TOWN OF WEST HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 5:00 P.M., Monday October 26, 2020 West Hartford Virtual Meeting Regular Meeting: Present: Full Commissioners: C. Cormier, P. Howard, M. Lewis, and M. Margolis. Alternate Commissioners: D. Cohen and J. Harris. Chair Commissioner M. Margolis called the meeting to order at 5:01 P.M. 1. New Business- a. John McILhoney, owner of 1637 Boulevard, came before the West Hartford Historic District Commission (WHHDC) to present his Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to replace the front steps that approach the house. The existing concrete steps are deteriorated and are to be replaced with wood: mahogany treads with painted pine risers. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. b. Charles Lucas, owner of 1590 Boulevard, submitted a COA for a 6 month extension for his previoulsy submitted and approved COAs at the WHHDC August 2019 Regular Meeting. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. 2. Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the West Hartford Historic District Commission Virtual Regular Meeting Minutes for September 28th 2020 "as is" was made and seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes. 3. Commissioners' Concerns and Comments- None Motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. All voted in favor, no objections, or abstentions. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mitch Lewis