JUNE 5, 2018

The Regular Meeting of the Brockton School Committee was held this evening in the George M. Romm Little Theatre at Brockton High School, at seven o'clock. These minutes contain a summary of the meeting and list items that were under discussion.

Present: Mayor Carpenter, Chair; Mr. D'Agostino, Mr. Gormley, Ms. Plant, Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Sullivan, Superintendent Smith

Also Present: Executive Team

Absent: Mr. Minichiello, Ms. Asack

Mayor Carpenter called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Little Theatre, then announced that school committee would move to the auditorium for a salute to the flag and to conduct the Student Recognition Ceremony portion of the agenda; business would resume in the Little Theatre after the ceremony.

School Committee resumed in the Little Theatre at 8:10 p.m.

Hearing of Visitors

Mayor Carpenter called on visitors Kirstin Lakin, Hannah Lakin, Laura McGee, Marcia Malley and Frances Jeffries to address the committee. Each spoke in support of the Project Grads program.

Mayor Carpenter explained the purpose of the consent agenda and asked members to remove any items they would like to discuss further; there were no requests.

Ms. Sullivan moved to accept the Consent Agenda in its entirety; Mr. D’Agostino seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Smith began her report by congratulating this year’s student representative Shama Erase on her graduation. On behalf of the school committee, she thanked Shama for approaching her time on the school committee with enthusiasm and dedication and wished her well as she goes on to Howard University.

Shama’s final report included highlights from the graduation, senior prom, and senior awards.

The Superintendent reported that she visited the Davis School today, security updates to the school include a parent drop-off window that lowers the amount of traffic coming into the building and allow parents to do quick drop off without entering the building and magnetic strips in the doors that allow a quick and easy way to lock doors without using a key. She was also able to see the school’s vegetable garden; she said she would like to have Principal Campbell present at a school committee meeting in October.

A calendar of Dual Immersion Activities was distributed to members, the Superintendent said the bilingual department has been very busy doing outreach, events, meetings and orientations as the district prepares for the opening of the Amitie French Immersion program at the George School and the relocation of the Unidos Portuguese Dual-language program also at the George School.

Also handed out to members this evening was the 2018 Brockton Public Schools State of the Schools – this will be presented to City Council at the school department’s budget hearing on Wednesday, June 6th.

Kudos and Announcements

2018-2019 Supplemental Calendar

The Superintendent called the committee’s attention to Enclosure 15, the draft supplemental calendar of in-service dates; she asked the committee to review in preparation for the June 19th meeting at which time it will be on the agenda for approval.

Items to Refer to Subcommittee

The Superintendent said she is looking to schedule another finance meeting and will have her office poll members for availability.

Unfinished Business

FY19 Budget Discussion/May 29, 2018 Finance Subcommittee Meeting Report

Mayor Carpenter announced that he would like to postpone this discussion to the next meeting in deference to the finance subcommittee chair, Mr. Minichiello, who is not here this evening; there were no objections.

Seeing no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen A. Smith, JD

Superintendent/ Secretary


Handouts: Dual Language Activities; 2018 State of the Schools