Regular Meeting Poland Board of Education held September 20, 2021 The Regular meeting of the Poland Board of Education was held on Monday, September 20, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., in the Dobbins Board Room, 3030 Dobbins Road, Poland, Ohio 44514 President, Mr. Riddle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present for roll call and answering their names were Ms. Colucci, Dr. Dinopoulos, Mr. Polis, Mr. Riddle, and Mr. Warren. Pledge of Allegiance COMMENDATIONS/STUDENT/STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS: ● Celebration of Custodians - Matt McKenzie, Director of Operations PRESENTATION: ● Transportation Update: Megan Roemer, Transportation Coordinator ● Food Service Update: Danielle Davis, Food Service Coordinator PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Elinor Zedaker- 70 Poland Manor – Personally thanked custodial, food service and transportation staff on what they do for the Poland Schools. Encouraged the Board to give updates on Charter School Funding issues. - Michael Hostal – 3575 Peddlers Court – 7th grade student expressed concerns about students having to wear masks. Approval of Consent Agenda – Resolution #2021-186 Moved by Mr. Polis and seconded by Ms. Colucci to approve the following consent agenda items: Treasurer/CFO Requests of Consent: Janet Muntean 1. The Board approve the Minutes of August 23, 2021 Regular Meeting and Board Work Session on September 13, 2021. 2. The Board approve the Financial Report of August 2021 as submitted. 3. The Board approve the Permanent Appropriations for FY22 as presented by the Treasurer and authorize the Treasurer to submit a certificate of estimated resources to the Mahoning County Budget Commission for approval. 4. The Board accept the following donations: ● Donation to Italian Club - $30.00 - Izzo Properties - David Izzo Superintendent’s Requests of Consent: Craig Hockenberry 1. The Board accept the following certified supplemental resignations: Chris Martin - Interact Club 2. The Board approve the supplemental pupil activity contract to the following non-teaching personnel for the 2021-2022 school year as per salary schedule for the assignment designated pursuant to O.R.C. 3313.53; all required reports are on file. Zachary Capan - Freshman Boys Basketball Coach Michael Masucci - 8th grade Boys Basketball Coach Lucas Nord - 7th grade Boys Basketball Coach 3. The Board approve supplemental contracts to the following certified personnel for the 2021-2022 school year as per salary schedule for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: Haley Shaffer - Mentor of 1st and 2nd yr. resident educator Julianna Wellington - Mentor of 1st and 2nd yr. resident educator Ann Marie Hurdley -PSHS English Festival (split 3 ways) Theresa Smith - PSHS English Festival Madison Kasten - PSHS English Festival Lori Moncilovich - 7th & 8th Grade English Festival 4. The Board approve the following recommendations for the 2021-2022 Volunteer Coaching Positions. The coaches will have all required credentials on file, including BCI & FBI checks, prior to working with any Poland student Athlete. Emily Ethridge - Cross Country Taylor McMullin - Boys Basketball Emily Gerak - Poland Players 5. The Board approve the following non-teaching personnel be placed on the approved substitute list for the 2021-2022 school year, substitute basis only, according to wage rate for the assignment designated; all required reports are on file: Diane Dailey - Sub Monitor, Food Service, Secretarial (effective 9/1/21) Kim Blankenship - Sub Bus Driver (effective 9/1/21) Robin Brothers - Sub Bus Driver (effective 9/1/21) 6. The Board approve the following classified employees for the 2021-2022 school year. All required reports are on file. Eric Rogers - Bus Driver 7. The Board approve the following CBI Student Employees as per schedule for the 2021- 2022 school year. Bryan Ferguson- PSHS- $4.00 Amilia Marcoe- PSHS- $5.00 Charles Marcoe- PSHS- $4.00 Christian Moyer- PSHS- $4.00 Jonathan Steed- PSHS- $5.00 Caden McAllister- PMS- $5.00 Richard Yaist- PSHS- $4.00 Waylon Norris- PSHS $5.00 8. The Board approve the following certified employee as a Home Instruction Tutor for the 2021-2022 school year. Mary Hernon - effective 9/1/2021 Maggie Schuster Lindsey Ignazio 9. The Board acknowledge that Nicole Petrarca is enrolled as a tuition paying student, at Poland Seminary High School as a 11th grader for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition is calculated by the Ohio Department of Education, ORC 3313.64. 10. The Board acknowledge that Beth Queen requested an FMLA as of August 19, 2021 according to PEA Contract Articles 4.91. 11. The Board accept the classified resignation of Richard Szmara - Bus Driver (effective 9/24/21). 12. The Board approve the updated 2021-2022 substitute wages effective October 4, 2021. 13. The Board accept the purpose-policy statements for district and student activity funds for the 2021-2022 school year as submitted. END OF CONSENT AGENDA Roll call, all members voted yes, consent agenda approved. Motion Passed 5-0. SUPERINTENDENT’S REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS - Not included in Consent Agenda: Approval of Certified Personnel – Resolution #2021-187 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Ms. Colucci seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the following certified contract personnel on a limited contract for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion passed 5-0. Chloe Malvasia - Intervention Specialist (effective 9/20/21) Approval of Poland Local Rental Fees – Resolution #2021-188 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Poland Local Board of Education School Facilities Rental Fees. Motion passed 5-0. BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUESTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Approval of Separation Agreement – Resolution #2021-189 Dr. Dinopoulos moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to approve the Separation Agreement and Release of All Claims executed by Mr. Scott Suchora, the Poland Education Association and the Poland Local School District Board of Education as previously presented and reviewed by the Board. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS ● Real Estate Forum - October 28, 2021 – Planning a Real Estate Forum to meet with local real estate agents and to give potential home buyers the opportunity to visit the Poland Schools. ● Job Fair - Tentative in November – Job Fair planned to host a job fair and highlight the positions the district is in need of filling. ● Candidate Forum – September 30th at 8:00 p.m. in the Board Room. ● Special Needs Advisory Group is being formed. ● Faith Advisory Group has been formed. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Foundation Liaison – Mr. Polis reported a raffle is currently taking place, tickets are $20.00 each, please see a foundation member for a ticket. Holiday Shoppe is being planned for November 6, 2021 from 9-4. Legislation Liaison – Mr. Riddle reported on the following: -HB126 – Property Valuation Challenge/Change -HB140 – Regarding ballot language -HB123 – Community reinvestment areas Student Achievement Liaison – Dr. Dinopoulos – No report. Adjournment – Resolution #2021-190 Mr. Polis moved and Mr. Warren seconded with all members present voting aye to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned. _______________________________ ___________________________________ Treasurer President 9/20/2021