Regular Meeting Poland Board of Education held October 18, 2021 The Regular meeting of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, October 18, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., in the Dobbins Board Room, 3030 Dobbins Road, Poland, Ohio 44514 President, Mr. Riddle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, Mr. Riddle, and Mr. Warren. Pledge of Allegiance COMMENDATIONS/STUDENT/STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS: * National Merit Recognition - Celebration of PSHS, Senior, Ethan McKenzie was designated a National Merit Commended Student – 2022 * Recognition of Bus Drivers - Megan Roemer – Commended our bus drivers and mechanics. PRESENTATIONS: ? Transportation Update: Megan Roemer, Transportation Coordinator - Gave a transportation update. Stressed the district is still in need of route drivers and substitutes; anyone interested, please contact Megan Roemer. Job Fair is being planned for November 3rd. Explained some of the reporting changes with the filing of the T1 report and recognized School Bus Safety Week. ? State Report Card Overview – Dr. Maria Hoffmaster presented an overview of the 2020-2021 Report Card. Reviewed trends as a result of the pandemic. Briefly discussed each component of the report card; as well as upcoming changes in the rating system in future years. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Elinor Zedaker- 70 Poland Manor – Congratulated Ethan McKenzie on National Level Achievements and thanked Megan Roemer for her communication skills regarding transportation. Commented regarding candidate night and the candidates expressing their expertise in certain educational areas. Wished all candidates the best of luck. Approval of Consent Agenda – Resolution #2021-191 Moved by Mr. Polis and seconded by Mr. Warren to approve the following consent agenda items: Treasurer/CFO Requests of Consent: Janet Muntean 1. The Board approve the Minutes of September 20, 2021 and October 11, 2021 2. The Board approve the Financial Report of September 2021 as submitted. 3. The Board accept the following donations: - PSHS Class of 1954 - $1500 Donation to PMS/McKinley Playground Project Superintendent’s Requests of Consent: Craig Hockenberry 1. The Board approve supplemental contracts to the following certified personnel for the 2021-2022 school year as per salary schedule for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: Jeff Hvizdos - Elementary Instrumental Music Jeff Penney - Elementary Vocal Music 2. The Board approve the following recommendations for the 2021-2022 Volunteer Coaching Positions. The coaches will have all required credentials on file, including BCI & FBI checks, prior to working with any Poland student Athlete. Taylor McMullin - Volunteer Varsity Boys Basketball Danny Black - Volunteer Varsity Boys Basketball 3. The Board accept the following classified resignations: Robert Ramsbottom - Sweeper Cleaner effective October 8, 2021 Rose Rothbauer - Cafeteria effective September 25, 2021 4. The Board approve Beth Bodine as a Special Education Tutor at Holy Family to be paid out of ESSER ARP IDEA Special Education funds for the 2021-2022 school year. 5. The Board approve the following non-teaching personnel be placed on the approved substitute list for the 2021-2022 school year, substitute basis only, according to wage rate for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: Rose Rothbauer - Substitute cafeteria Shaina Holt - Substitute nurse for Holy Family 6. The Board approve the updated 2021-2022 substitute wage document as Substitute Nurses Wage was not previously approved. 7. The Board acknowledge the following certified FMLA’s according to PEA Contract Article 4.91. - Anne Marian – Tentatively, October 20, 2021 - November 19, 2021 - Beth Queen, Tentatively, October 11, 2021 - November 30, 2021 8. The Board approve the following classified personnel for the 2021-2022 school year. Daniel Shipley - Bus Driver, effective October 18, 2021 END OF CONSENT AGENDA Roll call, all members voted yes, consent agenda approved. Motion Passed 5-0. TREASURER’S REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Approval to Transfer Funds to Speech and Debate – Resolution #2021-192 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to authorize the Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $5000.00 for the 2021-2022 Speech and Debate Team to cover registration expenses and membership fees for Poland High School Speech and Debate Team members, cost incurred for transportation expenses for overnight travel, national tournament expenses, and research and completion materials. Motion passed 5-0. Approval to Transfer Funds to Robotics – Resolution #2021-193 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to authorize the Treasurer to transfer funds in the amount of $1000.00 for the 2021-2022 Robotics Team to cover registration expenses for Poland High School Robotics Team members, cost incurred for transportation expenses for overnight