 school year: ? Laura Hugenberg - 5th grade teacher - retirement date of July 1, 2020 ? Karen Divito - 2nd grade teacher - resignation effective date of August 15, 2020 ? Marcia Hammond - Reading Intervention Teacher Holy Family - retirement date of September 1, 2020 6. The Board approve the following as Porters for the 2020-2021 school year; on a one-year limited contract basis only, according to wage rate for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: ? Steven Calzo ? Charles Gales ? Vincent LaRubbio ? Macey Gessler ? Daniel Cipriano ? Mark Patsko 7. The Board approve William Amero as Consultant of Transportation Services for 5 days effective August 3, 2020 through August 7, 2020 at $175.00 per day. 8. The Board approve Richard Johnson as Grounds Manager Consultant from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 at $20.00 per hour. 9. The Board approve Sara Turner, School Psychologist, 4 extra contract days. These contract days are added and are offset by not using MCESC Personnel to conduct the preschool transition assessments. 10. The Board approve the Agreement with Alta Care Group as a Mental Health Provider/Behavioral Consultant for FY21. 11. The Board approve the Agreement with Proactive to provide Behavioral Consultation Services by a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) for identified Special Education needs for the 2020-2021 school year. 12. The Board approve the Agreement with Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities as per IEP for the 2020-2021 school year. 13. The Board approve the Agreement with Youngstown City Schools for Audiology Assessment Services for the benefit of Poland School District for the 2020-2021 school year. 14. The Board approve the Agreement with Mahoning County High School to perform services to benefit students of Poland School District for the 2020-2021 school year. 15. The Board approve the Renewal Agreement with Final Forms for district and athletic data collection compliance and safety forms for the 2020-2021 school year. 16. The Board approve the contract between Poland Local School District and MCCTC regarding Brian Jones, teacher, who will teach students through Career Based Intervention (CBI) on behalf of MCCTC for the 2020-2021 school year and shared teaching services at PSHS. 17. The Board renew the contract with WORKS International (Public School Safety Program) for the 2020-2021 school year. 18. The Board approve the application to enroll Nicole Petrarca as a tuition paying student at Poland Seminary High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Tuition is calculated by the Ohio Department of Education, ORC 3313.64. 19. The Board approve the following to be placed on the approved 2020 non-contractual seasonal/summer substitute list, substitute basis only, according to wage rate for the assignment designated according to OAPSE contract Òseasonal helpÓ. Currently school year custodial substitute. ? Mary Chaszeyka - Custodial Seasonal Substitute END OF CONSENT AGENDA Roll call, all members voted yes, consent agenda approved. Motion Passed 5-0. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ð Received via email to during virtual broadcast. * 2020 Poland Football Team Ð Letter dated 7/19/20 was read Ð Gratitude to the Board was expressed for the tough decisions which have taken place during COVID19 Pandemic. * 2020 Poland Football Team Ð Letter dated 7/18/20 was read Ð Asking for upcoming season to not be cancelled. SUPERINTENDENTÕS REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Approval of Sale of Buses Ð Resolution #2020-122 Mr. Polis moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the sale of two (2) used school buses #4 2000 Freightliner FS6 and #29 2002 Freightliner Thomas to South Range School District for $2000.00 each. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Change Order #3 with AstroTurf Corporation Ð Resolution #2020-123 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the change order #3 with AstroTurf Corporation for Concrete walk located in front of the band bleachers. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Change Order #4 with AstroTurf Corporation Ð Resolution #2020-124 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the change order #4 with AstroTurf Corporation for Over Dig in D-Zone areas. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Change Order with R.T. Vernal Paving & Excavating Ð Resolution #2020-125 Mr. Polis moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the change order with R.T. Vernal Paving & Excavating as an additional proposal to Astroturf Corporation for Preparing Existing Damaged and Thin Base Asphalt to track. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Change Order with R.T. Vernal Paving & Excavating Ð Resolution #2020-126 Ms. Colucci moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Proposal with R.T. Vernal Paving & Excavating to replace pavement area adjacent to the running track on the Southeast side of the stadium. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of ACA Engineering Ð Resolution #2020-127 Mr. Polis moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve ACA Engineering for Survey and Design for Drive and Drainage around perimeter at Poland Seminary High School. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of CJL Engineering Ð Resolution #2020-128 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve CJL Engineering for Restroom and Classroom Renovation Projects at Poland Seminary High School. