Topic | Presenter |
1. Welcome | Becky |
Becky welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the PTO board members. |
2. Guest Speaker | Mr Lyrek, Mrs Jensen |
- Mr Lyrek presented information about students’ daily schedules and curriculum.
- Arrival is at 9:15, and classes get started at 9:30. Emphasized the importance of students arriving on time. Breakfast is available to all students in the cafeteria (it can be taken to classrooms). There is no snack time this year, so having students eat breakfast and lunch is important
- Classes cover different subjects/content throughout the day including science, social studies, math, word study, and literacy.
- Lunch is with the classroom teacher, recess is supervised by others in the building
- Dismissal–students whose name is on the classroom screen at 3:40 can leave at that time (based on parents already checked-in in the pick-up line). Walkers also leave at that time. Students leaving on busses and all others for parent pick up leave the classrooms at 3:45.
- There are four new curriculum areas this year: science (amplify), math (i-Ready), word study (functional phonics / functional morphology), and literacy (EL Open Up).
- Another new element is called WIN - “what I need.” Where students will get to work in a smaller group. This program will focus on literacy this year.
- Assessments - lots of them going on this year. Fastbridge is used for assessments and has interventions that are pre-populated for each level.
- New schoolwide norms have been established this year: PBIS - positive behavioral interventions & supports. Students focus on being safe, being responsible, and being empathetic. Bulldog Strong still exists, but the whole district will be moving to PBIS in future years.
- Each grade has an author that they study during the year.
- Tami noted that they do have new standards in math and literacy that have been passed by the legislature. The curriculum changes this year are in support of those requirements. Social studies will be coming in 2 years.
- They may bring curriculum nights back in the future to share more with parents.
- Workbooks have introductory materials that can be sent home to help parents understand what’s included in each unit. Parents can email the teacher if they haven’t received them and are interested in getting them.
- Mr Lyrek will share the slides he went over during the meeting.
3. PTO Overview | Becky |
- Shared an overview/graphic of where the Westview PTO funding goes - asked if anyone had questions. No one had questions.
- Shared PTO year at a glance calendar to give a rough idea of what goes on with the PTO over the course of the school year. October, November, February, May are the busy months. No events in December. The conference months have similar activities (welcome table, book fair, potluck, etc). Items in orange text are fundraising activities, blue items are PTO meetings, but there are many activities that are neither one of those.
Events & Activities Updates | Becky |
- Garage Sale - event was held during assessments the week before school started, this is the 3rd year it’s been done. People donate items and then families can shop the donated items (pay what you want system). The sale made close to $1000 this year. Leftovers are donated to various places (e.g. Prince of Peace church takes seasonal clothing, Facebook free sites, Book Buggy, Minneapolis Toy Library, etc.) (Rebecca)
- Assessment Days - Becky staffed the welcome table and had the opportunity to meet lots of families. PTO Today gave us over 1,000 mac and cheese bowls (take some of the leftovers with you today!) which were fun to give out. Also did a water bottle fundraiser with Westview themed water bottles from our spirit wear company. Had 12 of these and sold out the first day (raised $5/per water bottle) (Becky)
- Chalk the Walk - There was a last minute invite to anyone who wanted to come and decorate the sidewalks with welcome to school messages. Had a good turnout, covered all the doors (bus doors, SAC door, etc.). It was a great way to start the school year and make some connections with new families (Michelle)
- Teacher Appreciation - did rootbeer floats on the first day of school. Will be doing a caramel apple bar next week. (Michelle)
Upcoming |
- PIM Paper Drive - Event where you can go and fill your car with paper that large companies are getting rid of. You can take as much as you can fit in your vehicle. Last year we got paper for art, crats, etc. This year it will be on Saturday, October 5th–doors open at 9, but you have to be there around 7 to get a spot in line. We will be asking for volunteers for this (Becky, Ms Jensen)
- Teacher Appreciation - The PTO does something once a month for teachers and would love ideas and help. There’s up to $75/month that’s reimbursable to support the teacher appreciation activities. Separately, we also do meals during conferences. Planning to stock the teacher’s lounge fridge throughout the year–each grade level weill take a month (may collect during playground meetup noted below). (Michelle)
- Question was asked about if teacher favorite lists are available. Lisa does have one in the office but it may need some updates.
