TOWN OF WEST HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 5:00 P.M., Monday September 28, 2020 West Hartford Virtual Meeting Regular Meeting: Present: Full Commissioners: C. Cormier, M. Lewis, M. Margolis and A. Tarutin. Alternate Commissioners: D. Cohen. Chair Commissioner M. Margolis called the meeting to order at 5:03 P.M. 1. New Business- a. Gregory and Elise Konover, owners of 25 West Hill Drive, came before the West Hartford Historic District Commission (WHHDC) to present their Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to replace a number of their original wooden windows. The proposed replacement windows are wooden with Fibrex exterior which is a sawdust/polymer composite and of which ten existing windows on the house have already been replaced awhile ago. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC split the vote, 3-2, to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. b. Susan Bernstein, owner of 1617 Boulevard, came before the (WHHDC) to present her (COA) to install a propane tank to heat her pool and which is not visible from the streetscape. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. c. Robert and Mari-Beth Perron, owners of 1585 Boulevard, came before the (WHHDC) to present their (COA) to demolish and construct anew an identical shed/single car garage of wood with hip roof with wooden swing doors which was recently damaged by tree fall. The proposal is to construct the shed anew of wood and to reuse and repair the original wooden swing doors with working glass windows. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC split the vote, 4-1, to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. d. Melanie Cannon, owner of 1565 Boulevard, submitted a COA to the (WHHDC) for a replacement walkway in the same footprint, replacing the current deteriorated concrete with brick in a tasteful herringbone design. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. e. Leon Ho and Sarah Nguyen, owners of 1631 Boulevard, came before the (WHHDC) to present their (COA) to replace the existing deteriorated single car garage swing doors of wood with glass windows with a replacement of wood with glass windows but which can be raised with a garage door opener. Chair Margolis motioned to accept the COA and the motion was seconded. The WHHDC split the vote, 4-1, to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. 2. Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the West Hartford Historic District Commission Virtual Regular Meeting Minutes for August 24th 2020 "as is" was made and seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes. 3. Commissioners' Concerns and Comments- Commissioner Cohen mentioned that a quick Google search produced a host of reasonably priced single car garage swing doors of wood with glass windows. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. All voted in favor, no objections, or abstentions. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mitch Lewis