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of Workmed for Physicals/Drug Testing for FY21 Ð Resolution #2020-129 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to approve Workmed as the approved facility for physicals/drug testing for the Transportation Department for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion passed 5-0. Authorize the Treasurer to Pay Stipends Ð Resolution #2020-130 Mr. Polis moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to authorize the Treasurer to pay a one-time lump sum stipend of $1200.00 to certified building administrators for work performed beyond their contracted work days for the 2019-2020 contract year. Motion passed 5-0. Approval to Amend the 2020-2021 School District Calendar Ð Resolution #2020-131 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to amend the 2020-2021 School District Calendar. Students 1st report day will now be Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Classified and certified staff start date is to be announced. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ? Dobbins Tree Removal Ð Superintendent Janofa explained the Dobbins Roof Replacement is nearing completion. The roofing company has brought to our attention that the volume of material and debris droppings from trees onto roof has caused major damage and reduced the life expectancy of the existing roof and potentially the new roof currently being constructed. There is a total of eleven (11) trees that need to be taken down. Scope of work ranges from approximately $11K to $30K. Trimming is not an option as the tree trunks are grown above the point of trimming. A tree replanting/replacement on other district property will be considered later. Authorization to Proceed with Tree Removal Ð Resolution #2020-132 Mr. Polis made a motion to authorize the treasurer to seek lowest bid/proposal and proceed with having the trees removed, Dinopoulos seconded. After further discussion, Mr. Polis motioned to table at this time and take formal action at next monthÕs Board of Education meeting, giving the public ample time to review the proposals which will be posted on the district website and receive community feedback. The motion to table was seconded by Ms. Colucci with Mr. Riddle and Mr. Warren voting yea. Motion to table the action to proceed with tree removal passed by a 4-1 vote with Dr. Dinopoulos voting nay. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ð Additional received via email to during virtual broadcast. * Eiryn McKay Ð 7489 Yellow Creek Drive, Poland Ð Concerns with reopening and social distancing requirements. * Diane Crowe Ð 210 Evergreen Drive, Poland Ð Regarding plan for some sort of orientation for kindergarten assessments/orientation. * Elinor Zedaker Ð 70 Poland Manor, Poland Ð Regarding Dobbins tree removal and the importance of the timing; waiting should not be an option. If this is put out for a public opinion, every issue will be held hostage for out to public opinion henceforth. * Jennifer Nigh Ð 7904 Kerrybrooke Trail, Poland Ð Parent of three (3) Poland students. Acknowledged the difficult task of the back to school plan. Asked if organizing a parent/community group, beyond the survey, to provide additional prospective has been considered. Also, will the plan be discussed be made available to the public. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Foundation Ð Mr. Polis reported that the Foundation Board has not formally met. Also, announced, Luke Politsky has resigned as President of Poland Schools Foundation due to other commitments. Legislation Ð Mr. Riddle reported the following: - CARES ActÕs - 2nd Round of Cares Funding Relief for K-12 schools was approved for COVID19 related expenses - SB4 Ð Provides $300 million to OFCC for K-12 schools. - ODE released updated information regarding Career Tech/English Learners and updated guidance on attendance considerations for remote learning. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - Continued * Poland Schools Reopening Plan (2020-2021) Ð Superintendent Janofa presented and reviewed the ÒDraftÓ of the Poland Schools Reopening Plan for 2020-2021 school year. The reopening plan was discussed in detail to start providing parents parameters for opening school. A reminder was again expressed to everyone how fluid this situation is, as the Governor could announce something different in a daysÕ notice. The Reopening Plan will be posted on the district website. Superintendent Janofa explained an all call will go out to all parents explaining the new start date for students as well as a new parent survey based on the circumstances and information known today. All parents were encouraged to read the Reopening Plan in its entirety prior to taking the survey. ANNOUNCEMENT The next Poland Board of Education Regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 24, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Virtually at the Poland Board of Education Administration Office. At 8:37 p.m., Mr. Polis moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present signaling aye to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal of a public employee or official. Reconvene to Regular Session and Adjourn Ð Resolution #2020-133 At 9:23 p.m., Mr. Polis moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Treasurer President 7/20/2020 7/20/2020 2660