TOWN OF WEST HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 5:00 P.M., Monday June 22, 2020 West Hartford Virtual Meeting Regular Meeting: Present: Full Commissioners: M. Lewis, M. Margolis and A. Tarutin. Alternate Commissioners: D. Cohen, K. Fransson, and P. Howard. Other Attendees: Yeraida Reinheimer Executive Assistant to the Town Manager, Gina Varano Deputy Corporation Counsel Chair Commissioner M. Margolis called the meeting to order at 5:01 P.M. 1. New Business- a. Andrei Tarutin, owner of 1597 Boulevard, recused himself to present to the the West Hartford Historic District Commission (WHHDC) his request for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for a new addition to the rear in keeping with the style and materials of the rest of the house. The plan is to add a 16 x 16 ft mudroom to the rear of the house approached by 4 steps and with a crawlspace. The addition will mimic the exisitng roofline, gables, cedar clapboards, wooden or clad windows (Westfacing- same divided all wood and Eastfacing transom light also of wood. Architectural style roofing shingles will be used to match the house. The proposed new rear double doors, which are not visible from the streetscape, will likely be clad to stand up to the harsh Southfacing sun. There were no public comments. Chair Margolis motioned to vote on the COA and Commissioner Howard seconded the motion. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. b. Michael Posner, owner of 60 West Hill Drive, came before the WHHDC to discuss his COA to replace the deteriorated sunroom windows of wood with aluminum cladded windows to better resist the Southfacing sun wear. These windows are just partially visible from the streetscape. There were no public comments. Chair Margolis motioned to vote on the COA and Commissioner Howard seconded the motion. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. c. Michael Margolis, owner of 11 Flagg Road, recused himself to discuss his COA to install a 60ft new wooden fence to the east of his property to match the existing wooden fence at the front of the property. The fence will be of cedar. There were no public comments. Vice Chair Cohen motioned to vote on the COA and Commissioner Fransson seconded the motion. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the COA and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. d. Sunnstone Construction Services, contractors for 26 Selldan Street, submitted a Waiver of Delay of Demolition (WDOD) to the WHHDC to waive the 90 day demolition for the 1928 (50+ year old and 500+ sq ft building) to support their development plans. Chair Margolis approached Jenny Scoffield of the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office to inquire as to the historic significance, if any, of the property. There was none found. There were no public comments. Chair Margolis motioned to vote on the WDOD and Commissioner Tarutin seconded the motion. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the WDOD and Chair Margolis will inform the Building Department at the next earliest convenience. 2. Meeting Minutes- Motion to approve the West Hartford Historic District Commission Virtual Regular Meeting Minutes for May 18th, 2020 was made and seconded. The WHHDC voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes. 3. Commissioners' Concerns- Commissioner Tarutin informed the WHHDC that a neighboring Boulevard property is under new ownership, and much tree work in the yard has been completed and that it now appears that work to the house proper is to begin shortly. Chair Margolis will alert the Building Department to be ready. Motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded. All voted in favor, no objections, or abstentions. The meeting adjourned at 5:39 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mitch Lewis