Regular Meeting Poland Board of Education held January 13, 2020 The Regular meeting of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Poland Township Building. President, Mr. Riddle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, Mr. Riddle and Mr. Warren Approval of Meeting Minutes – Resolution #2020-27 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following meeting minutes of… Motion passed 5-0. Regular Board Meeting of December 16, 2019 Acceptance of Finance Report – Resolution #2020-28 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to accept for audit the finance report for December 2019 as submitted by the Treasurer. Motion passed 5-0. Public Comments – - Elinor Zedaker, 70 Poland Manor – Congratulated the returning and new board members. - Jim Lavorini, 2890 Lee Lynn Ct – Congratulated new board members and gave personal advice to each new member emphasizing team work and trust. - Judy Young, 6373 Tara Drive – Congratulated new board members along with entire board team and shared that declining enrollment is an issue all over and not specific to Poland. Acceptance of Donations – Resolution #2020-29 Dr. Dinopoulos moved Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to accept the following donations. Motion passed 5-0. * Donation from Poland Rotary of $200.00 to Interact Club * Donation from Lefoer Family of $50.00 to Interact Club Approval to Participate in OSBA-Legal Assistance CY2020 – Resolution #2020-30 Mr. Warren moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the resolution to participate in the Ohio School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund for calendar year of 2020 and authorizes the Treasurer to pay LAF $250.00. Motion passed 5-0. Approval to Oppose the State of Ohio Ed/Choice Scholarship Voucher – Resolution #2020-31 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following resolution opposing the State of Ohio EdChoice Scholarship (Voucher) Program. Motion passed 5-0. WHEREAS, the Ohio legislature has recently made amendments which greatly increase the number and availability of vouchers for students to attend private/parochial schools at public tax expense, and WHEREAS, such vouchers will be available to numerous families and students who have never attended POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS or any other public schools and for whom state funding has never been provided to POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS or any other public schools, and WHEREAS, POLAND’S state funding will be unjustly decreased by the amount of the vouchers provided to such families and students who have not and will not attend public schools and others who transfer to private/parochial schools, and WHERAS, private/parochial schools accepting students with public tax vouchers would not be required to accept all students but would be permitted to retain their selective admission policies without enforcement of other laws applicable to public schools, and WHEREAS, private/parochial school students are not subject to the testing standards required of public school students so that the actual performance of private/parochial schools subsidized with public tax dollars will not be known, relative to equivalent public school evaluation standards, and WHEREAS, this Board believes that the EdChoice voucher program as it currently exists presents serious constitutional issues regarding the separation of church and state and the funding of religious institutions with public tax dollars, and WHEREAS, the State of Ohio has the constitutional responsibility to secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools, and WHEREAS, the EdChoice voucher program will have exactly the opposite effect by providing funding to private/parochial schools at the expense and to the detriment of public schools and their students. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this POLAND Board of Education that this Board reaffirms its commitment to free accessible public schools which are adequately and equitably funded to guarantee a comparable education for ALL children and therefore opposes and respectfully requests the repeal of the ill-conceived EdChoice voucher program of the State of Ohio. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board opposes any funding programs, vouchers or otherwise, that have the effect of diverting public tax dollars from public schools to private/parochial schools. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to forward copies of this Resolution to all Ohio state legislators, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and Governor of the State of Ohio. Acceptance of Certified Supplemental Resignations – Resolution #2020-32 Ms. Colucci moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to accept the following certified supplemental resignation. Motion passed 5-0. Andrew Mamula – Head Middle School Football Coach Approval of Certified Supplemental Contract – Resolution #2020-33 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following supplemental contract for the following certified personnel for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion passed 5-0. Pamela Angelilli – Resident Educator Mentor Approval of Non-Certificated Substitute – Resolution #2020-34 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following non-teaching personnel be placed on the approved substitute list for the 2019-2020 school year, substitute basis only, according to wage rate for the assignment designated. Motion passed 5-0. Noah H. Lee – Substitute Porter/Custodial Student worker Approval of Classified Personnel 2019-2020 – Resolution #2020-35 Mr. Warren moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following classified personnel for the 2019-2020 school year. All required reports are on file. Motion passed 5-0. Jonathan Clark – School Bus Driver for 3.25 hours per day. Effective 1/13/2020. Approval of ACCESS Internet Service Contract – FY21 – Resolution #2020-36 Ms. Colucci moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the agreement between the Poland School District and ACCESS for Internet Access Services for Fiscal year 2021; agreement #2021-C-015. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of ACCESS Application Services Contract – FY21 – Resolution #2020-37 Mr. Polis moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the agreement between the Poland Schools and ACCESS for Application Services for Fiscal year 2021; agreement #2021-A-015. Motion passed 5-0. Informational Items - All County School Board Dinner - The All County School Board Dinner will be held Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at MCCTC Joyce Brooks Center. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. for registration. New Board Members Meeting begins at 5:00 p.m. - Board Devices – At the February work session, the Board will begin training on electronic devices for board meeting agenda correspondence and conducting board business. Adjournment – Resolution #2020-38 At 6:31 p.m. Mr. Polis moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to adjourn the regular meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Treasurer President 1/13/2020 1/13/2020 2586