Public Hearing of Poland Board of Education held July 20, 2020 A Public Hearing of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, July 20, 2020 at the Poland Board of Education Office to consider the re-employment of retired employees. President, Mr. Riddle called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, Mr. Riddle and Mr. Warren Mr. Riddle requested that citizens wishing to participate email Mark Zura at PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Requests to Address the Board (Citizens Participation) ? Comments on consideration of rehiring William Amero - Transportation Coordinator ? Comments on consideration of rehiring Sebastian Bruno - Bus Driver There were no comments or requests by the pubic to consider the re-employment of retired employees. Adjourn At 5:36 p.m., Mr. Polis moved and Ms. seconded with all members present voting aye to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Public Hearing Adjourned. _________________________________ _________________________________ Treasurer President 7/20/2020 7/20/2020 2653