- Grade-level Playground Meet-ups - Talked about hosting nights for each grade to come and play on the playground and get families connected. Keeping it very informal, but plan to have at least one PTO member there for each meet-up. Talked about having people dress in different colors based on classroom (have the parents wear) to make it easier to find parents with students in the same class. We will start the meet-ups with Kindergarten. Will also consider doing colored nametags. Tami will think about ways for SPED parents to connect too since there was interest in this. (Michelle/Becky)
- Panera Bread - On Monday nights during the school year, we need one parent volunteer to go to Panera at close (8:45pm) and pick up whatever didn't sell during the day and drop it off with the night custodian. The items get packaged up and are available for any student to grab on Tuesday. We have volunteers for October and February, but are looking for volunteers for the other months. Will send a signup genius for volunteers for this. (Jen V)
- Art Adventure – this is usually in March but not sure of timing yet for this year. This is a program through Minneapolis Institute of Art where parent volunteers go into classrooms to talk to students about art from MIA. There’s usually a theme each year. MIA provides training and a kit (including large pictures of the artwork to bring into the classroom, an instruction guide, links to the website where you can access 3D versions, etc.). The time in the classroom is usually about 20 minutes per class and the kids love it. The volunteers don’t have to do much instruction because the kids love talking about it and asking questions. Monica noted that it sounds intimidating, but is actually very easy, the kids observe and talk a lot. We will be asking for volunteers fairly early because there's some virtual training. There’s also an opportunity for the volunteers to go and see art in person. Monica is looking for someone to shadow her as coordinator this year as she won’t be able to do it next year. Chrissy volunteered to help with it this year. (Monica)
- Dine and Donate - PTO partners with local restaurants for an evening where a percentage of proceeds go to the school. Famous Dave’s is coming up next week and Red Robin will be in October. (Michelle)
Budget | Maggie |
- A Pie chart was shared to illustrate where PTO funds are allocated based on this year's budget. Acurrent balance sheet and profit & loss statement were also shared. Maggie noted that the fiscal year started in July, so there has been minimal activity so far. Another handout showed a comparison between last year's budget and this year's budget. The only item that changed since the budget was reviewed with the group at the end of last year was a $50 decrease in book fair expenses.
- Tami highlighted the main areas that the PTO consistently provides funding for. The large school support line item comes directly to the school (Tami has fiscal responsibility for the school). The needs that this funding covers varies from year to year but in the past has covered technology needs, sensory tools in classrooms, etc. The majority of the school’s overall budget is used for staffing in order to keep class sizes down. With that being the focus of the school’s budget, PTO money has gone to fund our art teacher (the district budget does not provide full funding for for 4 full time specialists)--so that’s one big thing this money goes to. The shool support from the PTO helps to fill any holes and the holes change from year to year.
- A question was asked on how Westview stacks up to other schools. Tami noted that we are a smaller school (approximately 500 kids) in the district and that other bigger schools might raise more in fundraising. She also noted that many district schools have moved away from hiring a fundraising company to manage their main fundraiser.
- Jen motioned to approve the budget, Monica seconded. All were in favor, budget approval passed.
Other Business | Becky |
- Becky shared a sheet with open positions for the year. Those marked in red need a volunteer.
- If you signed up to help in one of the areas during assessments, Becky will be reaching out.
- She encouraged people to reach out via email if there’s anything you’re interested in.
- Discussed the giving tree (gathering wishes from teachers, writing the wishes on “leaves”, and parents can take a leaf during conferences to fulfill the wishes for classroms.
- Bulletin board needs a volunteer (potentially may just fill with pictures ).
- Spring carnival–We have some key committee leads (raffle, etc.), but need one overall person to lead the whole thing. The PTO will be there to support, but a main leader is needed
- Roles to discuss in the spring: Scholarship, 5th grade celebration, music/author day
- Meeting technology–Becky noted that we’d love to have a translation screen for meetings and are looking for someone who knows how to do that. Varun volunteered for this.
- We are also looking for people to shadow this year for spirit wear and art adventure as the leads will be phasing out after this school year. e
- Officer roles–These will need to turn over after this year as there are term limits and all of us have been in our roles for 2 years. If anyone is interested in shadowing for a role this year, let us know!
Principal Updates | Tami |
- Tami introduced herself–It’ her 14th year at Westview and her 38th year with the district.
- Theme for the year is “we are anchored in our values as we sail toward success” and is all about having a compass and navigating rough waters of a lot of change. Many of the teachers and staff(wear motivational shirts on Mondays that align with this.
- Tami is happy to talk to parents at any time except when kids are coming in for the day in the morning (so get in touch with yer any time after 9:30).
- The school has about 500 students this year and also has a preschool programs. There are 40 licensed teachers working with the students in different ways across the school. This year we have a behavior support specialist (funded under Title 1 money) to build students capacity to regulate themselves. There is also still a literacy interventionist in the school.
- Her recommendation is to read to your kids, but don't worry about doing extra homework (we’re all learning!).
- There is a district Board meeting tonight talking about boundary changes. There will be a new elementary built on the east side of the district. Nothing much will change for Westview given our current location/boundaries.
- Communication comes from the school in various was including the Bulldog Bulletin, school calendar, and the overview of student Rights and Responsibilities resource (these are available on the school website).
- Tami also mentioned Teachers on Call (where the school goes when substitutes are needed). The school si always looking for people to come and sub or be involved. There are also cervical and paraprofessional staff needed from 3-7 hours a day. There’s information on these opportunities on the school’s website, in the office, or just talk directly to Tami.
Closing | Becky |
- Becky thanked everyone for coming and adjourned the meeting.