travel, national tournament expenses, and research and completion materials. Motion passed 5-0. Approval of American Fidelity for District Section 125 Compliance – Resolution #2021-194 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present voting aye to approve American Fidelity Assurance to provide a section 125 Flexible Fringe Benefits Plan for the employees of Poland Local School District beginning September 1, 2021 and ending on August 31, 2022. Motion passed 5-0. SUPERINTENDENT’S REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Renewal of Chamber Membership – Resolution #2021-195 Ms. Colucci moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to acknowledge the renewal of the Districts Youngstown-Warren Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership at the Corporate Membership Price of $1,230.00. Motion passed 5-0. BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Authorizing Superintendent to Determine Impractical Student Transportation – Resolution #2021-196 Mr. Polis moved and Dr. Dinopoulos seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following resolution authorizing the Superintendent to make determinations that student transportation is impractical. Motion passed 5-0. WHEREAS, the Poland Board of Education (the “Board”) is empowered by the Ohio Revised Code to declare student transportation impractical; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of efficient and good management of the schools and pursuant to R.C. 3327.01, the Board wishes to assign to the Superintendent the ability to make determinations that student transportation is impractical, which will be formalized by the Board at a meeting following such determinations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS, as follows: Section 1 After considering individual data relevant to each particular situation and analyzing the factors outlined in R.C. 3327.02, the Superintendent is authorized to determine that transporting a student(s) is/are impractical. Such determinations shall be subject to formalization at the next following meeting of the Board. Section 2 IT IS FOUND AND DETERMINED that all formal actions of this Board concerning or related to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and all deliberations of this Board and any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were adopted in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Ohio Revised Code. Approval of Policies – Resolution #2021-197 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Poland Board of Education Policies, listed below, as presented for second and final reading. The policy updates were completed using the services of NEOLA and will be available online. Motion passed 5-0. ? po #0169.1 - Public Participation at Bd. Meetings Revised ? po# 1530 - Evaluation of Principals and Other Administrators Revised ? po#1617/3217/4217 - Weapons Revised ? po#2271 - College Credit Plus Program Revised ? po#2370.01 - Blended Learning New ? po#2413 - Career Advising No changes ? po#5111 - Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students ? po#5111.02 - Educational Opportunity for Military Children Revised ? po#5200 - Attendance Revised ? po#5350 - Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Revised ? po#5460.01 - Diploma Deferral Revised ? po#5464 - Early High School Graduation Revised ? po#5516-Student Hazing Revised ? po#5630.01 - Positive Behavior Intervention Revised ? po#6114 - Cost Principles -Spending Federal Funds Revised ? po#7300- Disposition of Real Property/Personal Property Revised ? po#7450 - Property Inventory Revised ? po#8330 - Student Records Revised ? po#8462 - Student Abuse and Neglect Revised ? po#8600 - Transportation Revised ? po#8651 – Non routine Use of School Buses Revised ? po#8740 - Bonding Revised REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Foundation Liaison – Mr. Polis reported only 48 hours left to purchase raffle tickets which the proceeds go toward student scholarships. Teacher mini grant deadlines are approaching. Trustees will be at the upcoming Holiday Shoppe and will be selling ornaments. The next banquet is scheduled for February 24, 2022. Legislation Liaison – Mr. Riddle reported on the following: -HB290 – Backpack Program – Universal voucher program. Student Achievement Liaison – Dr. Dinopoulos reported on the following: -Congratulations Ethan McKenzie – National Merit -Art work – Mrs. DiMuzio, 5th/6th grade classes – Artwork was on display. At 6:58 p.m., Ms. Colucci moved and Mr. Polis seconded with all members present signaling aye to enter into executive session to prepare for, conduct, or review a collective bargaining strategy and to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official. Reconvene and Adjournment – Resolution #2021-198 At 8:37 p.m., Mr. Polis moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to reconvene regular session and adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Treasurer President 10/18/2021 10/18/2021 2844